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The 5-day Build Your Own Guitar Course

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I'm new here as an active member, but thought I'd share this project with you - in real time as it progresses (hopefully) through the next 5 days. I've benefitted from reading the posts over the last months, so hopefully this will give some benefit to others in return.

Mark Bailey runs a 5 day, build-your-own-guitar course (www.baileyguitars.co.uk). The course starts with choosing the woods from the woodstore, and finishes with an amazing, self-built guitar. I know, 'cos I did it last year, and have come back for more this year.

I've blogged some of the background HERE, and will also be updating the blog daily. If there's interest here, then I'll update this forum daily too.

As the blog says, I'd spent years thinking that "one day" I'd be able to build a guitar for myself. However, a complete lack of wood-working ability had held me back! Doing the course last year proved to me that I could make a guitar. This year I've returned to (hopefully) learn a little more about how to build a guitar so that I can build some more when I get home, without Mark's expert eye and guidance throughout the process.

This is last year's output (solid ash body, maple neck & ebony fingerboard)


And this is the start of this year's course - after the selected woods (mahogany body & neck, ebony fingerboard, Amazique cap) have been planed and thicknessed.



If - in 5 days time - the finished guitar this time is anywhere near as good as last year's, then I'll be a very happy man (again).

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small world. I'm doing the build your own course with Mark Bailey in August. i'll be making a bolt on jackson kelly or warlock, haven't decided which yet. im sorta trying to cram as much into one guitar so i can learn as much as i can in those 5 days. u know, binding, inlay etc, but im also trying to keep it simple enuff that even a ham-fisted oaf like me can do it. just trying to find the right balance.

i too have been at the planning stage for quite some time, and ive even bought some wood but i cant really make that jump from theory to practice. i need a little push i suppose.

btw, i really like the guitar u built. if mine turns out half as nice i'll be a happy man. :D did the carved top give you any trouble? :D

Edited by newbie22
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All - thanks for the comments

@ MexNoob - I'll be keeping the blog updated, though I'll only be able to post the main summary details. There are a couple of guitar-making books available which might help you more ...

@ Newbie22 - as above - the books are by Melvyn Hiscox and Martin Oakham (I think I got those names right). The carved top wasn't too difficult (amazingly). You will LOVE the course - everyone does, and Mark (and Carol) are amazing people to work with.

@ Stereordinary - the most amazing thing is the combination of speed AND quality - no compromise on quality despite the 5 day schedule.

@ WAK Guitars - the days are long and intensive, and Mark is an excellent tutor who has the process optimised.

I've updated the blog at the end of day 1. More tomorrow.

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I'm guessing from the blog stats that there have been a few visitors to the blog from this site.

At the end of day 3, here's the guitar body, routed out and with the neck positioned in place.


Tomorrow will be spent carving the body, planing it and then sanding it ... with 40 grit, 80 grit, 120 grit and (finally) 240 grit sandpaper. That'll be a fun day then :D

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  • 2 months later...

I've noticed loads of hits on the blog coming from this thread ... which I'd forgotten to update for a looonnnngggg time :D

Ooops, and sorry all!

You've not even got a pic of the finished Bailey Build #2 guitar, so ...






To say that "I'm happy with it" would be a slight understatement. I love the look, the feel, and the (range of) sounds from this one. It's slightly heavy (OK, it's "very" heavy"), but then it's got a pretty thick Amazique top, and a solid mahogany body and neck. The range of sounds come from the combination of neck P90, and a pair of single coil humbuckers in the middle and bridge positions. Those are both coil tapped too. It seems to make most noises!

BUT ...

I've found a problem with guitar making.

It's addictive.

Since finishing this one, I've made one full and two part guitars, getting more adventurous (I think) each time. The details are on the blog, but if anyone wants to ask Qs or make comments here, I'll happily reply.

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It´s an interesting choice of pickups...I´m still debating on the electronics for my first. Why don´t you enter it on the GOTM?

Hi there ... my main criteria in choosing those pickups was to give me a wide range of sounds - which they certainly do - but to minimise the space taken up with hardware on the body!

I'm guessing that "GOTM" is "guitar of the month" ... and that there's some sort of competition somewhere?? Then I run out of guessing! I should probably spend more time hunting through these on-line forums, but there's never enough time ...

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When I saw the wood, I was going to ask you to make it quit looking at me !!! I love the guitar ,very nice.What does a 5 day-er run cost wise. (if you don't mind ) I would like to do a build class and one of those get together with known players for two weeks, and play ,things.I am in the states ,and I have aways said ,"I wish trade schools would come back in style" I just vision doing something you love for life,and getting better and better.You know going thru the stages like beginner to master.Oh well back on subject, nice work.

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Thanks for sharing the build course! You've built an excellent guitar, definitely GOM material!

Having had no background experience, what do you think was the best part of the hands on course? What was the most valuable thing/part about having the guy there to show you?

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Thanks for all the comments and questions.

Some answers:

The course costs around £1200-£1500. That includes everything - all materials, accommodation, food, tuition, spraying ... the lot. You can do it for less, by simplifying the design or using cheaper materials.

The glue joints are generally left, clamped, to set at least overnight and sometimes longer (ie 24 hours +). No real tension is applied to any of the joints until day 5 (when the guitar is finally strung), so it's had plenty of time to set properly. Both guitars that I've built have been rock solid, so there's no problem with doing it that quickly.

The guitar is generally ready for finishing by the end of the day 4. The paint sprayer then works through the night and the guitar is ready to finish (install the hardware and fret dressing) on the final day of the course. Obviously, this limits the range of finishes available - course attendees who want something more complex have to leave the guitar there for some weeks after finishing the course. Mine just has a clear satin lacquer applied - which is all I wanted. Some guitars are just oiled - there's time to apply 3 or 4 coats of oil and still have the guitar ready to finish on day 5.

The best bit ... there's no easy answer to that one. For me, it was the gaining the confidence that I could build a guitar. It didn't teach me "how to", step by step, but it did give me the confidence to get on and try it myself. I've done 2 more since the course (late March) ... and have learned loads with both builds, and will probably still be learning loads with each build even after I've built dozens of guitars! The guy running the course is an excellent teacher - calm, patient, friendly, and a real expert. He gives so much confidence that even if something does go wrong ... it can generally be fixed. That reassurance/confidence was probably more important than learning any technical skill.

And finally, I'll put some pics on the GOTM thread - thanks for the tip!

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Its a shame you dont get to finish it yourself, would be nice to extend the course a couple of days to accommodate that.

Maybe ... but for many people, finding 5 days to spend in an old barn on the West coast of Scotland is already difficult ... so adding a couple more days to the course might make it too difficult for many to attend the course.

Still, makes you wonder whether someone should / could set-up a finishing course somewhere, showing the different finishing options and techniques. Thinking aloud, that might still be difficult given the time that it takes some finishes to harden, or to complete each stage of a more complex process ... might only be 2 days work, but might have to spread out over a month to allow for in-between drying times, etc.

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