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Favorite Little Guitar/bass Craft

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Well I was sitting here thinking sometimes when you are not building a guitar it would be kind of fun to do little things, I guess you could call them crafts. So I learned how to knit a guitar strap...yes I am a guy and yes I know how to knit. But anyways my question is does anyone know or do any of these types of "crafts"? Things that are related to guitars? Like building a wierd instrument or a cracker box amp...Anything. :D

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there's always stuff that needs "crafting" around the house...made a vivarium for my tortoise, made a "bunny gate" to stop our baby rabbit from getting into the kitchen & behind the units, got a garden gate to make....as for more crafty stuff, I want to make my girlfriend a jewellery box for our 10yr anniversary & I try to draw & sculpt but I don't seem to have much time to dedicate to it lately

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