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Everything posted by Jivin

  1. Hi, I'm looking into getting a guitar with a floyd, and I decided to check out Music123 and I wound up looking at this LTD's: MH-250 - http://www.music123.com/ESP-MH-250-i125835.music MH-400 - http://www.music123.com/ESP-MH-400-i126067.music Keeping in mind I am in Australia, after you factor in the shipping and everything the MH-400 at $600US is at the end of my budget, but both of those look very nice. I'm leaning more towards the MH-400 at the moment, because there is a few things ive seen on the pictures of the MH-250's that irk me, eg: the really pale brown fingerboard and the sorta 'messy' quilt veneer. Obviously the MH-400 wont look as good as it does in that picture (false advertising if you ask me, but I guess they could hide behind the 'not every peice of wood is the same' line which ive been given by a number of music stores already), but I figure seeing as I am ordering it unseen anyway, I give myself a better chance of being happy without breaking the bank by getting the MH-400. According to some helpful people at the ESP forums the MH-301 is really probably what I want since I wouldnt mind changing out the pickups to a Dimebucker/Jazz set, but since they have been discontinued, the cheapest I could find one that could be posted to Australia was $550US! Stuff that! for $45US more I can get the MH400 with the active EMG's. Anyway, once ive sold off a bit of stuff I will probably go for the MH-400 (it says there is a wait until Feb. 15 fo them anyway), but any opinions on these guitars, or this level of LTD in general, or even other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, - Dan
  2. From what I understand Perry is putting it aside for just a little while, but in case you didn't know, he keeps a diary of his progress here: http://www.monaro.com.au/guitars/diary/Custom%20Guitars/ Might want to keep your eye on that for updates Cheers, - Dan
  3. I have to agree with Greg, but that might be a bit of jealousy talking
  4. I read that Mustaine was coming out with a new DV model guitar that would be including a new pickup he is designing with Seymour Duncan? It was hte pickup that interested me most.... he claimed in the interview that it would be a Active JB; a mix of the metal livewire and the JB. Anyone heard anyhting about that? Also, I keep seeing this in the specs of these guitars...what is the JBJ pickup? how is it different from the JB? Cheers, - Dan
  5. Yeah it is on guitar, sorry about the mixup Wes, I just wasnt sure about posting the actual song on the board so I just put up the midi because it was only 40kb. Plauge: Yes I have actually, even though its not like im a huge Racer X fan or anything. I thought it was more insane, but I never really gave it a second look as it sounded like -almost- mindless shredding, whereas Scarified had the awesome 80's video game vibe going for it
  6. Could someone please tell me that this song is actually possible to play with naught but mere mortal hands!?!!? I just can't get it - and i've been playing at like 75bpm for ages I'm sure there is much harder out there, but this is still madness! If anyone can play it, please post away! here is a midi if people hadn't heard it before: http://www.funkyshack.com/crap/scarified.mid
  7. I bought mine from a local music store, but im sure you could pick up a sheet from a number of online places: www.stewmac.com www.wdmusicproducts.com www.allparts.com that should be a start anyway - Dan
  8. I have to agree with Librero a bit here... Though I actually agree a lot of high-output humbuckers sound a little 2-dimensional (not that I dont appreciate the mountains of difference between some of them), but thats what they are there for! If you want a pickup that will handle your average distortion as well as nicer clean tones, the Seymour Duncan JB seems to please a LOT of people, not to mention how many guitars it seems to come standard in. However, if you want a searing, crushing, awesomely heavy kickass mother of a pickup, you woudln't want it for playing jazz would you, and chances are unless you place very unreasonable expectations on your specialised equipement, you probably wouldnt be THAT finicky about the quality of clean tones from said pickup. If you want a metal pickup, the ones you listed at the beginning are a great place to start, and I suggest you stick to those sorts of pickups. They may not be EMG or Seymour Duncan, but I own a range of GFS pickups, and I can say that as they get higher in output (distortion, mega distortion ect ect), the clean tones DO suffer, however, for even the most monster distortion (except maybe the invader style one), with the right EQ changes on my effects board I can coax a clean sound thats more than suitable for any clean tones I would want to use within a heavy rock/metal context. If wanted something else, I would use one of my other guitars that have less beefy pickups. Good luck, let us know what you choose in the end! - Dan PS: I should elaborate; I have heard that the Duncan JB is actually a quite nice pickup for both handling clean and distorted tones, maybe leaning a -fraction- toward the distorted tones, so if your a bit hesitant on going all out high-output, then you should check it out.
