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2nd Build - 36" Scale 4 String Bass

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Looks great so far.

You'll have a *great* time carving that bloodwood neck...and you'll be able win an arm wrestle with the governer of California after you're done!

Since I work 2 blocks away from his office and he pops in to my wifes work sometimes, that may just happen (he he)..........I used a japanese pull saw for the scarf joint and man was that a pain.......my arm was sore. That bloodwood is dense! Smells real nice though!

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spent some more time on my sons shortscale.

Routed for the truss rod (Stewmac's Martin style) Slotted the Fretboard, Tapered the neck, and even started carving.

Still have some final body sanding but it's looking nice. My son is loving the looks.


Here's a close up of the access hole for the truss rod.

Trussrod Access Route

and another

The headstock shape came out looking good

Headstock shape

Began carving with the rasps

Carve the neck

another semi full shot

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Got the frets in on the short scale for my son. Also put the MOP dots in, it was scary at first but turned out to be quite easy with a fence and my drill press. Lots of filing and sanding still to do!


Here's the how the Volute is shaping up.

how thick is that fretboard???

and the head seem pretty thick too.

I really like the look on that short scale.

great work!

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Also, Scarf joints are done!

Shortscale Scarf

Long Scale Scarf

by the way, thats not a scarf joint. its just gluing the ears to the headstock.

But the angle to the neck is a scarf cut at 11degrees. So yeah, the gluing going on is the ears, but I'm showing the neck angles. Sorry if it mislead.

Fretboard is 3/16" I believe...........Neck is carved down to just under an inch thick total right now and I plan to take a little bit more off. Headstock is 3/4" thick and I'll take that down some too. I haven't pulled the tuners out to triple check the thickness I need for the headstock. When I do, I'll take some off. The reason the fretboard looks so thick is because I'm not doing a radius. It's going to be flat. My last bass was built with a flat fretboard and I love the feel.

Edited by DigthemLows
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No no, a scarf joint is one that involves cutting off and re-gluing a piece to accomplish the angle. If you can the angle directly out of the blank, then it's not a scarf joint, it's just cutting the angle out of the blank. So actually, you pretty much did it how I said in my PMs to you hahahaha.


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No no, a scarf joint is one that involves cutting off and re-gluing a piece to accomplish the angle. If you can the angle directly out of the blank, then it's not a scarf joint, it's just cutting the angle out of the blank. So actually, you pretty much did it how I said in my PMs to you hahahaha.


No, I cut an 11 degree angle then flipped the piece and glued it back on.

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