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Blues Tribute Group
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Everything posted by bigdguitars

  1. Basswood body blank Satinwood top Leopard wood top I have a Sitka Spruce 8/4 piece for an electric guitar. Very interesting, somewhat expensive. Free Shipping with buy it now to forum members. My Auctions
  2. Gibson, Nothing says a guitar like a gibson. G&L next. Played an asat custom what a nice guitar...
  3. Gibson uses honduran mahogany They import it just like everyone else.... The stuff at Menards can be used just make sure its stable...
  4. Ok sorry for not posting all the info. Its a 1/2 shank bit. You can use this to shape guitar necks. Its freakin brand new I used it once. Its the wrong size for my use. Look up the prices online of a 1 1/16 round over bit this is a steal. Eagle america has these listed at 120, which is where I think this bit came from.
  5. I bought this brand new used it one, and I need to get something else. Sick of carving that neck this bit can help tons. This bits run 120 bucks. I will sell it for 55 bucks shipped.
  6. Will trade a varitone switch that I make with a dial plate for a dual concentric pot 500k. Brian, any other dealers out there go for this? I don't want to place an order with all parts. I can also trade a 4 pole 6 position switch for one of these... Harris Teller does not carry these and I just need one for now... thanks send me a PM -Derek
  7. I was reading the poll on what guitar is the best value and I had to put in my thought on Brian not having a squire strat as his first. So what was yours? do you miss it? I kinda had two guitars: A series 10 strat copy that was my sisters that I started to play around with. Then the first guitar I bought was a Jackson JTX, man I wish I had the pickups out of this guitar.... Anyone got one? want to sell me the pickups? Had this great wind cries mary tone. Was so sweet. Why did I ebay it?
  8. I am recessing the bridge on my guitar that I am building right now. Its a no neck angle les paul with an import abr bridge. Will post pics soon.
  9. Relax litch, its a joke. my point is that you cannot go to most home depots buy some wood and expect it be some sort of guitar. And yes you can use yellow fancy pine, its full of sap and cost about 5 times as much as the boards you see at HD.
  10. Wow LMG, I have never heard anyone say that this was an ok song. I personally think its the best cover song ever. That opening riff... Wakes you up. I think that dylans version is ok, but jimi is off the richter scale, like all of his other stuff... I am a huge jimi fan so...
  11. go find a cabinet shop that will let you work there... sometimes if you ask nicely they are really cool...
  12. Its a lot og gibson hype, but for the newbs building a guitar is much more than putting two pieces of pine together.... I like the part about the CNC machine they can route hundres of bodies a day... I would love to see that machine.
  13. pawn shops, please go to pawn shops. They can get really cheap tools. Most of them are hot so shops like to sell them if you show interest.
  14. For all you newbs that think making a guitar is easy read this: Gibson: How they make a nighthawk
  15. Maple/maple is not good for a guitar. Think of a gibson maruder. The guitar sounds dead. If you chamber it it can sound ok. Ash maple might be ok, as long as its swamp ash.
  16. yes my thought exactly. a pic is worth a thousands words...
  17. I would avoid buying a fretlight guitar product. I was in line to be a distributor. I placed an order for 5 necks Last year when I first talked to them, you know the company went out of business once... So I waited a whole year to get my necks and figured they went under again, then I get an email a year later asking for payment. I said sorry any company that cannot give me a weekly or monthly update is a joke. From what I heard is that they tried to get some cheap chinese company to make the necks and bodies but there was problems, and problems. just a thought.
  18. I have gone out and bought all of the old tubes amps from the golden ages of tube amps. I have tons and tons of tube amps, all bogen, RCA, and newcombs, all found on ebay for less than 30 bucks. Point to point wiring for 40 bucks? just requires some new caps and everything, come on people why buy tube amps? I never use pedals, but I do have a pod 2.0 that I mess around with when I am bored.
  19. Whatever to be honest, at least what I paid for it. I had to hunt out the wire and the sewing machine which was some leg work to say the least. If someone hear offered me 70 bucks I would end the auction, this would include shipping of course. Its a discount to what I paid for all the stuff. Thanks, Derek
  20. I have everything set to go, all you need to do is mount everything. just listed all of it on ebay. All of this cost me about 75 bucks so 1 dollar no reserve auction why not make your own pickups? Auction of Wire Sewing Machine and book I have too many things to work on and this is something that I will get into just not in the next couple of years. Thanks, Derek
  21. gibson also makes the blueshawk out of poplar, I think those guitars have no soul. its a cheap crappy wood, they make white picket fences out of poplar, not guitars, I know that fly uses them in some necks but having worked in a wood shop and having played a bunch of poplar guitars its a cheap wood. It depends on what you like though. Some people love mahogany some hate it, its all tastes... I have not had much luck with poplar guitars... Alder and Basswood are 100% better.
  22. Delta 4 X 6 belt sander in good shape. Thanks! My Sander
  23. poplar sucks. Dead sounding wood don't use it Basswood is what Jackson, Ibanez, a whole ton of shops use. Much nicer wood.
  24. I want to know about your les paul if you have one. I am playing a LP gold top re-issue, and I have the oportunity to upgrade it to a custom shop quilted LP. In terms of sound, Since different types of maples are being used will the sound change all that much? Big leaf maple is much softer than hard maple which the gold top is made from, will the quilted top be darker sounding? anyone have one of these? Its a trade for me so just wonderin. Thanks, Derek
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