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Everything posted by Jivin

  1. As far as i know, most kits seem to be basswood bodies wtih maple necks and rosewood fingerboards... nothing amazing I know, but with good wiring and a nice set of pickups it would still sound pretty good. No need to go too overboard, the wood isnt -that- bad. I do remember reading though that the first batch of saga LP kits had particle board bodies... from memory that has been changed to basswood now though?
  2. Howdy, Sorry to ask this question which im sure has been asked to death... I really didnt want to make a new thread, but although I found some measurements in other threads by searching, I would like an opinion or two. I have a body blank with a maple top thats already been bookmatched and glued on, and it still only totals 38mm (1-1/2")... I understand SG's are around this thickness generally, so I know its not totally stupid... especially since im building a tele, which obviously wont have a trem. Is there any major downsides or things I should be keeping in mind? Last thing I want to do is spoil my project because of a small oversight Thanks a lot, - Dan I may as well add btw, the blank is maple... ive heard some not so flattering things about solid maple bodies.. but its my first real full project so i not too worried since its quite cheap. Its quite dense and heavy-ish though right? so a thinner body might not be such a horrible thing?
  3. Thanks But I was more asking the question because, although I had a quick bang around on a guitar with one, I never got a chance to play with the settings at all to find out how versatile a sound it can produce. Ive had some humbuckers before that no matter what you did, they were always screamnig out ear-peircing highs's... but then when you backed off the treble a bit they just fell over completely. Basically I was just wondering if it was capable of pulling off some different sort of sounds. Sure the main thing i would be after is a hot pickup which can pull of a awesome crunchy metal tone with screaming harmonics, and that would be its primary use... but I would also like it to be able to handle a bit of downtuning (nothing drastic) and not sound like a fish out of water when i try and make it growl a bit Maybe I should look more at EMG active's........ decisions decisions!
  4. I'm afraid you've misunderstood what I said Im sure whatever he ends up doing will look fantastic, my point is, most things look better in moderation, and having too much natural limba -may-, depending on the viewer, start to dull the visual beauty of using the black limba in the first place. Still, its a very subjective thing... thats just how I look at it anyway. - Dan
  5. Why do you always say Army with caps? Also, what was GF mean? It obviously has a fairly pleasant connotation, but the only thing I know GF means isnt exactly pleasant... so i get a bit confused when i see people starting sentences with GF lol ?
  6. I voted other, cause my fav is the good ol' Jackson Soloist overall.. good simplistic looks, beautiful to play... very comfy next would probably be the Explorer, the Kelly and the Les Paul
  7. What? your not gonna craft the hardware out of black limba? I think some "normal" pickup rings would be better, for contrasts sake Or maybe just use a different or contrasting wood for them, or just stain the limba I dunno, its probably just me, but i reckon overusing 1 wood could turn a really classy guitar into a fairly bland guitar. Good luck by the way... you sound positively psyched Hope it goes well
  8. Im a big fan of lacewood (here we call it silky oak from my encouters with it), ive used it before for some non-guitar projects and if you get the stuff thats highly figured it can really be quite nice. Im going to use it in a guitar soon, but i've read that tonally it can be quite similar to mahogany. David Myka used it for the body of his hollow bodied electric here: http://www.mykaguitars.com/instruments/015/default.htm
  9. How versatile is it for metal tones though? I'm in the market for a metal workhorse pickup, not just something that will sound just like dimebag and thats it you know? I have used the 500XL before but it was only for a short amount of time, so the jury is still out on that one for me :|
  10. Someone suggested 'Talon' before... I think you should keep that in mind! its a great name for that guitar my vote is for Talon
  11. He's already said its a 5mm thick top i think btw, AMAZING job! Make it a 6 string, put seymour duncans on it and give it sharfin inlays and a carved top and you practically have my dream guitar awesome work... truly inspirational to people like myself! - Dan
  12. ^ lol I vote for quilted maple.... imo nothing beats a quilt so deep it looks like you could swim in it
  13. It was just a joke, but I was saying it to you when you said in your body refinishing page that you had ideas floating around for the neck, and one of them was to reverse the colours, i thought "man thats a bad idea... meh, never mind, common sense and post-primary school colour coordination will prevail" guess i was wrong lol You seem to be feeding off the feedback, which hasnt been good really, and good on you for that. If your doing what you wanna do with it, then you shoudl be happy... regardless of the colours you pick, from the pics it looks like your doing a good job. - Dan
  14. Sorry to take it off topic a bit, but what are peoples opinions of the Wilkinson trems? I'm probably going to approach some people about having a custom guitar built, and i'm aiming for a fairly versatile guitar. Im not really happy with my guitar that has a floyd on it as far as versatility goes, however I do like to do some light trem stuff, so since i quite like the look of the wilkinson trems i was gonna look into one of those? A wilkinson trem with locking tuners and a graphite nut... comfort wise i usually prefer a TOM with string-through or a strat bridge, so im thinking i should be fairly happy with the wilkinson. opinions?
  15. Your not colour blind are you? Hope it continues to go well
  16. Thumbnails would be nice Between your site and boggs posting 3 lots of huge pics in a row in the GOTM thread my net has just fallen over damn prehistoric technology anyhoo, going from the bits id seen, I think you took a huge step backwards going from the burst to that cross thing. If youve got what you want now then congrats, but personally I think your capable of putting a bit more effort into the design stage than that
  17. I voted for drak, but it was hard to choose between that and the bass Its probably not the right interpretation, but I had always thought of the pro/amateur division being there to segregate the people who handmade an entire instrument from those who built a guitar from parts and refinished it, or refurbished an old instrument or maybe even built a body and used a premade neck.
  18. Ive got Mightymite pickups on 2 of my cort electrics... 2 Motherbuckers on one, and some other pickups which im not sure of on the other. I cant give a detailed review cause im short of time, but in general considering they are budget sorta pickups, I would say they are quite good. The ones I have put out nice harmonics, and are fairly balanced for a decent clean or distorted sound. Nothing amazing, but great value for the money.
  19. Damn, thats really inspiring stuff, thanks for the link! Not too hot on his body shape either, but mannn - everything about his guitars and the craftsmanship is awesome
  20. I dont think so From my experience they are best for crushing metal tone but i guess you could give it a shot if your really keen... heh
  21. I use Boomers and D'Addarios depending on what price i can get for either. I got a great deal on 10 packs of boomers so lately ive been using htem exlusively. I havent broken in a string in ages so im happy with them, and outside that I dont think im a good enough player to be nitpicking on tonal issues with my strings I used Ernie Ball strings once.. they were a mixed guage pack, so the first 3 strings were slightly heavier, which i liked - but since then i havent been able to get them... so im not sure :| In general though I dont think about my strings that much - as long as they dont break I think there is more far more important factors in getting a good sound for a learner like myself, so if they dont break, im happy
  22. Jivin

    new ESP

    I love the Urban Camo M-II very cool
  23. I imagine one way of doing it would be to affix the wings to the middle/neck peice at the desired angle and then shaving off the excess wood. There would be more than one method though, so someone that has done this before will sort you out good soon. One peice of advice im sure they would give is, make sure to draw it all out, so as to avoid making silly errors. For me as well, a nice diagram in front of me makes it so much easier to picture how it all comes together.
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