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Rainbow Poplar?


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According to the Wood Database, it's regular Poplar that has grown in mineral rich soil. So many of us have been using it, mostly in the pale form.

Poplar is also industrially used for guitars so it's perfectly acceptable but there's a couple caveats you might like to know.

First, it grows quite fast which means the growth rings are pretty wide. The wider summer growth is much softer than the narrow winter rings which makes level sanding a bit difficult. The summer rings just seem to vanish!

Second, the wood is quite fibrous and the fibres tend to get loose with the tiniest amount of moisture. So if you use the highly recommendable way to moist the wood to raise the grain you'll have to really let the wood dry. Otherwise you'll be ripping two inch long fibres off the surface instead of dust. For the same reason all blade tools have to be razor sharp or else the fibres don't cut!


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the only real down side to rainbow poplar imo is that any guitars built with it will only play old dio songs (lol, rainbow in the dark!).  anyone ever build a guitar with it... no not myself... but only because you are kind of locked in to a natural finish.  reg poplar soaks up stain fast but color is changed by the green.  perfectly good wood for guitars.

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