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How Many Peices Is 2 Much?/oak?

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well i start off telling u guys that im making a guitar for my wood tech 2 class but the wood selection is not that great 2"oak 2"poplat7/8"maple 1"willow 1"cherry 1"ash and thats pretty much it but most of the boards arent any wider than 6" so im asking do u guys think the guitar would look alright useing 3pieces of walnut and 3 piece of maple or should i just use the oak and make a bolt on neck (oak is 2"x8"x40) with the 3 pieces of maple?oh yeah is oak an ok would 2 use?

Edited by Davis guitars
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My .02 (for what it's worth): stick with the walnut and maple. You chances of having better tone are with those if the sizes are adequate. You may check on the recent thread by a member on using oak. It's in the solid body chat within the last week.

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