  9. http://instruments.listings.ebay.com/Parts...ListingItemList All of the other sites I can recommend would only be fender styles otherwise, check out http://www.edromanguitars.com/parts/bodyblanks.htm - Dan
  10. I'm not sure if your willing to put in this much work, but Brian wrote a tutorial that covers converting a floyd style tremolo (on an RG i think) to a hardtail. The process he goes through could be used on any trem conversion though. http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/tht1.htm
  11. I couldn't agree with you more Dan: thats my squire i jazzed up a bit - its got S100's in it and as far as i know its not a plywood body, but I really dont care cause it sounds great and plays wonderfully. With the parts i've put in it im confidant that I wouldnt get too much (if anything) more out of spending the money on an american strat. I just love this thing!
  12. probably not...just as i am not the only one to think brian may and iron maiden sucked ← No but they were all quite ugly
  13. only AWESOME...ER the next one will be totally built for the kill
  14. If someone was saying the "front of the neck pocket" I would just assume they were talking about the narrow end furtherst from the bridge.
  15. The secret is actually a ritual dance peice, where Perry dances around the body and then sacrafices small animals, and once the gods have been appeased they cure the body and smite all unbeleivers.
  16. Hi Wes, thanks for adjusting my post. Im lucky enough to have a friend who bought one off ebay some time ago, and he also owns a Les Paul standard, and in all honesty I preferred the grassroots one. It weighed a bit more than the gibson, and sounded better. Admittedly though, he had replaced the pickups and swapped the tuners with grover ones, however I still think it was a very nice instrument. Do you have any experience buying from Japan? Is it even possible that you know of? Unless I am mistaken too, the price of these guitars from that store are more like $310USD, or $410AUD Thanks again, - Dan PS: this is the one i was after http://34musicstore.co.jp/cgi/data/img43/21.jpg
  17. Hi Everyone, Has anyone ever heard of or seen someone selling Grassroots guitars (specifically the Les Pauls) in the states or in some country other than Japan? I am very interested in picking one up, but I cant seem to find any around besides on the sites in Japan (eg: http://34musicstore.co.jp/catalog/eleg/gra...ots/index.html). Thanks in Advance, - Dan
  18. Nice design! To submit your guitar, im pretty sure you just need to PM Brian: http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showuser=2 btw, you might want to watch the spikes there near the nut... they look like they could hurt if your playing on the first fret edit: never mind, i didnt see the construction pics... looks like its all good
  19. Thanks for all the input so far guys! Maiden: I hadn't thought of that, and it is a good idea, however the body is already been clear lacquered so thats probably a bit out of the question now. Jehle: Interesting idea... but I dont know... wouldnt tone suffer quite a lot by having such a poor neck attachment? I haven't measured it up yet, but my best guess is the proper placement for the neck lies somewhere in the center of the pocket, so if i bolted it in, there would be basically no contact between the neck and sides of the pocket... ? rhoads suggested I just use slips of veneer to chock out the sides... but im pretty sure he was meaning only for a small gap, whereas this gap is easily 1mm on either side.. lol
  20. Hi Eddie, thanks for the response! Question though: Roughly how do you suggest going about filling in the pocket? I had had that idea too, but I wasn't quite sure how to go about it, especially since the shape to fill is a bit abnormal. Thanks again dude, and id be more than happy if you share your wood suppliers with me Thanks, - Dan PS: if you have MSN go ahead and add me, its always good to have local help on hand
  21. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to put together a Tele, so basically I have an aftermarker body and neck, both of which supposedly had the same dimensions, however after getting the gear together, its quite obvious it doesn't fit It would appear as though the side of the neck pocket actually curve outward, making the pocket wider as it gets closer to the body, however the sides of the neck itself are (more or less) straight in comparison. I've tried to capture it in the photos below: I'm not sure what road to take to fix this problem. Should I just be shimming the sides using slivers of timber? Any help would be appreciated, Cheers, - Dan
  22. Jivin


    Im still learning how to use my GT-6 (i really only use a handfull of effects i just wanted the flexability ), but as far as I know the CTL footswitch is for toggling presets - eg: adding reverb or something if you understand how it has 2 banks of effects (FX-1 and FX-2), then basically you can use CTL to toggle one of any of those or wah, distortion/overdrive, delay, chorus, equaliser or even the tuner. I would suggest you try and find a copy of the GT-6 Manual online in the event someone more knowledgable doesn't come to the party. - Dan
  23. Jivin


    They got big because retro is popular atm
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