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The Dragon

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Ooooooh I do not like those white pickup rings!

I like the dragons, red wood and white binding together - just not with those pickups and tailpiece.

As a reminder from page 1 of this build, part of the inspiration for this build was this style of guitar, reproduced by Airline:


As for the rings, that's what came with them, that's what they had originally, and that was the plan from the get-go. That being said, plans can change, though in this case, because the routing has been done they only have limited possibilities.

Looking at the pups from the bottom, they have tabs and spring.screw mounts instead of your "normal" P90 mounts. this severely limits what can be done.


I would be interested to see how it looked with different pickups.

Not a bad idea. First, let's see it laid out again, but with some finish on it.



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I mean honestly, what is the need of 3 P-90 pickups placed like that from a tone perspective?




These are thinner than a Gibson P90, so the tone won't be the same. They're supposed to be modeled after the Kleenex Box pups. From the sound clips I heard, they're about halfway between a Strat s/c and a P90. With the 5-way switch, I'm envisioning a growly Strat with a slightly warmer bottom end.

The placement of the controls looks to me like they were decided on because of the dragon cutouts. I may be wrong, it just looks like that to me.

As for the control placement... I agree with Drak. I do not place my volume knobs close... but this looks a little extreme.

Consider the ES-335 and other archtops & semi-acoustics for a moment.


They're nowhere near the bridge, yet it seems to have worked out fine for what... 60+ years? These guitars were part of the inspiration for this build. I don't like the controls right next to my hand either. Strats aren't my favorite precisely because of that. So, considering the long standing placement of the controls on similarly shaped guitars, I don't understand the comments.

Clearly, the placement of the dragons and the tailpiece defined what space was available for the controls. To say they decided where the controls went is a bit extreme. I intentionally angeled them to fall in line with the dragon, which helped define their placement as well.

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You seem a little sensitive today.

Just because a company came up with an idea does not mean it has instant merit.

The three-pickup design has pretty much been left in the dust,

you don't see them much anymore AFAIK (like the Corvus for example :D ).

If your controls are where you want them, that's great.

I stated it 'appeared' to me the controls were placed because of the soundhole, that's the way it looks to me, but you have claimed otherwise, so that's fine.

And your guitar does not look at all like an Airline at all really.

You may have used it for inspiration, but that's where it ended. :D

These are just honest assessments of what you have posted in public.

If you post something for public viewing, expect the public to comment on it. B)

If you want everyone to just oogle and ahh and never give you constructive criticism, just let me know.

I was never very politically correct, just very honest. B)

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You seem a little sensitive today.

Just because a company came up with an idea does not mean it has instant merit.

The three-pickup design has pretty much been left in the dust,

you don't see them much anymore AFAIK (like the Corvus for example B) ).

If your controls are where you want them, that's great.

I stated it 'appeared' to me the controls were placed because of the soundhole, that's the way it looks to me, but you have claimed otherwise, so that's fine.

And your guitar does not look at all like an Airline at all really.

You may have used it for inspiration, but that's where it ended. :D

These are just honest assessments of what you have posted in public.

If you post something for public viewing, expect the public to comment on it. ;)

If you want everyone to just oogle and ahh and never give you constructive criticism, just let me know.

I was never very politically correct, just very honest. B)

If I seem sensitive to day, then it's all in the delivery. I can accept an honest criticism and a difference in opinion. Like you, I'm not diplomatic, but pretty straight forward. We all know that a LOT of the communication process gets lost over the net. No worries. :D

You didn't see the purpose in 3 pups. I do, with both historic reference and new.

And you're right - it doesn't look anything like the Airline. That is indeed just where it started. It clearly went in it's own direction since then.

Truth be told, it all started with three things. 1) I saw these pups available on eBay, so I did some investigation on them. 2) I saw a pic in this book of an acoustic with a soundhole shaped like a carp, cut with the scroll saw. 3) I wanted to experiment with super-chambering a body and putting a cap on both front & back. I wanted a big semi-acoustic, a guitar with a bloodwood top, I like a trapeze TP, I've developed a liking for odd pups, and a few other things. All of these things came together at the same time, so out popped this project.

On a different note....

