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Everything posted by Gorecki

  1. The first mistake you're making is taking strings off for measurement. It should be done while tuned up and in the playing position. So your measuring has little meaning. Loosen (not remove) all the strings, make a truss rod change, tune it back up, check (in the playing position)...rinse and repeat. It may take a while (especially a floating trem setup) but you should be able to do this in one sitting. When I do full setups with floating trems on guitars I've never touched before it can take me 4-6 hours to be totally satisfied and done. Some times it is a 'best of' situation when a neck doesn't respond evenly to trussing but most often that's not the case.
  2. Oh, you're right, I missed that part. Think the answer is pretty much the same. It'll probably cost you less to re-place it vs re-plate it. Willing to bet http://www.vwallguitars.com will be able to get replacements.
  3. Paint (or plated) surfaces simply don't last forever. Gold usually have a thin laquer over them and when worn off, everything else flakes off. Your best bet is to replace the knobs. You should be able to replace them for under $10 a pair. http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Knobs/Dome_knobs.html
  4. That's a clear sign of an over trussed neck (not enough relief). If you can look down the neck (from the headstock) looking at the frets reflecting light in the middle but not at the ends? You 'should' be able to do this and see light off all frets and if you don't it's not flat.
  5. That certainly could be it too!
  6. Hardly 'easy', it's totally possible to put a floyd on a strat. You may even be able to do so without routing the body but most often the body is recess routed and the headstock routed and drilled for the locking nut...soooo....it may be a show stopper for someone without experience (unless you want to risk trying it on your own) but certainly can be done.
  7. I would believe (can't test it right now) it's simply the location of the 3rd octave harmonic and the sound produced is the same as those you can get from the 3rd fretting area.
  8. Naw, frankly it get's old after a while. Ohh..wrong guy I bet.
  9. Arbitrary as it may seem, which part? Near the district, further north, on the falls? Regular temps aren't published until March but if you REALLY need to know, I can' grab a thermo and walk out to the river side during lunch tomorrow?
  10. I never thought of that? Just recently I bay'd something for the mrs and (to keep it brief) someone in the last hour bumped the price up double to exactly my max bid. The problems are, I bid on it before looking into it because at the bid I put in we would save money vs amazon.com, but later I noticed average selling price was about half that max bid. The really odd part of it all, the user that bumped up the bid hadn't 'won/sold' a single ebay item in well over 4 years! Is that not strange?
  11. Wow that is sooo cool, have fun guys!
  12. pfft...it's noon here, don't know what you're talk'n bout!
  13. Yeah, it's a mistake, being they have three single coil pickup covers for $1,000.00. Someone's got fat fingers. http://cgi.ebay.com/STRAT-SINGLE-COIL-PICK...oQQcmdZViewItem
  14. [quote name='redwhiteandthemaple' post='250953' date='Feb 1 2006, 11:53 PM'] In those price ranges, personally, nothing beats Line6 POD in tones. [/quote] That I will argue! Granted, the POD's have some benefits (especially because Behringer gain sux period) but in the BASS arena the V-AMP Bass Pro (for $170) is a substancially better VALUE than the POD Bass Pro (for $700) hands down! I spent a fair amount of time A/B'g the two units and I couldn't find any justification for the extreme difference in pricing.
  15. I think the V-Amp BASS is more use dimensional than the guitar V-Amp. As it's designed to be used with Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Keyboard, oh yeah and Bass. I like mine. Used it for a bit of guitar stuff, but is not great for guitar by any stretch. For that matter I haven't 'liked' anything I've messed with that Behringer has done for guitar.
  16. No problem. A couple other points. Breaking the piece down into slices you can work on speeding up and than gluing them togather *may* help. Sometimes we all run into walls in playing that seem will not move no matter how hard we try...that's when to know to walk away for a while. You may discover/realize some things for what ever reasons simply don't click as we would like them to but you may also discover the efforts in working on the thing that didn't click, created other clicks/benefits in your playing unexpectedly.
  17. Tender I'm guessing the reason for no answers is because there is no answer other than the most obvious! You just have to keep at it! It looks like very straight forward arpeggios and it's not uncommon for people to struggle with arpeggios. Only way anyone can help you is to watch you and see if there's anything you are doing that could be limiting your flow. Sweeping basics. 1. RELAX, tension never helps the flow 2. MEMORIZE IT, if you can't do it ENTIRELY FLUIDLY from memory, you won't be able to play it up to speed. 3. DO IT SLOWLY, there is no gain from trying to play it too quickly, don't go any more quickly than you can...until you can. 4. Use a metronome, it may help, step it up in tempo...slowly! A few beats at a time.
  18. The reasons I mentioned MilkShape: 1. 30 Day Eval 2. Many game developers/renders cut their teeth on this 3. Purchase price is a whooping $25 This is what I started doing 3D with before I got 3D Studio Max. I found myself going back to it for simpler tasks because, it was simpler. The site: http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/
  19. Google MilkShape, I believe it's still around.
  20. It's a Mighty Mite bridge if that's of any help, though tempted to pick one up I haven't. I've bought from guitarfetish a few times without issue. Here's a link to MM's Floyds. http://www.mightymite.com/bridges/floyd/index.html
  21. Yeah, it's been a long time but I vaguely recall my old Kahler Pro was top only surface mount. And yes the springs were contained inside the bridge itself. Does the route look something like this?
  22. No I didn't! That fixed it, thanks dude! Oh...see you're hanging around over at 'Dave's Place' so to speak?
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