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PRS? Why are they considered better than others


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I was at guitar center the other day, and this kid comes up to me as I am looking at a used PRS and he goes to tell me that PRS's are the nicest guitars out there today.

I gave him that once over look, and said, leave me alone.

I could not figure out why they push PRS's so much at guitar center.

I have come across some PRS that are PRShit...

Does PRS have a deal with GC? They do have the nicest quilted tops, consistently, but... I personally like LP customs.

any thoughts?

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prs just seems to be the it guitar of the moment. All the local bigger name luthiers are going ofr that prs feel, Mcinturff and RR Godian being the two most prominent.

(and b4 i get flamed i dont mean the double cutaway with the scoop style but moore the general details like the style tops and colors, and control layout. I think Mcinturffs actually play better than PRS's too)

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fro what ive heard, prs's used to be great, now they're just good, but i doubt i can call them the nicest, id go for a les paul too, and they're probably pushing them because they are expensive, and one look over on the pretty top woods, is all the proof most people need,

Well, I've played several and own one, and have found them all - well the US ones anyway - to be extremely nice, 'easy' guitars to play.

So much so, I've practically stopped playing any of my Fenders at all.

I've also an LP which I bought as a backup guitar. Comparing the two directly is perhaps a little unfair, as the PRS cost about 3 times what the LP did, but for what it's worth, the PRS is more versatile, lighter, has a thinner neck and remains in tune far far better despite the fact it has a trem while the LP obviously doesn't.

Cosmetically, the PRS is miles better than the Gibson, which has a solid 'sparkle finish' under nitro.

Is it worth the extra bucks? Not so certain about that, but if I had to lose one of these two, it would be the Gibson on sheer playability in MY hands - and that's what it's all about really, isn't it? And if I could afford another PRS, yes I'd go collect it later today! :D

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Although I have played several PRS, I don't actually like the feel of them, they don't suit me. However, I think the attention to detail and build quality is excellent. Whether or not they are worth the asking price is a question on personal viewpoint. Is a JEM7VWH worth 3 times as much as an RG550?

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MY personal experience with people that dont like PRS's is: (select one)

1 - They cant afford one

2 - They cant build something even remotely close, quality and design wise

3 - They have never played one

My question is... for those people that DONT like PRS, please tell us why.

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Fair enuff rhoads I shall except your challenge!

1. I don't care for the feel of the neck, especially the heel.

2. I felt that the stock P/ups were kind fo weak on a guitar that expensive.

3. I never really felt comfortable while plying it sitting ( and thats real trifling cuz I have an RR V)

I wouldn't say I dislike PRS they are very nice guitars, just not for me. As I said before I'd get a Mcinturff if I was buying in that price range.

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I think that is both harsh and stereotypical Rhoads. I'm fairly sure that most of the people that have posted in this topic (myself included) don't fall under any of those three categories. Therefore, you imply that everyone who has expressed an opinion against PRS guitars speak with no basis for their argument.

So, I think it is less about why people don't like them and more for the ones who do to indicate why they consider them to be better than others. Which is, incedently, the entire point of this thread.

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When I think of a great guitar I think of value. I want a guitar that sounds good and feels good.

I have never owned a PRS because when I have played them I never thought that they were worth the money that people were asking.

Just because its worth more money does not mean it will be a better guitar.

Whats the point of a really pretty/expensive guitar when you like something else?

thats my point of view at least.

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I think that is both harsh and stereotypical Rhoads. I'm fairly sure that most of the people that have posted in this topic (myself included) don't fall under any of those three categories. Therefore, you imply that everyone who has expressed an opinion against PRS guitars speak with no basis for their argument.

So, I think it is less about why people don't like them and more for the ones who do to indicate why they consider them to be better than others. Which is, incedently, the entire point of this thread.

I can only comment on my experiences, and that is that 95% of the people i have talked to about PRS (and that dont like them), have zero basis for there dislikes.

My post was more of a challenge to BigD actually, as ive seen him bash them on numerous occassions, yet still not tell us why.

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When I think of a great guitar I think of value. I want a guitar that sounds good and feels good.

I have never owned a PRS because when I have played them I never thought that they were worth the money that people were asking.

Just because its worth more money does not mean it will be a better guitar.

Whats the point of a really pretty/expensive guitar when you like something else?

thats my point of view at least.

so what makes them... PRShit... as you have said previously. I dont understand how a DNA Vai can be so expensive, or a Fender 50th Ann Strat, for that matter, but i aint going to label them ****.

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I guess the ones that I have played I just was not happy with them. Also some of the ones that I have seen come in for work at my buddies shop are just in bad shape, don't sound good and all that.

Maybe its the abuse factor. I have seen some fenders and LP's trashed but sound good, but when I have seen trashed prs's they are in bad bad shape.

It could just be the ones that I have played too.

I also think that its crap, kids have the vision that a PRS is the ideal guitar. I used to think that it was a great guitar all nice and shiny and in playing a couple I just was not impressed.

A shinny/pretty guitar does not make it a better guitar, I guess is what I am getting at...

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I guess here is one of my real beef... To have lawyers pull auctions because you mention PRS in the title or auction is complete crap. The cost of the PRS instrument includes that type of BS. Funny how fender, gibson, all the other guitar manufactures don't do that.

so that with the fact that the folks at Guitar Center push them like they are the best guitars, and that the ones I have played and seen come in for repair are my reasons for starting this post.

something to bicker about right? beats doing my real job... :-)

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i always thought PRS had no soul. They always have to look perfect and even the tiniest scratch makes it look injured. Whereas your typical fender strat looks the bees knees with a few dents and scratches. I have a highway 1 fender strat with a laquer finish, and within the first few days some of the paint flaked off (apparently supposed to for a relic style) which didnt matter, it adds character.

my personal opinion anyway.

