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Everything posted by PaulNeeds

  1. Good name - my first band used to be called GPI (General Paralysis of the Insane). You might get the connection...
  2. Hmm? someone mention me? In tune? ME? <snigger>
  3. Right on. But for God's sake, just cos your brains are pushing all your hair roots out is no good reason to let your remaining hair be long. You'll just look like some bad fringed lamp stand - so cut it short - agressively short. Much better. Diries quicker too.
  4. Primarily I work solo, but am rehearsing a band called BFG right now. www.paulneeds.com
  5. Sheesh. I'd like to have the option to wear one or not!
  6. PaulNeeds

    Funny music

    A version of this was used on TV in the UK as an "advert", the lyric saying stuff about driving too fast while drunk, and not having kids seat-belted, etc. Fabulous to hear it in all its glory!!! Thanks!
  7. Alas, 'tis a quote from a Dougla Adams book...
  8. So cool you could keep a side of beef in it for a month.
  9. My CU22 has Dragon IIs. I like em!
  10. It's interesting - I too like the quirkiness of the snare part! Vocals are cool!
  11. Sad but true... I was once setting up at a gig in a social club here in Wales, and had put my guitars on stands and was attending to wiring up the rest of the gear, when this fella comes up to me, points at my strat and asked "Is that an air guitar?"
  12. Yep. have had one on my strat for about 3 years now, and it's a good mod.
  13. CD-Baby site for my CD
  14. I received the PRS CU22 I mentioned before, with a Pod XT. Had the Warwick Buzzard for my birthday - plus all the usual clothes and stuff. The Buzzard gets unleashed tomorrow night, the PRS has gigged a few times.
  15. ..To all at Project Guitar. Thanks to everyone for their postings, help, advice. It's a great community! Best wishes for a healthy, happy, peaceful and proserous 2004 and beyond.
  16. Alvin Lee - 10 Years After/later - watch woodstock Peter Green - Fleetwood mac (albatross, Green Manalishi, etc - before the girly joined). Jeff Beck - yardbyrds. Brilliant fusion player - listen to some of his stuff.
  17. Pete Townshend. Amazing rythem guitar player. Love Peter Green too.
  18. Well, we're all entitled to our opinions, but that's what they are. I like all my guitars, but I've never played any Ibanez that I consider a keeper. For me to play, with my hands, and taste for neck shape and sounds, etc.
  19. What I'm saying is exactly that, as well as after playing for 30 years come this December 26, I'm too old to get into the old "my x is better than your y" type discussions. I've played just about every one of the classic brands and types of guitars, owned many of them, and as this thread invites people to state their faves, I did just that. I'm pleased for you that you've found a favourite, as that will no doubt enhance your enjoyment of playing. I've found mine too, and it pays its way too, just like all my other instruments.
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