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Orange Agate- Ever Used It Before?

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I was browsing at my local woodcraft and I noticed this great looking board that was just the right size for two fretboards. It's called Orange Agate (botanical name Platiniscium Sp)

I've never seen or heard of this wood wood before and the guy at woodcraft was no help. It's obviously a hardwood and seem to be on line with rosewood but I don't know much about it. This was about all I could find

Platymiscium spp.

I'm wondering if anyone has ever used it. Is it stable or any known allergens?

Here is a pic of what I got. not the whole piece but you can see the interesting grain. A lot of reds and tans


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The most often I see that called Granadillo, I don't know if that is the more common term or just the one I've come across most often. Here is a couple pieces selling at Gilmer Granadillo. Looks to be the right stuff. I really like that piece you got, beautiful stuff. It has almost a landscape figure to it like seen in some Rosewoods and ziricote. Anyhow, it looks to me like what I'd call Granadillo and they list that as a possible name on your link, so you might find more information under that. I know people have used it before and from the sounds it has some fine characterists for guitar work. Hopefully, someone here who has used it will have some insight for you. Nice grab, can't wait to see what you have planned for it. J

Edited by jmrentis
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