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Everything posted by Simo

  1. There's 2 video interview's with Phil and Pat on www.blabbermouth.net
  2. I'm not a fan of semi-hollows to be honest, I might do make one at some point but this will just be chambered. I've been looking into pickups too, I'm thinking about using one of these if my budget will stretch to one... http://www.lrbaggs.com/html/products/pickups_hex.shtml
  3. Nope it's not glued yet, the join is fine it's just sitting on an uneven surface. It's sands ok and it routed very nicely, but you have to be very very careful with the dust.
  4. I've cut out the Cocobolo top this morning, as you can see the template slipped slightly while I was routing near the neck pocket, luckily I got away with it! most of it will be routed out anyway when the neck pocket is done and the rest will tidy up without too much hassle *huge sigh of relief* I've also marked out the chambers and started to pre-drill them with a forstener bit.
  5. Wooooah I just saw this on the ZW forum, now that is some badass ink...... More pics..... http://www.zakkwylde.com/forum/viewtopic.p...353d2c05eea010a
  6. I had the MG 100 dfx combo for a short while, it sounded ok at low>medium volumes but it sounded **** once it was cranked up a bit, but they are cheap. I'd rarther go for AVT or a 2nd hand original Valvestate.
  7. Yep I'm in a band, altough we're not doing much at the moment as we're on the look out for yet another drummer I started the band back in high school when we were all 13/14 years old and the singer and other guitarist and myself are still together 7 years later. We sound like a mix between Megadeth, Maiden, Slayer, Metallica, Pantera and more modern stuff like Shadows Fall. We also have a acoustic side band we started a few years ago, we do the odd gig now again, it gives us a chance to play something different from the main band.....Chris Cornell, Doors Down, Chuck Berry, Goo Goo Dolls, Lifehouse, Incubus, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bruce Dickinson.....anything goes!
  8. I buy 'Guitar Buyer' and 'Guitar' quite a lot and I also get Guitar World now and again, mainly because most gear is released in America before it hit's our shelves so I can see what's going to be coming out soon.
  9. There's a great message from Scott Ian here..... http://www.anthrax.com/html/ANTHRAX_alphamail.htm My favourite part...."Charlie told a great story about being at the house and seeing a goat with a pink beard walk past him. He did a double take and asked Dime why there was a goat walking around. Dime told him that somebody left it at his house so naturally he had to dye its beard a matching pink."
  10. I remember seeing Meatloaf playing Bat Out Of Hell live on tv a year or 2 ago, I think his guitarist was Paul Crook who played with Anthrax for a while....anyway he deffinetly used a Floyd to do the bike noises, that's how they do it live whether they used the same method when they recorded it I don't know.
  11. Anyway back on topic ....here's a small part of Robb Flynn's statement about Dimebag that made me smile, it gives you an idea on the kind of guy he was.... "....So the next day I go up to him and say "Hey man, do you remember what you did to my guitar last night?" He's like "Uh... refresh my memory"... so I say, "You... uh... smashed the neck in half"... to which he says "No **** dude?! I'll take care of you, no problem, don't worry!" He then had his tour manager give us TWICE as much money as it would cost to replace / repair the neck. And then a week later, while we're ON STAGE in Chicago, he comes out, and brings both Logan and I brand new, top-of-the-line Dimebag Darrell signature guitars - these things were worth probably 2500 dollars each - and he whispers in my ear, "Sorry about the neck, Carjacker" (a nickname he had for me)... I mean, COME ON!? The next time we saw him, he played us some "just finished" mixes for the then-unreleased "Reinventing The Steel" record at he and Vinnie's Club. We were all worshipping. We drank shitloads, and he even rocked on the vodka with us, rather than the whiskey, just 'cause he remembered that The Head like vodka. A week later I get a package at our hotel in Pittsburg... he had sent 4 one-liter bottles of expensive-ass Ketel One vodka, all the way from Texas, with a note that read "Carjacker, it was killer hanging out with you the other night. Remember, it's Goddamn Electric! -Your brother Dime". That's the type of guy he was, such a giving person. 200 bucks worth of vodka? Bah, no problem
  12. Wow that would deffinetly get my vote for GOTM
  13. Dime promoted playing great music and having a hell of a good time doing it...end of story
  14. That is good advice, I hadn't thought about that. Although because the body has already been shaped the extra width of the heal may be a problem I'll definitely look into that, thanks!
  15. Oh yeah I remember seeing that! I'll have a search for the old thread, cheers I've been talking to the guy at my guitar shop about this, he seemed as excited about it as I am he said that if this one works out well then he'd be interested in trying to sell some in the shop
  16. Yeah I'll proberbly make it curved but I'm just waiting until I sort out which neck I'm using first. Nice axe by the way
  17. I'm using a Peavey Transfex Pro 212s at the moment and I love it, I can get vitually any sound I'm after with it, altough I do love Marshall tube amps I wish I'd never sold my little JCM 900
  18. Yeah altough I'm not a fan of his I looked it up after Vladdrac mentioned it in his post on Jem Site. I found a few lines about it on his site... http://www.yngwie.org/equipment/guitars2.html The thing that confused me a little was the fact that it had a tremolo I would of thought that the nylon strings would of gone out of tune
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