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Les Paul Violin

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Hi, my first mod.

I bought some pieces and im finishing off this custom shape. Its a les paul copy but with a violin twist i wanted.

Its gonna be reliced/burn/scratched.

It came with binding, but can i use a router on the binding. I was thinking of Chamfering the edges of the guitar and not putting binding on it. Maybe a roman ogee edge, i'll have 2 buy the piece. And i havent routed anything does anyone have tips for routing a guitar edge?



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It may be an optical illusion, but it looks to me like the neck on that thing is very very crooked. You may want to get some string and see if the neck is actually in line with the bridge stud holes. If it's not, you may have to do a little (read: "a lot") more work than you bargained for.



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I'm gonna stain it a bit lighter than that cherry red floor 1 have. Scratch n sand it up a bit. I like the relic look.

Black pickguard etc. With lespaul knobs.

But if anyone has routing tips for a guitar, should i? should i not? Anything i should know. Roman ogee too hard to pull of for a beginner?

Thanks i love this site u guys are so helpfull!

Im designing a logo i think im gonna put it on the pickguard, i dunno how though.

Heres a rough, it was designed for the headstock, but id rather on the pickguard i think. So i'll play around with its layout.


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Okay So i've put quite the coats of diff color stains on this bad boy. I kinda like it. Its definitely original which was my main goal. (that and relic/burnt)

1 important question is i have to lacquer it now right... I dont want a big shine though. Ummmm What lacquer or varnish would u suggest. And how many coats?

tell me what u think guys! :D wooo





Edited by spacecowboy
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WOW that is the best violin-guitar i've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the only one too :D

extremely unique idea man. and wonderful job on that paint/relicing! it looks like a real worn violin.. i can't believe you did what you did on the paint.. looks true to be hundreds of years old :D

cant wait to see the entire thing put together.. i'll definately be following this one.

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Wow! I'm so happy, i thought everyone didn't like it cause no one was replying lol.

I still haven't bought the lacquer (too busy with Christmas), but i was wondering do you guys think those dark burns are 2 dark? Maybe i should sand it a bit?

WevZ-Thanks for the idea :D how would i go about relicing everything? Some sort of Acid?

P.S. I just got a violin bow for Christmas!! Fits in perfect now hahahaha

Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate all the help!

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the stuff i did is nickel hardware. I sanded through the plating in a few areas with fine paper and i also gave it a few wacks with a rasp for a bit of pitting. then it got dunked in ferric chloride (etchant) for about 30 seconds at a time till i was happy - - - it doesnt take much. Ferric chloride wont touch chrome though

i wasnt going for authentic age with this - - not meant to be a proper relic.... more an extreme

i did all the parts - some were chrome so i remved more plating on those



the tuners are wilkinson relics - i didnt feel confident giving them a dunk - they still have to work right!!!. I did remove the buttons and give them a little extra age

you can also use acid like hydrochloric acid

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I like the dark colour, it fits the theme, my choice would be to keep it and go on to the finishing stage.

Yes a forward scroll headstock might be a bit much, but if you choose to shape the stock Saga paddle now or in the distant future. Something non symmetrical like this,


could look good. :D

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