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I guess here is one of my real beef... To have lawyers pull auctions because you mention PRS in the title or auction is complete crap. The cost of the PRS instrument includes that type of BS. Funny how fender, gibson, all the other guitar manufactures don't do that.

THAT folks, is what i was getting at...

However Big D, you are wrong. Fender and Gibson have both done the same thing, you have been lucky to avoid them however.

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Yeah, sorry if I went a bit over the top there Rhoads. A kind of red mist descended on me for some reason. I do see that point you are making and I do agree that a lot of people do make certain assumptions about things without having a reasoned basis for that opinion.

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I've had similar experience to Perry Rhoads - in general most of the knockers either can't afford one or are dealers who can't get a franchise!

Now the korean PRS' are another matter altogether....

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I have been online for a year now, and selling on ebay for 2 years and never had a problem with fender or gibson. I list one item under PRS and bam...

this will piss off a ton of people, I do agree with Ed roman on this point... If you have a dragon as your signature guitar wouldn't you do that yourself? not out source it?

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I think that they are the best looking quitars on the market, I also own one and it plays just nicely, I also own a Gibson Les Paul Standard Honey Burst that looks beautiful, but honestly, it doesn't feel the same as my PRS, the action is better and my fingers seem to flow up and down the neck more fluidly, I also own a Steinberger the I travel with (fits in the overhead on aircraft) and even though it's a cheap guitar, it seems to play nicely too, so in my opinion, the cost of the guitar doesn't always dictate it's playability. It's the set up...... You have to have a good neck and then set it up for your needs, I currently own 5 guitars and am considering the purchase of a Peavey EVH. Anyone own one? If you do, let me know how it plays! I also pump my pick-ups through a H&K Warp 7 half stack.


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I guess that I am somewhat lost here, I purchased my PRS on eBay, they have a catagory listed in the electric guitar section, if they were going to pull auctions because they say PRS, why wouldn't they just pull the whole catagory? The guitar that was pulled must have had something special about it, was it a Dragon? Anyway, I hate to sound lost, but I seen at least 100 PRS's for sale on eBay everyday..... I have seen a Peavey EVH get pulled of for copy right reasons, but it was painted exactly like Eddy Van Halens old Kramer which is copy righted.


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My opinion on the subject may contribute some sort of different light to whole argument. For one, having built a PRS copy I spent hours upon hours just studying what makes the PRS a PRS, my friend was nice enough to let me spec his entirely out, proding and digging to find what worked.

Even though this guitar was the lowest end USA PRS (CE 22 Bolt-On...no figured wood) he coughed up some cash for it. The guitar plays wonderfully, even sitting down. I think many people look at the heel and think "GOD! That's incredible! How ridiculous!" Without actually giving it a chance. I've found that if you play the guitar how you're supposed to play it (thumb down the middle of the neck aligned with your first finger) that when your thumb hits that heel, your pinky finger rests comfortably on the last fret.

PRS's are easy to play cuz they allow for low action without fret noise, and have a lower neck profile than a Fender or a Les Paul. The strings on a PRS seem to feel softer, looser, than the same strings on a Tele. This I can only attribute to a good setup, but in some ways it's inexplicable.

I have the PRS factory DVD. In it, Mr. Smith himself tells a story about a kid who was complaining because the guitars were TOO easy to play. Mr. Smith explains that his guitars aren't for everyone, but that they were designed with the player specifically in mind. Basically the intent was for them to be easy to play on any level.

The above i think is what a lot of people find wrong with a PRS, though i believe it is fairly subconscious. The guitars have such a neutral feel to them, that people playing them may come under the impression that the guitar has no character, when in fact, that is the guitars character.

A point was brought up about the pickups. I dont remember who it was and i dont want to go back and check but Mr. go check the PRS website. They have specs on all of their pickups. It may depend on which guitar you pick up and play, you have to check the tag to find out what kind of pickup is in it. Some of their pickups are wound way hot, and others, hardly at all, its for the player's style, if you don't like a hot pickup, you've got a weak one to choose from.

Rant, rant, blah blah.

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I guess that I am somewhat lost here, I purchased my PRS on eBay, they have a catagory listed in the electric guitar section, if they were going to pull auctions because they say PRS, why wouldn't they just pull the whole catagory? The guitar that was pulled must have had something special about it, was it a Dragon? Anyway, I hate to sound lost, but I seen at least 100 PRS's for sale on eBay everyday..... I have seen a Peavey EVH get pulled of for copy right reasons, but it was painted exactly like Eddy Van Halens old Kramer which is copy righted.


I think I have a suspicion that Big D may be an ebay seller who puts things like "Custom Guitar, NOT [or like] PRS, Fender, Gibson" as the title so that it comes up in standard searches. I would be offended if someone was using my companies reputation to attract business to themself.

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no no I don't do the "not PRS" thing that sucks and annoying, I don't need that type of exposure. I mainly sell wood on ebay, not guitars, getting closer to that...

I was selling a zebra wood top and said" "make your own PRS gibson fender style instrument" In the auction header. Its was a rough piece of wood, not shaped bookmatched thats it.

if they were going to pull auctions because they say PRS, why wouldn't they just pull the whole catagory?

When the lawyer emailed me back stating that PRS can do what they want to do with their copyrighted name, I asked him if they are going to pull the whole ebay listing PRS, because you can list items in that section that are not PRS.

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