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Fanned Fret Five String

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Here's what I have Al. Apologies for the artificial lighting messing up the image. There are two of each cap <edit: bookmatched> but only one in zebrano.


The lineup is:

Ziricote - 10cm x 19cm

Macassar - 9.9cm x 20.3cm

Zebrano - 10cm x 19cm

Koa - 9.8cm x 17.5cm

Bloodwood - 9.8cm x 19cm

Edited by Prostheta
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Are ya going to veneer it, or leave it as is? I'd probably go with a Mahogany or Sapele veneer, which can be had for a reasonable price if it's available in your area. Bloodwood would be nice, but I'm big on only using woods that exist elsewhere in the guitar for headstock lams, control covers, etc. Just personal taste. :D

It's coming along nicely!

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It's got to be said, but I agree. Perhaps you should take the waste, put some copper pipe in a pillar drill and make bloodwood inlay dots ;-)

Brilliant! You just taught me to make inlay dots. :D But, uhhh, what is a pillar drill? and how do you attach the copper tubing? You can PM me if you feel like it would take attention from the beautiful bass in this thread. Who knows, maybe Al has similar questions? :D

I think Bloodwood dots in ebony would look awesome, Al!

Edit : I am picky about my spelling. B)

Edit again : Wow you can't say the word that starts with "A" and ends with "NAL" on this board. B):D

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This is my pillar drill.

I could actually do with something a little more powerful for hogging wood with Forstner bits, but it's great for the money.

Pop some copper tube into the chuck and slowly drill into whatever you want to make into a dot. Pearl and abalone is difficult as it shatters when it gets hot, so cooling it down with a water spritzer helps. Acrylic works very nicely. I learnt this to great effect from David Myka, so I take no credit in this.

<edit: if anyone wants to buy me THIS then I would be most grateful. thx>

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I'll bear this in mind for the next neck - my mother-of-pearl inlays arrived today, I ordered them a few days before - and I don't have any copper pipe or access to a pillar drill, but I might see if I can rig something up later to have a play...:D

Today's work on the neck. Virtually all carved out with drill and sanding disks, which is a first for me (though this is only my third neck built from scratch).

I must say the results achieved so far are far more pleasing than the first 2 necks, and about 90% faster and easier.



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Looking great so far! I can't believe how fast this thing is coming together.

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Some more progress today. Finished off the neck join rout and pickup cavity rout.

Got the bridge saddle recess routed and the saddles fixed with the thru-body clamps (yes, these hipshot triple locks are a real PITA to fit).

Got some maple ears glued onto the headstock and the shape cut and sanded. Some more work on the neck volute.

Hope my fingerboard arrives in the next day or two so I can make a start on the fanned frets.

I also really need to make myself a 14" radius sanding block for the fingerboard.

Pleased with the neck joint- nice and snug without feeling the wood is being put into compression.


Another shot

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Thanks mate- the headstock is nearly ready to receive the bloodwood.

Bass: the neutrik jack socket recess was hacked out by chisel shortly after shaping the the body. A dangerous 40 minute operation if you ever see me with a chisel, and a long way off the slick build of the Dingwall which is really an outstanding bass build, but I'm learning and progressing all the time.

I have an urge to run some wires inside the neck to light an LED mounted into the headstock when the jackplug is inserted. Maybe it's too late to build this in for now, but I'm tempted.

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Fingerboard arrived, nice thick slab of ebony. Almost feels like stone. Started cutting the fanned frets.


Thanks P, the bloodwood headplate was received quickly. I'm undecided on this - it is quite red compared to the body. Also could do with being an inch wider.

I might try and rout out one from the remaining Sapele and see what it looks like.

[Note to self for next build: I'd be happier with the pickup an inch or two further back, and about quarter of an inch wider neck to play with where it joins the body.]

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Yeah - it's as bassisgreat commented...you need something elsewhere on the instrument to tie it all together, ideally. The Koa I have is a half inch shorter than the Bloodwood stock, and a 16th wider. Not exactly an inch more!

Still, you might find it fun to cut inlays out of ;-)

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Dude...that looks awesome!

As for the headplate, if you can manage to get one out of Sapele, that would be ideal, but otherwise, I'd think that Koa would look great, and since the color is more similar, you may be able to let it stand alone. I may also think that because I think koa is one of the most beautiful woods in the world... :D

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Tonights progress; fingerboard trimmed, radiussed, slotted and dotted. Body has acquired a jb bridge pup and a mini three-way toggle.

Wierd perspective tricks with these fanned fret and staggered bridge builds, the photo makes it look like the pickups are skewed but they are perfectly perpendicular to the centre line.

I have a few MOP inlay circles left of various size, and was going to add some sort of extra design at F12, but with the small and simple circle markers against the dark ebony, i think it looks a lot more classy.


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