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Everything posted by nonamemx

  1. If you do have a faulty capacitor, how is this going to affect your tone? Somethings crazy with my amp right now. (Peavey Classic 30- all tube) The overdrive doesnt overdrive very much. I have brand new Groove tubes ( I replaced both power and preamp in my search for the tone solution) The clean isn't shimmering as much. Could all these problems be the fault of a screwy little capacitor?
  2. No. It has really cheap tuners. They seem to hold a tune very well, as long as I dont use the tremolo. The tremolo is extremely stiff. I may have to do some adjusting.
  3. My amp pops. Its pretty common.
  4. Thats so cool . . . Is the laney tube? I think you should find another "Laney" plastic or metal logo on ebay to put on the cab, to complete the job. Is the cab glued togeather (the 4 walls?)
  5. ah, okay. I've chickened out, I will just enjoy my hardtail (its actually a tremolo, but it sucks so much, 2 SMALL trem wobbles will immediately throw it out of tune. It is a really cheap guitar, It cost me $150, but I love it to death and it beats the hell out of a MIM or MIA strat, IMO. It has a poplar body but it somehow has amazing tone. So thanks for talking me out of a mistake!
  6. How hard would it be to convert a vintage style tremolo bridge on my Peavey Predator (strat copy) to a non recessed floyd rose? Would it be a suitible beginner project? Anybody have routing designs? thank you very much.
  7. Tom morello just uses his on the floor, i think. It would be more versital and easier to use than one inside the guitar.
  8. Ah, okay. It looks like the MP-1. Whats the sound like? can you compare it to marshall, bogner, mesa, soldano? Im thinking to buy it, and a power amp, and go rack instead of getting a head.
  9. I'm feeling really stupid, but where are the replies in that thread?
  10. theres also http://www.digikey.com/
  11. If you have a project with a battery, does it have to have a special input jack or can the negative of the battery go to the normal ground?
  12. ooh, those are neat. Thanks.
  13. Is that an ADA MP-1 preamp? Whats it sound like?
  14. Hm. . .I have a Boss GE-7 EQ, does it go before my distortions or after?
  15. Mouser has so much stuff, its confusing.
  16. So, There is a point where the clipping reaches a peak in of distortion, and then decreases from then on? Hmm . . . .Im thinking about buying a Boss DS-1 distortion and tinkering with it (because its a great pedal, and it has a great price.) Im thinking about putting in 2 diodes in the diode loop, (for a balanced overdrive/distortion, not asymetrical.) I have some low voltage diodes that I bought in a multi-pack at the Radio Shack. How do Radio Shack's diodes sound? aaaaaaaaand. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  17. Now, I understand that you can add more overdrive of distortion in a pedal by adding a diode or two in the diode loop. What if you have, if you went nuts, and put 5 diodes on each side of the diode loop, what would happen to the sound? thank you .
  18. www.freewebs.com Unlimited bandwith Free 100mb memory
  19. as long as its not effecting the shape of the magnetic field, its fine.
  20. A pitch shifter still wont sound very much like a natural note, it will sound fake and ugly. I think it would be pretty easy to make a gismo. Just get another string retainer, and put it at the correct height to make a simple detuning device. Hook it onto the string retainer for E, take it off for D. . .
  21. Probably because he likes his neck pickup and rarely uses the middle pickup.
  22. Hey man, I put a 2 way tone switch in my Peavey Predator. I used a DPDT On/Off/On (center off) 3 postition mini toggle switch, and wired it like so /\ /\ /\ A Metal Film .22 on the left, soldered one end to the switch, one end to the ground, (really dark tone, nice with high overdrive/gain) and a Ceramic .01 on the Right. It cuts off just a little bit for a sort of "open vowel, half open wah" sound. Its cool. And the center is off. Beats any tone pot anyday.
  23. Yep. But you could do the same thing with passive pickups, and swap them easily without even heating the soldering iron. . ..
  24. no. You can have pickup rings. or you can have the pickups attatched to a pickguard or you can have the pickups in a pickup ring surrounded by a pickguard or you can have the pickups mounted onto the body or you can have the pickups mounted to the body and a pickguard . . ect.
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