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Gavztheouch First Build

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A reverse head on a tele is not something you see often...or in fact at all...but it seems to work visually pretty well.

After thinking about it a lot, I came to the conclusion that there is a good reason to reverse a headstock...to tune you don't have to reach around over the top of the head but just reach back with the same grip that you are holding the neck. Is this one of the reasons that Hendrix played flipped over strats (besides the visual novelty)...not having the benefits of modern tremolos and generally ripping into his guitar, he tuned on stage a lot while he played and I hazard to guess that the reverse headstcok facilitated that.

Anyway...it looks good without being outlandish!

Hope the frets stop buzzing for you...


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it gives a different feel as well, not one i like but some people really do. the only reason jimi did it was because he was lefty, probably unaware of any other benefits when he flipped a righty around but maybe thats what stopped him using an actual lefty later on

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It's amazing to me how "right" the flipped Tele headstock looks. It doesn't jump out at you like a flipped Strat headstock. The flipped Strat looks cool but seems "wrong" to me, while this just flows out of the body.

Yet more evidence that the Tele is a fantastic achievement of simple aesthetics! :D

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"Do you have any specs for us on the rest of the build?"

Body : Solid multi piece Beech kitchen worktop

Neck : Maple

Fretboard : Rosewood, undyed nice dark wood

Tuners : Gotoh SGM left handed set

Bridge : Wilkinson/Gotoh compensated vintage saddles

Nut : Graphite Fender replacement.

Truss rod : Single action, from CH guitars in the UK

Thats about it, its worrying how fast the cost of all the stuff adds up! Rather than spend any more cash on this one, im going to start again with some better wood, there are a lot of issues with this one nothing major but still enougth to put me off putting some pickups in this one

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