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Everything posted by Jivin

  1. In general I don't get much of a feeling either way... but i'd say female if I had to pick one at least you acknowledge that its a stupid poll
  2. Look like it will be a cool guitar, good luck with it but seriously.... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/brows...Bprice&x=5&y=19 the basic ones are getting cheap cheap.... get one
  3. Exactly. Numerous methods of getting a basic metal sound have been described, so that would be the best path to take. Get the basic sound and tweak it, find what suits you best instead of just straight out trying to copy someone else. Not only is there equipment involved that you cant afford/get your hands on, but there is also an astounding number of intangibles that go into making their sound theirs... so just get the basic distorted sound by the best means your wallet will allow, and tweak it until your personally satisfied. I think you will very quickly discover what pushes your buttons...
  4. I do it the same way as wes, works fine for me.
  5. I'm assuming they are CNC routed from the info on their site but of course I cant be sure. The bodies look good, I'll probably look into one in the future. One thing though.... on your copyrighted model, the KL, the headstock design seems awfully similar to the headstock Ken Lawrence used on the explorer he built for James Hetfield - is there just something I dont know about here? KL.... Ken Lawrence
  6. I prefer guitar pro anyday, but for a free program Powertab certainly is damn good. You can check/change the tunings in powertab just like in guitar pro. In powertab just click the red guitar on the left hand side in the menu up the top, and then check/adjust the tuning as it is seen on the right hand side for each guitar. You mentioned "its all E4 and A4 and Eb4 and Ab4 and crap, lol"..... well that crap is the tuning the numbers are just a numerical representation of the octave
  7. It looks like the bodies are made out of ash, which isn't standard in jackson guitars, and from memory gives a fairly bright sound, however it isnt a horrible wood or anything like that so I would say provided the worksmanship in both the body and especially the neck is up to scratch, then with the right hardware you could certainly have a great guitar! I say go for it, but maybe you would want to get some other opinions too Good luck, - Dan
  8. Well obviously I meant fast for the original song, but if you rather play it faster I can respect that just having a dig - nothing serious
  9. lol, good to hear especially since it made no sense
  10. Little fast perhaps? Still, good on ya for going to such efforts to help out curtis Good luck
  11. I don't know about the next SRV.... but he certainly is awesome
  12. Maybe you could take apart one of these bad boys and use it? http://www.smokeyamps.com/
  13. Well that doesn't seem very smart You can't build a house on quicksand.... if learning the scales and using them as your framework for soloing is the path you want to tread, you should make sure you learn them properly and make sure you understand them so you can move around freely. Deliberately ceasing to learn your scales and all that because you wanted to concentrate on your own work isn't very sensible When I started with that sort of stuff the only thing I knew was the first postition of the minor pentatonic. For AGES thats all I knew, and I would just stuff around with that to backing tracks or other songs and stuff I could find on the net maybe try getting your hands on some good instructional dvds or something? If you dont mind letting your ears adjust to listening to monotone for an hour or so marty friedmans dvd is quite good for a method thats a little different. - Dan
  14. Is this the first guitar you have owned with a speedloader? Ive read that you wanted to build a guitar with one, but I havent heard any more.... what do you think of it?
  15. american ebay is filled to the brim with shops and individuals selling parts of all kinds, im sure you'd find something in there. examples: http://stores.ebay.com/GUITAR-PARTS-RESOUR...displayZ2QQtZkm http://stores.ebay.com/Guitarfetish-Store_...displayZ2QQtZkm and just incase, if your looking for reviews on any pickusp you find: http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/Data2/00frames.html For the price I think GFS pickups aren't too bad, if your on a budget.
  16. Oh man wes, top find! If i can get the money together im totally picking one up! just gotta get a quote for postage Thanks!
  17. both www.allparts.com and www.wdmusicproducts.com sell strat necks with big headstocks, and www.warmoth.com have it as one of their normal headstock options for their necks.
  18. There is a very good image in the advanced download section? Obviously I cant tell if its the same as the one you already have, but thats all I know. - Dan
  19. Thanks for the replies guys! I appreciate it. Well, this is an LP I will -definitely- be doing test runs until i feel ive got it right so I might just try a few different methods and see how I go. Thanks! - Dan
  20. I've looked through the tutorials on the main site and seen a few methods, and ill continue to trawl the internet (im also reading martin koch's book so that should help), but I was wondering if some builders with experience here could recommend what they think is the best method for carving a top for the first time. Thanks in advance, - Dan
  21. What about the black and white one with the faces artwork on it? (at least i think they are faces)..... I looked on the Ibanez website and I didnt see a model there for that one - maybe that will be the new model?
  22. At very worst you could just paste in the link into the post and let everyone copy and paste it into their web browsers
  23. You sure there isn't something wrong with the way you are installing the strings that is putting a kink in them or anything like that? Maybe there is something in the saddles thats weakening the strings? (seems unlikely for all 6 of them but hey) ? Good luck - Dan
  24. band spam haha Congrats dude, make sure you get that recording up for us to hear! - Dan
  25. oh my god that is so tempting! i have the money to take that thing floyd and all... but must... resist.... sorry dude! my money has been pledged elsewhere
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