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Some patriotic airbrushing

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  • 3 weeks later...
Its so cool it looks fake.

You should go to his web site, he is an artist in the airbrush department, not to mention his contributions to the painting tutorials...

That's awsome LGM, I didn't reply on the first time because I could tell it wasn't done, I can't tell if it is cleared, there is some shine but it looks semi-gloss, not like the other one in your tutorial.

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very nice, but why would you put flames around the flag and the towers :D

That was something that I tossed around for a long time, I hesitated quite a bit, it was the customer who initially asked about doing that.

I got thinking about it and came to the realization that this canopy is for a firefighter. Fire is an obvious connection to a firefighter. Also, the fire being behind the image like that signifies that memory being burned into our hearts and minds forever. Please keep in mind that it's not a burning flag, or the WTC on fire, it's surrounding the image, fire being a symbol for heat, for passion, not always a destructive symbol.

Here are pics of the finished canopy before polishing.





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Maybe you guys should comment on the workmanship rather than get political about the owners (not Jeremy from LGM) own thoughts, design and sadness. I see this as an awesome display of expertise by LGM, contracted by someone who was obviously hurt emotionally by the 9/11 attacks.

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Now there's something to be proud of.

Do you have any pics of the in process work? It looks like you used about every trick/technique possible - I'd love to see pics of just one of the techniques you used if you have any. For example, the wrinkles in the red/white/blue banner - did you free-hand those? Are they done with one color?

Have you ever thought about doing an online airbrush course?

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Well, no worries about the jet with the WTC on it, this isn't a jet :D it's a helicopter canopy.

But Perry and Ki are correct, this is a project that is close to the customers heart, mine as well, in fact there was a time or two that I was choking back tears during this project. I put alot into this as I also lost friends in the WTC.

The bottom line is, Phil (my customer) wanted to express his emotion on something that hit so close to home for him (he is a firefighter in LA) by putting it onto something that he loves and enjoys, (his RC hobby)

There will always be people who make art political, I could have painted it on canvas and somewhere somebody would have said kind of ironic that it will be on a wall in a building when the WTC was a building. See what I'm getting at? It's very very difficult to take a sensitive subject like this and portray it in a tasteful way. I believe this project came out in the best way possible. It's honestly probably going to be the most difficult to send back to the customer of any work I've done B)

All the symbols on this canopy are icons of what happened, and I have tried to symbolize that we can never forget what has happened.

I do apologize if anyone finds it offensive, be it on this forum, or anywhere else, I sincerely hope I've captured the remorse and rememberance of that days events in a positive light, not an offensive one.


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So, once the base coat of Red was down, how long does something like that take to airbrush??


I have about 24 hours in the canopy, that includes prep prime base and clear beyond the airbrushing. I have about another 3 hours of sanding and buffing to do before it's ready to ship.

So there is probably 19 hours of actual airbrushing in it.


I don't have any in progress pics, I've been so busy I don't have much time to take pics, especially while I'm working on things.

However, this one was all just basic freehand work with a few major shapes masked off. When I get some time I'll do another airbrushing tutorial, probably on a guitar as there is an airbrush forum which has requested one as well.


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Maybe you guys should comment on the workmanship rather than get political about the owners (not Jeremy from LGM) own thoughts, design and sadness. I see this as an awesome display of expertise by LGM, contracted by someone who was obviously hurt emotionally by the 9/11 attacks.

I couldn't had said it better!

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