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Everything posted by rhoads56

  1. I can help you out. Click HERE for access to my site, which includes a pricelist for hobby guitar builders in Australia. I havent updated the prices of the timbers, but i will be doing that within a few days.
  2. RANDY RHOADS IS GOD Look what i did yesterday. Im building a few of them, and this is the first.
  3. You simply glue the frets in. Best to remove the tangs first though.
  4. No use making the nut out of something that will have the open strings sounding sugnificantly different to the fret notes in an open chord. Installed a brass nut the other day, but the sound difference between an open, or fretted notes, was way too much.
  5. Fret wire should be curved 'tighter' than the fret board radius, to ensure the ends stay down.
  6. We are assuming it is arriving to us already pre-radiused, but we havent found that out yet.
  7. yeah, i got **** scared at 240kmph (149mph) in my new corvette engined, 6sp Monaro, even though there was not a single vibration or anything. The damn thing was still pulling hard when i let off. It was only doing 3600rpm (rev limit at 6250). Ive also pulled 230kmph in my 1968 Monaro (400 chev engine, turbo 400 box), and that thing is like a big brick.
  8. Umm, people, are we forgetting the ultimate metal guitar?? Jackson Randy Rhoads model.
  9. 6 speed here. Sixth is only used once i hit 100kmph, and chuck the cruise control on.
  10. Stay with me on this one... About five years ago, i was offered a sole distributorship (for my state) in a 3D software company. The software was the BEST on the market, had the backing of people who cared, was the cheapest product, and was easy to use. However, another company in opposition to us, was marketting their softeware as being better because it was more expensive. They conducted MASSIVE marketting campaigns, and slowly got the market share. The whole time the place i was the rep for, did nothing about it, and started to lose money (you cant continue R+D if there is no money coming in). Then they decided to start taking action, but it was too late. They lost a **** load of money, and couldnt afford to continue developping the software. Soon, other companies started making strategic deals with our opposition, and things have gone downhill big time. In 2003, i had one single query from someone looking for what we had to offer. I see kahler as being in the same position. They are the best, but didnt market it. They didnt offer licenses like floyd did, and they didnt set up aliances with other manufacturers. Floyd sunk everything they had into advertising, and endorsed the right people. Shame really.
  11. Seen it, bought some, wont try it again... the sheets are so thin, you can literally see through them. Thats no good if you place them over a timber with a grain, as the grain shows through. They also dont reflect as much light as full blanks do, becuase they dont have the depth of reflection (eg: they are see through).
  12. Firstly, the print has to bond with the tape, noit as easy as it sounds. Secondly, the need to get the tape stuck onto the headstock minus any fingerprints or dust, also not easy thirdly, you'll have a ridge that will require ten coats of lacquer to fill. Buff through it accidently and youve got a mess on your hands Just use waterslide decal paper, its MUCH easier.
  13. Thanks guys I think kahlers problem is marketting, not supply. If people dont see big flashy adverts, and big name users, they dont want it. Look in any 81-85 guitar magazine and its full of floyd ads.
  14. Of course! I'll accept any form of legal currency. Did you know that postage stamps are a legal form of currency, and must be accepted by a merchant if you wish to use them (instead of money) to buy stuff?
  15. Ive briefly talked about how to carve the top in this thread here and on My Webpage Basically, rout a ledge around the guitar, which sets the depth of the carve. Draw the inner "flat section" to where the carve extends to. Get out your trusty grinder, and attach a sanding dsic. Sand, using 80-120 grit paper. MAKE SURE YOU MOVE THE DISC REASONABLY QUICKLY OVER THE WOOD, or it will burn and leave valleys and lines all over your work. The top as per the photos above, took 43 minutes to do.
  16. I hated it at first because they (like everyone it seems) grabbed their 2.75% but it sure makes doing business on the web easy. I don't have to pile up guitars in the house and wait a week or two for money orders then dig through them and find the right guitar to ship. I guess like everything else you just build it into the price You convinced me, and we are now an international paypal subscriber. Couldnt find anywhere that i could put a referal name in the forms, but we didnt go for the super duper mega dollar business account either. Now, can everyone please send $25 to confirm the paypal thing works?
  17. Why would she know that you even bought any? I reckon i could change our lounge suite, and my missus would never know, let alone some small guitar parts.
  18. Washburn also made a copy type flatmount trem, but it was MUCH bulkier.
  19. Ok, this baby is going into a store, as an example of the work i can do, and a demonstrator. So, to appeal to the greater audience, i would like to know what colour this guitar should be. Obviously, it will be a transperant and/or sunburst finish. Which colour or sunburst (specify sunburst colour range) would best suit this guitar? Maybe a natural, clear lacquer is best?? Sorry, only old photos, but you get the idea. Not in photo, but on actual guitar: white body binding, scallops/carved area for fret board access, black trem and control covers, gold hardware (wilkinson trem). This was the body blank, after wiping a wet rag over it to show the grain.
  20. Correct and correct. They are only a very small company.
  21. If the contest is for the "Best carrieburst finish tutorial", why does the guitar need to be playable?
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