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You mean changing a fretted neck into a fretless neck ?

If so, I sure wouldn't use it when real wood would look better and probably more reversible later, plus the filler wouldn't be that great in simulating the neck compression of fret-tangs, so I think I'd prefer aluminum about the size of the fret-slots (a couple thousandths thicker , if you want to make the neck stiffer--about a half a thousandth thinner if you want to add little, to no, stiffness). Brass might be good too. I've never done what you're talking about, so I'm just giving my opinion, based on my experience with working on fretted necks.

If you mean making fret-slots more narrow, but still having fret-slots, then I'd also be against wood putty. Crimping the fret-tangs to become wider is usually the best option.

Maybe a teflon sheet inserted into the slot, then filler of wood dust, then super-glue. But, the teflon might still be too hard to get out. Might be a cleaner job, to just fill the slots with wood dust ( I mean from the same kind of wood as the fret-board), super-glue, then cut a new slot. I don't like that idea very much though. Seem way overkill for any widened fret-slot situation I've seen or can imagine.

I think the problem with a piece of teflon around .021" thick, is getting it to be totally straight. You'd have to attach it to something that makes it straight. Got a picture of that in my head right now, but my fingers don't want to try to explain it.


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I would never consider wood putty for that. It has a tendency to shrink and leave small bubbles. Not a big deal on a larger project, but on a fretboard... unless you intend to clearcoat the board, and I'm not sure about how well that whole project would work.

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Put small pieces of wood in the fret slots. They should have a different color than the fingerboard. This will give you more orientation on the fingerboard and will make it easier to play a fretless if you are not yet a master of unfretted instruments. Many professional and commercial available basses are built this way.

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