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Step-up Amp


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So some friends and I are planning a band. All fine and dandy, but theres a catch - I'm still running through my first amp, a little 15w Behringer. This means I need to step it up or go home! What I'm asking for is some advice on an inexpensive amp to step up to from my little practice amp. I'll be playing a nice mix of heavy and light distortion, as well as clean ska-ish stuff.

What would also help is some personal experience - what was YOUR step up amp, when you finally got away from using a little low-powered practice amp of questionable quality?

BTW, I know its a tall order, but I'm also looking for somewhere between $300-$400 as far as price goes.


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So some friends and I are planning a band. All fine and dandy, but theres a catch - I'm still running through my first amp, a little 15w Behringer. This means I need to step it up or go home! What I'm asking for is some advice on an inexpensive amp to step up to from my little practice amp. I'll be playing a nice mix of heavy and light distortion, as well as clean ska-ish stuff.

What would also help is some personal experience - what was YOUR step up amp, when you finally got away from using a little low-powered practice amp of questionable quality?

BTW, I know its a tall order, but I'm also looking for somewhere between $300-$400 as far as price goes.


My dad waws a guitarist so my first amp was a sweet old supro that had this super warm tone. But when I "stepped up" to an amp of my own, my first wqas peavey chrous classic 212. I loved that amp, and as amtter of fact it was my backup amp until earlier this year when I retired it and gave it to my dad. However, If I were in your situation now, I would get line6 maybe like a spider 2.

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My first real amp was a Music Man HD130 combo.

I used it back in the day with the garage band, playing Rush, Scorpions, UFO, MSG, plus some obligatory early 80's pop for school dances. :D It's pretty versatile, nothing like a Fender Twin. Crank up the gain and the master for some good crunch, and back off the guitar volume to clean it up. It has a 1/2 power switch on the back. I replaced the original speakers with Celestion G12-65s.

Anyway, food for thought if you want to go a bit old-school. :D

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I second the Musicman amp. I own a 210 Sixtyfive and I'm surprised that they are still relatively affordable. When Leo Fender sold his company to CBS Corp. in 1964 there was a clause in the sale agreement that he was not allowed to actively "compete" with CBS owned Fender Corp. for a period of 10 years. In 1974 he took an active part in the company he and 2 others formed, Musicman. He also took an active part in the design and production of Musicman amps (pre-Ernie ball).

I've found the average price for my amp is still only around $400 and compared to a $1000 Fender Reverb?, the only difference is the name. :D

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As for ebay, I bought a reconditioned carvin valvemaster head off of ebay for $300 something(or was it $400 something?). Anyhow, I forget the guy that did it, but, if I remember correctly, he's normally got a few auctions up. He reconditions the shell, retubes the amp, and check all of the electronics. Take a minute to browse for this guy.



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Well I guess I could give eBay a shot. My main consern though is buying a TUBE amp thru eBay. . . If I were to spring for something like a vintage Music Man I would want to get the tubes rplaced and rebiased, yes? How much does this cost on average for you guys? I would do it myself, but I do NOT trust myself around tube amps quite yet.

However Peavey sounds nice, too, however all i can find are Stereo Choruses, not Super Choruses. . .

And just for kicks, any thoughts on SS?

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The Music Man is a "combo" amp, power section is tubed (mine has EL34's) and preamp part is SS. However the earlier 210 Sixtyfive's used a 12AX7 vaccuum tube to drive the preamp. But they are considerably lower maintenance than fully tubed amps. As far as buying off EBay, I can't give you any advice there. If I can't hold it in my hands (like a guitar) and/or try it out and see how it sounds...I won't buy it. But thats just me. :D

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That carvin was all tube and the preamp tubes lasted a solid year before one became microphonic and I replaced the lot. Although the fact that it got knocked off of a 2x12 cab at a gig probably took a considerable amount of time off the lifespan of those tubes. I wouldn't have bought the thing had it not been reconditioned and had a whole new set of tubes. I just love carvin amps.

