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bill lawrence or stewmac?


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hi there,

i bought a washburn a-15 with a blade humbucking pu.

the sticker on the back says "6-86 XL Bill Lawrence".

4-conductor wire + ground. green-black 8,22 k-ohm. white-red 8,24 k-ohm.

= 16,46 k-ohm.

is this a genuine bill lawrence pu or one of stewmacs'?

thank you for your help! :D




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Sure looks like a genuine Bill Lawrence pickup, especially if its a 4-wire. Naturally, to verify that through an internet search is difficult. They don't advertise products that are no longer being manufactured. But I'm assuming its an early Bill Lawrence. I had the same problem identifying an early Seymour Duncan blade-style stacked humbucker (Hotstack), and had to email a company rep.

The Stewmac pickups go under the name Golden Age and they don't make blades. But the overwound HB's by Golden Age are a good bang for the buck.

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Seriously, give Bill and Becky a call and they will be more than happy to help you.

I agree to call or e-mail Bill and Becky.

They'd be happy to verify it since they've had so many troubles with fake BL's on the market with Stew-Mac being the #1 distributor of the knock offs.

You could also ask at the Bill Lawrence Forum.

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thank you so far.

i sent an e-mail to bill and becky (since i live in germany and my spoken english is even more crappy than my written english... ...but isn't/wasn't bill german, too???).


i almost forgot. i have another one looking the same. the PRINTED sticker on the back says " '86 XL Bill Lawrence".


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Yes Bill is from Germany and he would probably love to chat in his native language. I have to warn you, Bill loves to talk so count on a long call.

Bill and Becky are not great at answering email. I know it's a pain for international customers to call but it's the only sure way to get in touch with them. I hope I'm wrong but don't hold your breath waiting for a reply, they're very busy people. Becky does pop into the forum from time to time so it would be worth posting there.

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i had one that had the same thing.

Es ist richtig. Meiner zeigt den gleichen Inhalt.

I was taught High German, They say it isnt' really spoken anymore, and i am quite rusty.

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hi ansil,

what do you mean by saying it isnt' really spoken anymore?

you're talking 'bout the "old high german"? spoken from 750 to 1050?

or "middle high german"? 1050 to 1350?

you learned that old crap? :D

had some friends at university who were quite good at it.

"Es ist richtig. Meiner zeigt den gleichen Inhalt." => "it is right. mine shows the same content." ?!? so you had a washburn a-15 equipped with this pickup, too?

well, it wasn't originally in there, because mine was a three singlecoil-pu guitar.

the pre-owner widened the routing (most probably with a chainsaw :D ) for the humbucker to fit in.

the other one came with an (ab)used washburn hm-20v i bought several months ago.

did you sell the guitar?

i love those 80s washburns with the bulky wonderbar2001 bridges.



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no i had the same pickup, new from the store with the same logo and look as what you posted.

from what i understand on the german i was tought is. there is say kings or queens english that is very proper no slang whatsoever exact dialect and usaage of proper nouns. basically the stuff that no one really pays attention too over here in the states.

but according to my german teacher..[she was from brazil haa] but our exchange student said that our german was over 200 years old that we were learning and that only people around 75-80 would understand us completely.

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i see B)

i had an exchange student from canada. she learned the local southgerman dialect (swabian) for over one year.

the same time, her brother was in northern germany.

back in canada, she could't understand a single german word he was saying :D

like some britface and some texan trying to have a conversation, hehe.

so, what happened to the pickup?

did you like it?



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yes i did like the pickup it was wonderfull i really do love bill lawrence pickups.. they are up there in my top favorites right up there with pjmarx.. that company was way ahead of its time.. i got some of there stuff years ago and was floored but i think it was gibson bought them out and just filed away there ideas cause they made most other pickups sound weak and lifeless by comparisson.

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i remember a time, when the bill lawrence pus and the stewmacbilllawrence pus looked the same. :D

QUOTE (Southpa @ Jun 4 2004, 04:13 PM)

The Stewmac pickups go under the name Golden Age and they don't make blades. But the overwound HB's by Golden Age are a good bang for the buck. 

i second that motion....

here in germany a company (www.rockinger.com) builds really nice and affordable pus.

e.g. the jay bee custom and the paf-ect. they sound like the tough sons of the sd sh-4 and sh-2 B)


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