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First Build - Aloha

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Here's a link to an album I've put together: CLICKY

They're not in order but I'm sure you can figure it out :D

[EDIT] The link is working now

The pics are from my first build, a partsocaster made from a Roadstar body, paddle-head neck & a block of ash to fill in the trem cavity. I only had hand tools at the time & the finish was from aerosols. The graphics were designed in Photoshop & printed on inkjet decal paper, applied to the guitar & cleared over.

I found the pics this morning whilst looking for something else. I knew of PG when I built it & would often look through the front page tutorials but didn't join the forum because I thought that you just made RG's...how right I was :D According to the pics, they were taken in 2004

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The EQ works well with this guitar. The bridge pickup is fantastic & the neck is well, a tele neck pickup but the EQ adds something else entirely. With subtle settings you can get a more hi-fi, active type sound, push the mids & you get more of a humbucker effect which pushes a tube amp into natural overdrive, find the right curve & you get an open wah sound....great fun. I used to use an enhancer in my rack days to cut through a mix for solos without extra volume, the EQ can work in a similar way. I'll do some demo's of my gear when I get the latest guitar finished & post them up on my site.

The guitar in action...more old stuff that I've just been reminded of :D

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hahahaa. sweet jam. if you weren't from... Lowestoft, UK, i would be requesting to be in on that. looks like you're having a lot of fun.

as for the guitar... cool stuff, man. i think that's one of the only instruments that i can picture looking good with an eq there, but it works. sounds cool, too, but a lot of that is probably from your effects

also, really, really cool graphic.

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Curious... in the video, were you playing to a keyboard track? Or did you put an effect on your guitar and use a loop pedal? I heard something like keyboard or guitar (can't tell on these speakers) but you weren't playing, you were making weird faces at the camera. :D

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we were playing to a keyboard midi track. It was a loooong time ago now, we were trying to get a funky covers band going & were using midi horns & keyboards until we felt comfortable enough to get other musicians in. That video is really cut up & edited from several jams, we'd record ourselves every practice to see what worked & what didn't...from the sounds of it, that was quite early on. The most fun was "what is hip", that song was a killer to get tight & it was a real shame that it didn't progress far enough to get a full band together.

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we were playing to a keyboard midi track.

That's what I thought, but didn't want to offend if that wasn't the case... :D It sounded good to me. What kind of amp were you using? It looked like a Blackface Fender, but I couldn't tell.

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Man, that thing is too cool! What's the switch at the bottom do? Toggle the eq? I'm really digging it... surf vibe but with more sounds and cool looks. Very clean and classy... looks like it has everything it needs and nothing it doesn't. Awesome looking bridge pickup, too... what is it?

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