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@Alex: Please reread your whole post and ask yourself if it makes sense at all.

I have no problem with correct critique, but if someone does not even read my post or think about what it could have ment and posts a follow up which is more of an stupid rant then a mindfull answer then I get really angry.

okay he was wrong, but don't exaggerate please.....

I still stand to that statement. The Strat is by far the solidbody guitar with the most sales and the most copied design. It is 50 years old and still played by a big percentage of players worldwide. No guitar was sold more often. This should be evidence enough of the quality of the design. If you think otherwise please tell me which guitar is more popular.

That's bull and you know that... i.e. tuning stability (think of people who want to do divebombs), try that on a fender vintage trem! What about full rich tone and no noise, for a lot of people humbuckers are definately neccessary! What about neck thru, isn't that a good invention?

Please reread my post. I wrote that they are not neccessary. I never wrote that a Fender trem is very tuning stable nor did I say that Humbuckers have no use. Surely a Floyd is better for tuning stability and humbuckers have their advatages, but both are in no way crucial to playing electric guitar and have the same amount of disadvantages then advantages. That said I play Floyds myself and like them very much. But in the whole picture the way an electric guitar works was outlined by the Strat and the things that came since then are really minor improvements.

Maybe because of that senseless stuff you just said... lots of people think the same way "it was the first e-guitar ever so it must be THE BEST design and BEST SOUND" I think it's kinda dumb, but that my opinion

Another stupid rant by you. I never said that I think that way. I play many different guitars and in no way do I say that I think a Strat is the best guitar ever. I just stated that it was the greatest invention in electric guitars and the biggest step forward. A design that passes the test of time for 50 years without major modifications simply is a great design. Additionally the Strat was NOT the first electric guitar....

That's your opinion... better say "one of the most, not THE most"

I won't do that. The Strat was the first guitar which was sold in big numbers and the guitar that made playing electric guitar as popular as it is today.

Because they're cheap and simple to build...

Thats true, but if they were that bad you could not sell them.

i think this was quite the rude thing to say.....i agree with alex in that humbuckers and floyds are just as big of an invention as the strat itself.

i am not a fan of strats but they are a fine guitar.greatest guitar ever?well that is a matter of opinion.

some would say the same about the les paul or the universe

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Most of the Japanese and Korean hardware makers have neck plates like that (without the Fender markings), and you can hopefully find them at some of the suppliers in the States.



They look the same on the images, but there are variations in size.

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With the screw backed up that far away from the usual location, the neck will pull up enough , that there will probably be a gap between the neck and neck pocket bottom on that corner.

I won't get in on the strat bashing conversation, because you know I would never write a post that would piss people off :D:DB)

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Strat's are the AK47 of guitars, hell they were nearly made in the same year. they are cheap, easy to build and reliable. the Fender guitar is based on tradition, they are trying to keep to their roots. but i agree that it is an old design and that they use cheap methods, but a lot of people seem to think they are excellent. that's why they haven't changed the heel joint i guess. Fender are trying to use new heel methods on their cheaper model guitars, but they will never change the huge bolt-on heel on their tradition US made Fenders. i think that if Fender made the heel like an Ibanez all access neck joint, they would be a lot better. both companies are multi-millionares, they should be able to figure out something and come to an agreement. i say screw tradition, if you can make a guitar better, go for it! [that's pretty much Ibanez's motto] overall i think the Strat is extremely overrated. the design is very old and has many design flaws, so does the Les Paul. then there comes people opinions. i think the RG is much better design. in conclusion, i think the invention of the Strat is just as great of an innovation as the Humbucker, the Floyd Rose and the Neck Thru <<< they all have design flaws as well. :D

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look guys enough. I was and still am a great fan and user of Pauls but, they are the Lamborghini's of the guitar world . I have two and an SG Custom I can't gig without them.but when I want kikbutt blues tone it's my Strat I turn to. Truly the Volkwagen of the guitar world. Strurdy, cheap well built, and for everybody. If we can't live with the nitpicky flawslet's build our own custom tailored guitars. After all we build em don't we. :D

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I was and still am a great fan and user of Pauls but, they are the Lamborghini's of the guitar world . I have two and an SG Custom I can't gig without them.but when I want kikbutt blues tone it's my Strat I turn to. Truly the Volkwagen of the guitar world. Strurdy, cheap well built, and for everybody.


please go to another forum where you can bash any guitar you want. We really don't need another person to tell us how much better a LP compared to a Strat is.

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