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Curtis P

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Everything posted by Curtis P

  1. well, i always wanted a flying v acoustic, and i always wanted a bass, but since i dont want to buy a bass amp, i decided, in wood class, i am going to build the body of an acoustic flying V and the neck, fretless by the way, and in my metal class, i am going to machine all the metal peices i can (bridge, brass nut, truss rod, string loading system) I know i shouldnt be starting this project, but i got some scrap wood thats burning a hole in my room, lol, heres the specs so far: Flying V fretless 4 string Bass -fretless (hence title) -basswood sides with mahogany back and maple top -custom truss rod/bridge -36 (??) scale -mahogany neck, maple fingerboard this is more just a fool around guitar, i wanted to own a bass, but never had the money, and since i got the side wood already (which is also going to be braces) i might as well order some thin mahogany and maple and make a guitar out of it, eh?? Will post pics of my drawings tommorow when the camera has some life in it (girl was over today, yea know, ) Curtis
  2. Dude, my best friend smokes dope almost everyday, today he just went out and bought a gino, so i do know that it does change you, he gets violent, and stuff (i wanted to say something else, but i would have got a warning) and, when i do play guitar with him, and he does smoke a few bowls, he DOES crank the amp WAAAY up, almost to a point of blowing the speaker, and he will not listen to anyone when hes stoned have you ever smoke weed? have you ever had a really good friend, that when you go camping, he thinks its funny to roll a fatty, climb a tree and take a big sh!t on your tent? no, its not funny, its pathetic, and sad, its happened, almost to a point where i dont even hang out with the kid anymore, so dont tell me that its not worse then ciggarettes or anything, and a pack a day is worse then a joint a week filters or no filters, yea, it dont take a god damn rocket scientist to figure that out i am talking about 2 cigarettes to 2 equal sized joints, which is worse? the joints, no filters, it aint brain surgerory you know Curtis P.S. what i did find amusing out of it all today is how he was talking about how he wants to get his PHD, a few minutes later he was asking what a PHD was, lmao... hahaha
  3. maybe i am biased, but like Maiden said, opinons are like assholes, we all got em!! so heres mine, lol I think it should be completley illegal, think bout it, you smoke a ciggarette, you got the filter on it, you smoke a joint, or some bowls, do buckets or whatever, wheres the filter on that?? your still breathing in smoke, and its worse for you, instead of breathing it right out like a ciggarette, you hold it in your lungs to get a better hit, so how good can that be?? And another thing, if you go out and smoke pot, and say you get the great idea to go and play guitar in the middle of the night, so you plug in and crank your amp WAAY up, police come and you get a domestic disturbance charge, your stoned and you forget where you put the tiicket or whatever, so another fine for not paying it if its so natural, then why does it harm us? you cannot sit here and tell me that smoke inhalation of ANY kind will not cause lung cancer, especially when you hold it in your lungs for a bigger hit Curtis
  4. my $150 Washburn has perfect glue joints, the only complaint is the laquer has cracked in a spot (right by neck pocket, like on some ibanezs) Curtis
  5. Hey Matt!! on the 8 stringer you should do bevels like this!! i love it!! Curtis
  6. try nuno bettencourt model, they arent overly grunge, but are still a great pickup none the less Curtis
  7. Hey, I had a great idea for a pedal today, instead of only pressing forward, you can also go backwards, 2 seperate switches the way i thought, it works like a whammy bar, only its more controlled, press forward to go lower, and backwards to peirce those high notes, and when you step off the pedal, it automaticly returns to position (so, maybe spring loaded???) I was just thinkin out this today when i was goofin around with the RP50, trying to find a decent whammy effect, but found nothing so ended up just using my trem bar, which sucked because i cant bring notes up more then half a step because of my strupid trem lol So, is it possible?? if it is, i would like to see how it would be done, and if someone builds it, then a price on how much Curtis
