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Everything posted by ngaa

  1. I really like the look of that kelly. Nice work so far.
  2. Yup, but if they sound good then I will stick with them probably. Only difference between select and EMG humbuckers is the output, and it's not much lower.
  3. I don't have much money, and my other real EMG's are single coil; which I will probably use sometime on another guitar. Perhaps if I do a JEM with H/S/H.
  4. yeah, I guess it was meant for an OFR, but it's still okay.
  5. yeah, lots done since the last update, pickups routed and floyd cavity completely done. Also the arm contour.
  6. Come on lets see some progress on this guitar Looking very nice so far and it would be nice to see more 8 strings on this site.
  7. Well it's not the pot that is the problem, it would be the knob that would hit the whammy bar or something. I think I will just put the killswitch there instead of a knob/pot.
  8. the bar would cover it a little, and I don't strum really, so my hand would never randomly hit it from strumming. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/lo...ar/IMG00044.jpg
  9. Yeah, the pot is a little close but I think I could put a killswitch there instead of a volume knob, then I could just put the other pots down more.
  10. Floyd cavity done, just gotta rout through the back now. Too bad the block rout also went into the control cavity. Oh well I will put a small sheet of black plastic in the cavity or something. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/lo...ar/IMG00039.jpg http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/lo...ar/IMG00040.jpg http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/lo...ar/IMG00041.jpg http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/lo...ar/IMG00042.jpg
  11. Routing the Floyd. Yeah, the rout went into the control cavity, but it's okay because the post isn't going to hit that part, and it's the final depth. Hopefully it won't cause a big problem.
  12. both, also pops when you don't play anything and press it.
  13. Yeah, the switch has to be pushed down to kill the sound. But I'm asking how to get rid of the popping noise when it does get pushed down.
  14. Well, I'm just wondering if anyone can help me with my problem. I wired up the killswitch a while ago and it keeps popping when I press it down (like the sound when you turn off an amp). It's not too bad, but it could be a lot better I guess. And the inside, http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/lo.../IMG00028_2.jpg I'm pretty sure all the wiring is all correct, but it's just in case. Also there is a huge possibility that it is the push button that is making the popping noise.. If that is the case what do you think I should go for for a new push button (brand).
  15. Inlays resting on the radiused fretboard. (abalone dots) Pot hole drilled
  16. By abrasive do you mean sandpaper? if so what grit? and if not please explain?
  17. progress pictures today. Another angle Since those picture the heel has been cleaned up a lot.
  18. Today, I got the wings flush with the neck wood, and then added the 1/4" round over to the butt end of the guitar. I think pictures for this will be pointless since it's nothing too big. Tomorrow I might start shaping the heel and neck move to match the body and do the arm contour..
  19. Wow, looking forward to the finished project.
  20. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=33315
  21. Just oder the fretboard from stewmac, and cut off the last three frets, but don't forget to leave as much room as possible after the 21st fret. Or just order a fingerboard blank from them and slot it yourself.
  22. Both of the wings are glued on and I started the level sanding.. What is a method you guys recommend to get the wings flush with the neck? Here are pictures, never mind the pencil on the wood, haha. Back Tomorrow (I think) I will do the round over on the butt end of the body (if I get the wings flush).. and then do the arm contour. Then another day I will start routing for the pickups/floyd rose, maybe I will rout before doing the arm contour so I have more flat space to put the templates on..
  23. I think this almost makes me want to change my next build! Fantastic work!
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