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The Music Man is a "combo" amp, power section is tubed (mine has EL34's) and preamp part is SS. However the earlier 210 Sixtyfive's used a 12AX7 vaccuum tube to drive the preamp.

Hmmm... I had always assumed mine was all-tube (it's been quite awhile since I parted with it) but now that I've researched it, I think it may have been the early version with the 12AX7 tube phase inverter (drives the power tubes, not the preamp). It still sounded pretty good.

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This thread makes me think back in the old days (70's) when I had some really great amps. But since I decided to start playing serious again about 3 years ago I've stepped up twice. I was using a 10W Crate practice amp for awhile which was a piece of crap. I got a Digitech GNX3 workstation and things sounded a little better. But within a year I moved up to a Spyder II 212. This amo isn't to heavy to haul around and with the GNX3 I can get a wide range of sounds, by itself it's not to bad either. But eventually I wanted a tube amp like I used to have as a kid with a little more watts. So about 6 months ago I got a deal on a Fender DeVille. Now I got an amp I can play out with and it has that great tube tone. Combined with the GNX3 I have a great setup. I paid $550 for it so I got a deal. The Spyder was around $250 I think. Hope this helps. By the way the fender is HEAVY.

I am surprised that nobody mentioned Fender or Marshall amps, but maybe thats due to the cost. I say spend as much as you can and get a tube amp. You'll be happy you did. You may be able to find a fender blues deluxe in your price range which has plenty of wattage.

My next rig will be the following: (Taken right from Joe Bonamassa's latest)

2 MArshall 100W Silver Jubilee HEads

1 Budda 35 Overdrive Head

1 Budaa 80W Overdrive Head

2 Marshall Bottom 4-12's in each.

But I will need a second job to pay for this stuff.


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but maybe thats due to the cost. I say spend as much as you can and get a tube amp. You'll be happy you did.


But for $400 your choices in tube amps are limited. You can find THD Univalves on eBay for $650-$850, great sound and good value. Of course, that's just the head - no cab.

If you have the electronics chops, you can always go DIY and build an AX84 or an 18-watt Marshall clone.

Or go for the gusto like I'm doing - a full-blown Hiwatt DR103 clone. :D:D It's costing around $650 + tubes and fancy faceplates.


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Wow, lots of great things mentioned! Gives me alot to think about! Just a question, as it's really hard to find any real information on this - on average, how many watts of tube power do you need to cut through in a full band situation, punk rock and such? I know watts doesnt necesarily reflect the volume, as there are some VERY loud amps out there, but could anyone give me a general idea of what to shoot for? I don't want to pay for wattage that I'm really never going to need, lest i start demolishing houses with my playing!


Also, is a 212 combo really a necesity, or can I get by with a single 12" speaker and still be able to cut thru my band?


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I want a fair bit of clean headroom - we're a ska-punk band, so there's a lot of clean regae-ish guitar in it, but we lean toward the heavy grinding punk more often. The clean doesn't necessarily have to be Fender-omg-*** clean, but I'd like cleanliness nonetheless - so I'm guessing I would need somewhere around the 30 mark.

And again, as far as headroom and loudness goes, would a single 12 be enough, or should I shoot for a 212 (the difference, say, between a Carvin Nomad and Belair)

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A 2x12 won't necessarily be louder, but it will spread the sound better. Plus you can get some cool multi-speaker phase cancellation. Will you be miking it through a PA?

My 5-watt Lexicon is quite loud on its own, but I wouldn't hesitate to use a larger amp (hence the Hiwatt 100 build) because I use a load box and re-amp the signal so I have control over the volume (and I can place the f/x after the power amp).

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Well for right now I just need something for band practice, something thats loud and powerful enough for me to hear myself over drums, the trumpets/trombone, and the other guitarist. I think by the time we're ready for any real gigging (local club downtown), I should be able to afford something a little bit more powerful. . . I'm not sure if there's a PA there or not, honestly :\

So I guess what i need for now is just something to cut through during band practice.

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