  8. Today, I got the ferrules marked (only using front ferrules) and i will be routing tonight if i can gather some scraps!!! if i get the neck pocket routed tonight then i am also going to do the pickups and recess the bridge and the control cavity will possibly get routed. Tommorow, i dont have to work, so i am working on my truck (its almost done too) and after i get some work on my truck done, i am going to go to the shop (my work) and laminate the fingerboard onto the neck, and also get the headstock cut out, i might get the profile started as well. No pictures yet, camera is dead, LOL Curtis
  9. wow, hes good..... nice guitar Perry, like always, i want one, lol Curtis
  10. wow, this is a pretty pointless vote I voted NULL Curtis
  11. Hey Bowser!! Thanks for the link, but i aint into that fancy stuff, its really nice, but its on the back of the guitar, so, i think i will try my luck with sawdust and glue. by the way, heres a new picture of the back, i made a new cavity cover mock up http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/cur...ewProgress3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/cur...ewProgress1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/cur...NewProgress.jpg Let me know what you think Curtis
  12. what really scares me is the knot on the backside as shown HERE (look to the right about 4 - 5 inches) it doesnt go all the way through the body, and i dont want to fill it will wood fill, is it possible to bore it out and add in bass? or should i just mix in sawdust and glue and smear it in there??? Curtis P.S, what do you think bout my mock up cavity covers? good bad, otherwise?? Curtis
  13. ohh yea, its large and in charge, rotflmao nevermind bout it man, go ahead an ask questions, dont really bother me, i just playin Curtis
  14. not to sound rude, but can you please not clutter up my topic, i know i am guilty of asking questions in someone elses topic, but please dont do it to mine Curtis
  15. Hey, i need a suggestion on the bridge pickup placement, i want good attack because for the style of music i play, but i also want a decent clean, i am thinking about 1/4 to 1/2 inch towards neck of where i am now?? Curtis
  16. That guitar is killer!! any pics with the knurled knobs?? Curtis
  17. Thanks!! coming from you with that amzing 7 string, i take that as a HUGE compliment!! Curtis
  18. Setch Those pickup lines are guidlines, i plan on routing the neck pocket first, but the pups are just drew on there for guidelines When you say that my bridge will have to be moved back, hod you far do you mean?? should the saddle be in line with the line?? That line is my 25.5 scale length I will move the bridge pickup up towards the neck a bit more, thants for the tip Curtis Edit, i am using a regular number 2 pencil, but since i cant see them that well on the wood, i have to make them a bit darker (i am colour defficeint, and light pencil on wood just dont pop out to me, lol) Thanks for the comments, really makes me feel good inside Curtis
  19. well, i have made the conclusion that i have no scrap wood at home to make these templates, so i have to wait until work and rob some scrap to use for the router Also, what kinda bit should i be using? bearing bit? or a regular bit and just have fences??, which ones it easiest to do?? last one i did fencese, but since i have access to a bearing bit, then maybe i should use it?? Curtis
  20. your thinkin of teflon tape eh Kaj?? that could work too, but the though of putting tape inside my guitar to hold something in place just bothers me, Curtis
  21. lol, thanks Maestro, it does sound pretty stupid now that i get thinkin about it anyways, heres some progress pics http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/cur...JemProgress.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/cur...emProgress1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/cur...emProgress3.jpg Thanks Curtis
  22. OK, i got the angle, drew everything onto the body, and if i have any scrap wood laying around, i will make the pickup and neck templates for routing, so i can route them out. Pictures soon, I promise!! Curtis
  23. or just get used to grabbing the trem, and wrapping tape around it?? you dont want to be fishing out tape everytime you remove the trem, do you?? Curtis
  24. I hate Greenday, i never liked anything by them, I only learned Time f your Life to get chicks, and guess what, still didnt work!! my brother was singin boulevard of broken dreams last night while i was on msn, i got up and punched him in the face, I just DESPISE that pop punk crap Curtis
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