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There has been some interest in changing the templates into CAD format so I decided to document my process here:

1) Go to the WinTopo website and download WinTopo Freeware WinTopo Freeware

While pdf's to be converted

2) Open the PDF document and select everything using the Tools->Select&Zoom->Snapshot Menu Option

3) Open a copy of Paint and Paste the image into it and save the file as a bitmap (.bmp) file.

4) Open your copy of WinTopo and load the just saved .bmp file (File->Open Image)

5) Go to Vector->One-Touch Vectorisation and vectorise the image. (Vector->Set one-touch options allows you to play with the settings to do this but I have found the defaults work fine for such a clean image)

6)Save the vector drawing as a DXF file. (File->Save Vector as)

7) Open the DXF file with your CAD program and Scale the drawing size using the 1 inch by 1 inch block. If you want it in metric set your measurement system into metric and use the then 25.4mm by 25.4 millimetre block to scale it.

More Files? Go to While( step 2) else end

Unfortunately the PDF file contains an image for the actual template so this method is necessary. Other PDF files like those on the Fender site Fender Drawings Contain vector drawings and can be converted directly to CAD via the DXF format by using GhostGum GSView

I also see the newer version of WinTopo will allow loading of other format images like .jpg and .tif The older version I have installed only allowed .BMP so in step 4 above you can choose a more compact format.


Edited by KeithHowell
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