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Jackson Randy Rhoads Copy

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Why stop there? You've done so much work that you should've researched and applied a nice glossy black! With the current finish, it just looks.. unfinished (in a different sense of the word).

Something looks crooked on it... the bridge or a rout or a humbucker... I can't put my finger on it.

Great to see that you finished'er up, though! Good on ya! For the headstock logo, why not design your own that looks very similar to the Jackson one, and apply it? Taing a cue from Jehle's Fender-ish one he used?


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I knew there was some clear, but something went wrong. I don't know if you didn't sand back enough, or if there aren't enough coats of black, or if there's not enough buildup of clear. I don't know enough about finishing to really tell you HOW to make it nice and glossy, but I can tell from a few of the different pics that something's not quite right.


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OMG! I swear I thought the exact same thing. I was thinking that it looked like some botched attempted at a black/grey swirl or something, or just completely unbuffed. Then a few pics down I could see the clouds better and thought wow what a great finish on black, super clean, seriously almost too good to the point that it looks bad,LOL jk. Great finish job there and nice guitar!

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The brand is Truper, a mexican brand, it's just a regulkar , gravity fed touch up gun, since the tip is very small, it's very hard to apply a lot of paint at once, so it's hard to get runs in the paint :D and the clear coat is automotive 2 part polyurethane made by Nexa autocolor a subsidiary of PPG

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