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Blues Tribute Group
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Everything posted by bigdguitars

  1. Hold on boys... I know david blackburn. he has built I would have to say 50-100+ guitars. He was one of my first customers on ebay almost 4-5 years ago. He has built some really nice guitars. look at how many users are registered on this board.... Do you think all of them want to put up with the BS sometimes?
  2. I have three collets. A 1/2, 3/8, and 1/4. The orginal 1/4 was lost I was told, and they had a tool and die shop make one for them. Its just a tad too small. I have seen reducers for dremel and other tools, I am sure I can get one around here? Pic to come.
  3. The 1/4 collet on my pin router is a custom made collect and it does not fit 100%. I have tried three different bits 1/4 inch bits and none of them sit correctly. They chatter which is no good. I was looking on ebay for someone selling this and could only find someone in the UK selling them. Where can I buy these in the USA? thanks! Derek
  4. I have the ryobie 5 inch orbital sander. it works nice. They have discs from 60grit to 320. So you can get a good clean surface. A 1/4 sander is usually called a finish sander and is not as agressive as the orbital, but does do a good job. for overall use I would go with the orbital type of sander.
  5. grizzly.com has them, look under luthier supplies
  6. ahh yes very very true. your designs are kick a. I love the saw blade v, even me as a blues player can appreciate that design. good luck!
  7. Well I got the first set in. The family pack, a coarse, med, and fine. Wow the coarse was almost too aggressive, wanted to jump off the wood. I tried to use it on a maple burl and it left off. Went to the med and works really really nice. I have a piece of flamed maple that had drum sander sanding marks and took those off in about 2 3 mins... where as the 60 grit reg sand paper would take 10mins or so. I used the fine and seemed to work ok. I only really played around do to garbage night here at home but seems pretty wicked. There is a learning curve to this stuff. Its not a stick on and sand. You have to apply very light pressure and just guide the sander not push down like with regular paper. my 2cents...
  8. whatever wes, lost count? seriously... I like the forum when its about building guitars not strokin some ego, or I know better than you BS... those posts were so out in left field. Thanks for cleanin it up. I know what you mean point taken. Anyway, I have a rikon 18 and I have bought the 142 blades from lennox but wanted to try a different blade so I got some awesome resaw blades from this company here in il. They are 1.3 thick so resawing is a breeze.
  9. I was having some custom band saw blades made by a company that carries this stuff, Onsrud bits. The rep told me these are the best bits out there. this is what Factories cnc machines use. Prices are high but a great company to buy from. This is the one he recommended: http://www.onsrud.com/Products.asp?Action=...+2%3A53%3A12+PM
  10. ahh the soap opera that is PG.com, this forum is about building guitars right? As with all setups, each one has its pluses and minuses... Maybe I should have spelled out everything in my post than just asking a basic question... the only stupid question is the one not asked right? Like I said earlier its been a rough f'n week, you people have no idea what I have been going through at home, and this is not the outlet for those concerns. I post here for a break and to learn something. Having said that, I had piece of basswood that had a huge amount of tearout more so than I had ever seen. I had cut about 1/4 inch out on the band saw and that was the perfect tearout point I guess.... The next body I did after reading Davids post, was cut about 1/8 - 1/16 to the line. Virtually no tear out. Problem solved, lock this thread.
  11. Ok so now that my router is running I am getting some tear out on my wood... I saw this movie on wanyne guitars and I am trying to figure out why that bushing makes a difference? http://www.wayneguitars.com/movies/clip379.mov Does it pull less wood off? But if you cut close to the orginal line wouldn't that work too? I know that going slow and taking less off reduces the tear out but he is feeding sooooo fast in this video? Thanks!!! -Derek
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5591136405 Drak this is perfect for you... I am also getting rid of some stuff good wood at great prices... Here are 2 rockhard eastern flame maple tops. pieces measure 9.5*18*.25 Shipped 35 bucks. Yes you get both sets. http://www.bigdguitars.com/ebaypics/maple.jpg http://www.bigdguitars.com/ebaypics/maple2.jpg Here is a piece of big leaf quilted maple 30*7*.25 25 bucks shipped http://www.bigdguitars.com/ebaypics/wbl.jpg Another piece of maple burl 35 bucks shipped 19*9*.25 http://www.bigdguitars.com/ebaypics/burl.jpg Spalted maple burl 40 bucks shipped 18*8*.25 45 bucks shipped. This piece has flames and spalt very cool http://www.bigdguitars.com/ebaypics/spalt.jpg This one is from my post title one for me. This piece is very nice. post here to reserve piece. send paypal payment to orders@bigdguitars.com First come first Serve.
  13. I hope it goes as planed! I know its been a long struggle. Congrats
  14. till i redo my templates I was just playing around with it. I was so used to top routing that I just went that way. This weekend should be fun! -Derek
  15. Check out my ebay auctions... need some cash time to pay the bills... http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ5...assZbigdguitars -Derek
  16. when you have a book mathched piece of wood its fairly easy to line it up that way, at least that is what I am used to from the old routers I have had. The template just slaps on the top and route from there. I was just messing around today, will redo most of my templates. just wanted to play with my new tool.
  17. Router finally working. The f'n thing draws 50 amps to start and 20 at run time. I had to mod the wiring more than I thought. Will post pics/video later. The motor runs warmer than I thought. any one have something like this? For some reason this thing also blows out the top bearning bits that I use. Any thought to that? I blew two of them tonight... -derek
  18. looks like a guitar now http://www.bigdguitars.com/images/teleback.jpg http://www.bigdguitars.com/images/Teletop.jpg
  19. yea if you put crap out after 11 years you better find something else to do! lol...
  20. Drak you are so funny. really. You don't consider yourself a craftsman yet you do things that people dream about. I guess you are more of an artist. either way f'n a for a great job!
  21. Could not have said it better myself. I am working to get better with my skills. just takes some time. Its like a cook who won't serve food that does not meet his expectations I am sure that there are 100's of posters on this board the cry when the see something that good when they cant get something half as nice...
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