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Mockingbird I'm Building

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i work for a BC Rich dealer and custom shops are AT THE ABSOLUTE LEAST 2 years out (and they're made like ****!). OH! and they cost about $3000+.

this guy's getting an awesome deal, and before you do anything i would personally just try to make that abundantly clear. just my 2 cents...

good luck with whatever happens

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i work for a BC Rich dealer and custom shops are AT THE ABSOLUTE LEAST 2 years out (and they're made like ****!). OH! and they cost about $3000+.

this guy's getting an awesome deal, and before you do anything i would personally just try to make that abundantly clear. just my 2 cents...

Is he?? How can you make a judgement on the POSSIBLE playability of this guitar from a builder with no reputation?? If it doesnt play AT ALL, he has been 'ripped off'. Your comparing a company with decades of history, tens of thousands of quality guitars, a dealer network, and staff, to a guy who was just 'happy' to do a job for 'free' to learn how to build guitars (or at least get a bit more practice).

Personally, i say chalk it up to experience, and dont make the mistake of taking on ANY jobs that arent for you personally, until you are more equipped to handle clients. Prime example of getting involved with something when you arent ready to. The fact he isnt paying you (essentually) means he doesnt value your work (and you dont either).

Either give it to him as is, and youve gained experience (which im sure you needed), or offer to buy the wood off him at the going rate (from a reputable dealer) so you can finish it yourself.

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just go to the store buy the exact same amount of all the woods he has supllied and the hardware that way he has what he put in and u have the hard work you put in, is all else fails "kick his ass" then play a jaunty tune on that kick-ass guitar u made mabye use it to draw first blood, but seriously id do the first

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i work for a BC Rich dealer and custom shops are AT THE ABSOLUTE LEAST 2 years out (and they're made like ****!). OH! and they cost about $3000+.

this guy's getting an awesome deal, and before you do anything i would personally just try to make that abundantly clear. just my 2 cents...

Is he?? How can you make a judgement on the POSSIBLE playability of this guitar from a builder with no reputation?? If it doesnt play AT ALL, he has been 'ripped off'. Your comparing a company with decades of history, tens of thousands of quality guitars, a dealer network, and staff, to a guy who was just 'happy' to do a job for 'free' to learn how to build guitars (or at least get a bit more practice).

Personally, i say chalk it up to experience, and dont make the mistake of taking on ANY jobs that arent for you personally, until you are more equipped to handle clients. Prime example of getting involved with something when you arent ready to. The fact he isnt paying you (essentually) means he doesnt value your work (and you dont either).

point taken.

i just figured i'd throw that in there as the current bc rich custom shop stuff is absolute garbage (for the price). whereas, if the guy paying for this mockingbird paid at most a couple hundred bucks, he's still getting (what appears to be) a pretty awesome guitar.

i'm completely with you, rhoads, when it comes to taking on clients. i've only been on this board a short while (and haven't even built anything for cryin out loud), but this is at least the 3rd time i've seen something like this.

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just go to the store buy the exact same amount of all the woods he has supllied and the hardware that way he has what he put in and u have the hard work you put in, is all else fails "kick his ass" then play a jaunty tune on that kick-ass guitar u made mabye use it to draw first blood, but seriously id do the first

aside from the ''ass-kicking'' id say this is the most reasonable way to go about it; it would be like 'a loan' from this guy; no one could say if this guitar 'works' or not but im sure you could definatly break even on raw materials selling it to someone that wants a beutiful instrument in their home.

just tell him it was a big prank and you didnt even start the project, you just wanted to see how long it would take to upset him.

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Well for all concerned the issue was resolve to day but before I get into the out come I would like to clear up a few things that have come up in this discussion.

fookgub--I am not sure what relevance any of this has but I see the guy 5 days out of every other week as I work a 5/2 schedule and he works 7/7. I am a white collar professional with a bachelors degree in Industrial engineering and am 36 years of age. I am very career oriented and have been with the same company for 11 years. As far as the enemy thing goes I am part of a management team and he is a mechanic but he does not directly fall under my management umbrella. Suffice it to say making an enemy out of him is the least of my problems and, given the spirit of your comments, thanks for the advice.

rhoads56--I am not sure if I should feel slighted by your comments or not. With regard to the playability of my instruments I can assure you that I would not release anything that has my name on it if it did not perform as advertised. If I would in fact have to redo work because of something that I messed up on while building I would eat the cost. It would be my error not his and why should he have to pay for my mistake. So the possibility of him being ripped off would not be a question. With regard to just being happy to do a job for free to learn how to build guitars that is not the case. I guess I should have defined what the scraps consisted of there was a 5'x13"x1.75" piece of Honduran mahogany and a 1"x6"x4' length of Birdseye maple that would have been left over in addition to all of the small scraps of quilted maple that were left. In my estimation there was close to about $100.00 in wood that I would have received. I believe that I am at a stage where I am learning how to build guitars better as I have already learned how to. I do believe that you are right that I should chalk this up to experience. With regard to the rest of your comments think about this there were many artists in the past that took on commissions just so they could buy materials to continue doing what they loved I would like to think that this is the same for all of us here because lets face it if this wasn't an art form we would just be building and playing different scale length pieces of wood with 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 strings and a pickup with no aesthetic appeal. With regard to the value of my work I don't think that he would have come to me and spent a few hundred dollars on materials and hardware if he didn't think that I could pull it off, it just didn't happen in a time frame that he was happy with. Fyi my instruments have been played professionally.

Now for what happened to day. I called the guy up and told him that his stuff (the left over wood and hardware not the guitar) was in my office and that he could come and get it when ever he wanted. So he shows up about 5 minutes later and comments on how he had forgotten how good the wood looked. He then asked me what I was going to do with the guitar and I was floored because I was expecting a confrontation where I was going to ask to be compensated for my efforts but that didn't happen. I replied to him don't you want it and he said no. I asked why and he replied that he didn't feel like putting any more money into it which again perplexed me because all he had left to get was the pickups. I then told him that I would probably finish it and as a gesture on my part I offered to pay him for the wood that was used which will be about $50.00. All in all it ended well. Thanks everyone for being part of this thread and allowing me to share this experience.

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