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Everything posted by bigdguitars

  1. yea most lp's have a 2inch thick body. That helps. Plus of course you toss in humbuckers with 500k pots. If you wanted a hotter LP go to 1 meg pots. Wanna roll it back more use, ahhhh, 100k pots.
  2. darren you got wood magazine too huh? I read the same article last night....
  3. thats over. KWS was at Naperville rib fest my pops saw him and said he was awesome, puts on a great show. -Derek
  4. that was stupid. Thanks for the heads up!
  5. http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZbigdguitars
  6. I love them!!!!! Orginal designs rock! Great job. The carve is really wicked.
  7. hey thread stealer, jk... welcome to the other side.
  8. thanks guys. The finish is tru oil. and yes this was a beyatch to finish. I tested epoxy and truoil on some scrap and did not like the way either of them looked. I tried nitro and I was like I don't have that much time to spray 1000 coats... the spalt sucked up sooooooo much truoil, almost more than I wanted... but now its somewhat stable. I am going to use a tele humbucker bridge. -Derek
  9. almost done... http://www.bigdguitars.com/images/db1.jpg http://www.bigdguitars.com/images/db2.jpg
  10. what don't you get drak? people are afraid to post something cause every once in a while someone tells it like it is. as a noob do you want to get your heart ripped out? Wes I refer people here cause it was a little more fun, and there is a lot more action here. mimf is great, I advertise there, but its so slow at times.
  11. I run a business. I refer customers here. It makes me look stupid to tell them its a great site, but you have to look through the BS. stuff gets old.
  12. I know two people that don't post here often for various BS reasons... Thats 2 too many.
  13. so what does this wall of death look like? I thinking a guitar center wall where your guitars look better than everything else there and it kills the comp right?
  14. ok so I bought some acetone. Here is what I did. I had a small hole in a humbucker template that I wanted to plug and redo. So I mixed the glue obviously not right and it was still sticky. I took the acetone in a rag and wet it once, twice three times a lady. It dried up the sticky ness but.... it also gave some drying shrinkage marks. So its good for drying/harding stuff that does not matter, though I am not so sure I would do this on a buckeye burl top unless I tested in in a small portion. The epoxy dried hard and seems to be hard as if it dried by itself. I applied the acetone heavily by the third time. -Derek
  15. I have some really nice paduak blanks that i will be gluing up in the next couple of days and I was going to add a flame maple stripe down the middle? what do you think? Might look cool? the maple stripe would be 1/4 thick. Paduak is a solid red color for those who don't know.
  16. Having been through 4 or 5 ebay vendors of "swamp ash" and being really disappointed, cutting into matts wood was so so so nice. I made a tele body out of it for a customer and its awesome. Body is 3.3 lbs and routed for standard tele and its so so perfect. If you are looking for swamp ash don't go on ebay buy from matt its the real deal. I have even bought from stewmac, and warmoth and its still not as light as you would want it. thanks Matt, Derek
  17. coolio thanks Jeremy! I had a pea size hole I wanted to replug on a template and I thought I mixed it well but I guess not good enough. Thanks for the tip
  18. I was using some epoxy to glue up some pieces and patch some holes in a template and for some reason the glue did not set properly. It still feels sticky. I mixed it half and half from the bottle but it still sticks. any ideas on how to get to to finally set? heat gun? Time? Thanks, Derek
  19. I had, key word had, some great one piece purple heart bodies... they got all checked up on me. oh well neat stuff drak.
  20. hey kev you seen the new stewmac catalog? They have something very similiar in it...
  21. buy a pos guitar then put good pickups in it. I owned a epi les paul for years. once I replaced the electronics it sounded awesome.
  22. I get back from vacation to read this crap? Even before the recent plight there has been major flamers and the much "trolling" around here. Deleting posts after something has been said is childish and very disturbing. Its time for some of the veterans of the board to act thier age, and for the rookies to mind thier place. Talk about how a wood reacts with different types of glue, or what truss rod works better. Some people have been way outta line. Remember just because people don't post here doesn't mean they can't build a guitar, the opposite is true also. Aren't we all here to do the same thing? Build a guitar...
  23. my most recent templates are 1/2 mdf. I was using that brown board... can't remember the name, for so long, but now I like the flexibility of the mdf.
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