I believe I'm going to do some experimenting with making some thin rings and painting them black. I agree that the white rings are a bit much. Maybe black rings will help tone it all down a bit and tie it all in with the back of the guitar.

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would some black dog ear P-90 covers fit?

i like black, red and white together - but the balance has to be right. Lots of black and red with little highlights of white works really well for me. or black and white with highlights of red.... i wont post all my amps again :D but they are mainly red with chrome, black and white bits

tha paduak is looking stunning

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I honestly don't know if black dog-eared covers would fit or not. I don't have any to try out. I also have no idea if these pups would fit or be mountable with dog-ears. Maybe I can give a couple local shops a call.

And thanks, but it's not paduk - it's bloodwood.

Edited by avengers63
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I'm loving the whole body and the way it blends together. Unfortunately i agree that the white pickups don't really work with the whole vibe. I actually like the blue pickups :D. It may sound stupid but from that picture I think they look actually quite good. Another idea would be to use emg type pickups but thats mainly cause i don't like the open black hum-buckers.

Sorry if this is a bit late :D


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If I seem sensitive to day, then it's all in the delivery. I can accept an honest criticism and a difference in opinion. Like you, I'm not diplomatic, but pretty straight forward. We all know that a LOT of the communication process gets lost over the net. No worries

Cool, I certainly have my off days as well. B)

And it is coming out beautiful. B)

Yeah, I would say if at all possible black dogears would bring it back (for me) to sexilicious status.

But you are aiming to please you, not me, so if it works for you, that's all that matters.

I will also say that as you have pointed out and I agree with, we all make mistakes (although I am not calling this a mistake per se for PC-ness :D ), but let us say as we builders go along, the design can and does sometimes get modified in the event we decide to re-evaluate the build along the way, and if done with imagination and creativity, this is where some of our best ideas come from, coming back from original ideas gone astray.

You'll work it out. :D

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Well, switching the actual pups at this point isn't an option.

I just called around, and nobody within striking distance has any dog-ears in stock for me to check compatibility. So.... I believe I'm going to make some from wood, paint them black, and then see what it looks like. Maybe the white pups with black rings will help it out.

...as we builders go along, the design can and does sometimes get modified...

Absolutely. This is another reason for us to post progress pics. Sometimes we just need another set of eyes. When I did the first mock-up, I though there was too much white as well, but I wasn't sure how to get around it. I knew that when I got to this point, someone would speak up and ideas would be sparked. It's all good.

Edited by avengers63
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Take another look. There's 7/16" of wood between pup routes, and 1/2" between the edges of the pups. It looks like they're right next to each other because that space is taken up by the rings, and nearly the entire area from neck to bridge is filled.



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Just to throw in something crazy; Maybe you could come up with a combined pickguard/pickupring-thing.. a chromed metal-thingy, cut with a dragonish-kinda-style.. something to go with the f-holes..

.. or mayby something pearloid.. ****, I dunno. I'm positive you'll come up with something wicked.

Edited by Cactus
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Just to throw in something crazy; Maybe you could come up with a combined pickguard/pickupring-thing.. a chromed metal-thingy, cut with a dragonish-kinda-style.. something to go with the f-holes..

.. or mayby something pearloid.. ****, I dunno. I'm positive you'll come up with something wicked.

+1 a chrome pickup ring for all of those pickups together would look insane

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This is a little too late but what do you think about rosewood rings to match the fretboard??? Or even rosewood pickup covers with the black rings? I was a little disappointed to see that the "ebonizing" didn't work but the black looks great also. All in all this is a great looking instrument and should definitely by put up for GOTM.

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Wow, I can picture 3 custom bloodwood pkp covers cut and oriented from the same bloodwood top like Myka does it, surrounded by a custom made 1-piece black bezel, that would look SA-MOKIN!

...Or, maybe a custom made wooden cover that would cover all three pickups at one, one big-ass cover that was some sort of cool custom design, maybe carved...hmmm...

...don't mind me, I'm just thinking stupid stuff out loud... :D

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I assume you're going to stain those?.. to match the body?

I don't want to be an ass, but....

So.... I believe I'm going to make some from wood, paint them black, and then see what it looks like.

They're currently being primered.


Umm, yes. Actually I did read that.. so, I must be retarded. B)

Wellwell, let's just wait for the pics then.. :D

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