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Power Tube Question - Tone/elec. Wizards Please Help

El Dangerouso

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I know that, at least when an amp is cranked or the power section is being hit with a strong signal, EL34 will sound different from 6L6, etc. Here is my question: how much does branding in the tubes really play into the equation?

I hear/see clowns talking or on boards and they say, "Oh, the tubes in the amp were BS, I changed them to RCA blackplates (insert any brand in where I put the RCA) and the amp is the bomb!" or something like, "Brother, don't buy anything but Mullard, they'll make your s**t crank."

Okay, I am prepared to accept that some tubes might be poorly manufactured and, therefore, have less preformance, but I am not prepared to part with any money until I have a scientific/technical explaination that shows me that paying a premium for a particular brand will make an audible difference or, at least, a length of life difference. I figure, armed with a little true technical knowledge, I can make a smart buying decision via e-bay etc. or save myself some cash.

psw, lovekraft, gorecki, other hidden geniuses?

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but I am not prepared to part with any money until I have a scientific/technical explaination that shows me that paying a premium for a particular brand will make an audible difference or, at least, a length of life difference. I figure, armed with a little true technical knowledge, I can make a smart buying decision via e-bay etc. or save myself some cash.

I use a lot of different tubes, mostly NOS as you describe, but not always. I have 2 very large boxes full of great old NOS tubes for my different amps, but that's my choice, I'm not trying to twist anybody's arm to go buy them.

And if you play nothing but metal or some other heavily saturated type of music/ Mesa type amp, you probably will never hear the difference anyway, there's far too much saturation going on in those amps to really discriminate between one type and another (not always tho)

However, I also agree that a lot of people go way overboard with their love of all things NOS tubes, but what the hell, everyone's got a hobby, right? :D

What I'm saying is this:

There IS a distinct difference most of the time

YOU may not be able to hear it, not everyone can

SOME people really exaggerate the differences when it isn't always that apparent

Nobody is trying to force you to buy any, so what's the big deal about already? :D

...Or you can just go ask Mike at KCA Tubes...

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...Or you can just go ask Mike at KCA Tubes...

+1 excellent advice.

IMO - NOS tubes generally sound better and are of much higher quality than most of the new production available, although some of the new stuff is improving. A lot of guys at the metroamp forum like the JJ EL34 for their Marshalls/clones.

I have 3 sets of EL84s - Sovtek, Watford "Harma STR" (NOS Ei, I suspect), and NOS Tesla. They all sound different to me when the amp is cranked (the Teslas are my favorite). At lower power amp settings the differences aren't as apparent.

KCA is an excellent choice. I told Mike I wanted some slightly warmer sounding EL84s with a later breakup, and he turned me on to the Teslas. :D

You never know exactly what you're getting on eBay. Hit and miss. :D

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#1 Thanks fellas for the the replies. I appreciate the fact that you would take the time :D

#2 I'm not trying to run down NOS or any brand. I wouldn't describe myself as a "tone geek" really, certainly not o the EJ scale, but I can pretty well hear the difference between power tubes in my above described scenarios. What I'm getting is that you will be able to hear a difference between brands in the above scenarios assuming your ears are good enough, and you're not exclusively running some metal chugga-chugga setup.

#3 Which brand you like probably depends on the variables in the rest of the amp, and personal taste. Like all other things "tone" it's very subjective, and your opinion will almost invariably vary from the person next to you!

#4 I think I'll give some a shot. I'll talk to Mike at KCA. Can't hurt, and there's still a market for them on ebay if they're not to my particular tone taste.

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I'll tell you my system, FWIW.

I buy most (not all) my power tube matched pairs from Mike. It can be disputed, but it's nice to have matched sets from a quality outfit like Mike runs, you're guarateed the goods are good. There are a few top notch resellers on the WeberVST boards as well, I trust most of the guys who hang on that amp board and advertise there in the Buy-N-Sell section.

Pre-amp tubes, completely different matter. I buy most (almost all) my preamp tubes as used (UOS) off of eBay.

Preamp tubes can last 20-30 years sometimes, and I can get them WAY cheaper, and thus it's way more fun to experiment with them when you're getting them fairly cheap. Might run into some duds or throwaways like that, but overall, I like my system and it works well for me, and it's pretty fun that way.

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I made a small valve amp kit last year and it came with new, branded tubes. Eh's and Sovteks if i remeber correctly. Anyway, i decided to swap some of the valves for some old Mullard and Brimar's i happened to have lying around......

..... The change in tone was amazing. Once you have tried tube swapping you will realise the difference it can make. Then you will spend all your money on as many different sets as possible to find the ebst for you

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I noticed the same changing the tubes in my Champ. I was really blown away by how much fuller an NOS 6V6 made that little amp sound... One day I will try some out in my real amps when I'm feeling rich.

dont knock it, a champs about as real as it gets!!

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