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Possible Electronics Education


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Ok, I'm 20 years old and thinking it's getting to be time for me to enroll in college. I just have a couple questions.

I am going to be attending Louisville Technical Institute. They offer a Computer Electronics Training course. The first section of which is basic electronic courses and certification, (Soldering, chip board work, ect) I'm wandering if any of this knowledge would possibly help me to repair, remove, or install electric components for guitar, such as the pickups or other stuff like that.

I'd really like to know because there is a 90% chance that I will take the class regardless of whats posted here because I grew up around computers, I would love to be involved in building them and their parts.

I know this probably isn't in the right forum, but I figured you guys in Electronics would be most able to answer this question.


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Learning basic electronics will most definitely help you do guitar work. Guitars are very simple electrically. Electronics gets more complicated when you get into the higher frequency stuff, microwave communications etc where it becomes more of an art than a science in my opinion.

Make sure you take a course in digital logic as well.

Guitars by the way are how I got first into electronics which then lead me to software.

Good luck with your studies.


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As keith said, normal guitar electronics is very simple. the hardest its ever gonna be is when your trying to do some mad wiring that gives you one hundred and one combinations of pickups and that will really only be wiring

sticking with the music side of things. if you're interested in building FX etc then the electronics is a bit trickier but not really that hard at all either.

if i were you id go for the course since electronics is really very good fun......and nobody dare quote me on that lol

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Electronics is broadly grouped into two areas: Analogue and digital. Analogue is the area that guitar effects and amplifiers fall into, it deals with continuously varying waveforms like a guitar signal.

Digital electronics deals with two signal levels: 0 and 1 as in computers, this is mapped on to the electronics as voltage levels, one common standard being 0 volt for a 0 and -5 volt for a one.

Logic is a discipline in mathematics which deals with combining of the 0 and 1 in terms of operators like AND, OR, NOT etc ie Boolean algebra which is what computers use to make the decisions they do (when programmed properly)

Digital electronics therefore is the design of electronic circuits to implement boolean logic.

To design a microprocessor you need to know digital electronic logic.

Hope that clarifies things, "digital logic" probably wasn't the correct term to use digital electronics and Boolean algebra, or logic for short, is a better description.


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if you go to school for electronics right now, stick with it until you get your bachelors if you dont' you will most likely be sorry . i went to EE school with a double magor in comptuers and robotics.. and near graduation i did the market survey that they offer for around 20 dollars.. they go ahead and try to place you and they make your resume look good.

with two associates and a 3.7gpa and on the deans list.. (not sure what the magna something would be) and written recomendations from all my professors.. i couldnt' find a job making more than 19 thousand a year. before taxes. 21 thou if i wanted to relocate to atlanta or something. which is like lmaking 7$ an hour cost of living wisewhere i am now, compared to atlanta.. i can live nicely.. not too poorly at 20 G's a year in chatanooga.. but in Atlanta, that won't keep you fed, and will hardly pay bills unless you already own your own home, and have your vehicles paid off.. still even then it won't do much

in short, if you are going to make a living.. at it.. good luck but carefully weigh your options. i almost had al my classes done and now i am going back to school to finish up for radiology..as all i have to take is the medical classes i have all th eother credits.

but if you are taking to learn then its a great idea..

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