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Everything posted by skibum5545

  1. very cool! Single cut basses aren't really my thing, but I love the creativity and originality in the design. I also LOVE the fretboard. Good luck with finishing!
  2. You could go swimming in the figure of that guit! As for the plywood guitar, what does red tint laquer do if it's over black?
  3. www.alsacorp.com has "soft feel" paint, but I don't know if it is available for consumer purchase, or what exactly it feels like.
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=47067 What more can be said?
  5. hopefully it won't be permanent... right Brian?
  6. This was mentioned in an earlier thread: The Extended series 40 and 45 DC's (for bass) are basically 85's in a bigger box. I don't know if that helps... I was thinking, for a bass, of getting the 81/85 7 stringers, because they are in the 35 Extended series casing, and it'd be cool to hear how the 81/85 set sounds in a bass... maybe on my next bass.
  7. Really? I emailed them for new screws, ad the guy there (I think it was Rick) asked for my address and they arrived within the week, along with a really cool EMG sticker!
  8. That looks really pro. Good job! Sell it on ebay, someone will probably pay some money for it, even though it isn't hardwood.
  9. Not only are they tongue-in-cheek about the 80's, they also write really good music!!
  10. What happened to people's locations under their name and avatar? One of the coolest things on this site was seeing where everyone was from! What happened?
  11. Wooowww... now I know what glass finish means! That thing is killer. I hope its playability is par with its looks. Keep it up!
  12. What about "Starship Shredd"? or "Enterpryze K" or "StarKrushyr" of some other funkily spelled thing? Cool shape by the way.
  13. erm... I see a move to the infinitely more posh "RANT SECTION" any post now.... FIGHT! And drak, it is your wood, and maybe it's for the best that you smashed it. After all, it was the top you were going to replace, and as long as you don't hurt the rest of the body, who cares if the top survives? I had assumed that you were ditching the body too, which was wrong of me. I'd love to see that thing with a nice top on it. Until then,
  14. the pups is all a matter of taste. EMG has soundsamples on their website, and you can compare the sound of the 60 with the 85. I personally like the 60 better, in terms of the sound samples, although I've never owned either.\ $.02
  15. Then let one of us, who would die to have a body like that, finish it for you... just a thought. $.02
  16. next time youre at the smashing stage, PM me, and I'll give you my address. I'll paint the damn thing black!
  17. well, figured it out-- EMG data sheets... It's like this: according to this: http://www.emginc.com/downloads/wiringdiag...kers_active.pdf
  18. Does the cable connect to the pins on the pickup like this: or like this: This is on the J pickup from a P-J set. Is it the same on the P? Thanks!
  19. What glue should I use to glue a tusq nut into an ebony fretboard?
  20. I was just thinking that a maroon/white/maroon layered pickguard would also look cool on it.
  21. Not true for me anyway. I emailed them asking about buying a neck-thru neck, and they told me, quite simply, that they didn't make them, end of story.
  22. wooooooww.... AMAZING. I wonder... what tone will a walnut semihollow have?
  23. For me it was between the flame V and the semi-hollow. Lex, your bass is amazing, but it was a tough month! The flame V had great colors and very cool elements, but the semi-hollow had a very classy, and very classic, understated look to it. HARD CHOICE!!
  24. I seem to remember your old neck having a dragon's head... right? It looked like a lot of work; did it go so badly that you wanted to start over? I really liked it!
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