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Everything posted by Kevan

  1. In case you missed it, there is no post count. THREAD CLOSED.
  2. This coming from a site where their "Best Value Guitar Buy" averaged just under $2300. Forget the grain of salt. Consider investing in Morton's. The internet has created way too many 'experts'. You'll find many of them on the HC boards. Avoid the "experts on HC" and just print out what KTL said.
  3. I gotta go with Setch on this- great designs (though not really my style), but ditch the inlay on this one. Put a sickle or something really simple at 12 and call it done. The guitar already screams "death is headed your way"; no need to reiterate it. And, most players of that guitar would cover up the inlay 99% of the time anyway. It'd just show up as "D...H" or "DE...".
  4. Here's a pic of the trems: http://www.tremol-no.com/images/dwtrems.jpg And some more info from the seller: "These are split bridges, meaning they have independent movement of half the strings, pitch up and pitch down. Possible to do funky things like pedal steel bends. They have a "zero position" unit that works with the normal springs in the rear cavity. This helps tuning after heavy use (the piece in the center of the picture)."
  5. Only if you keep hitting the bridge like you do a bell.
  6. Hey folks. I'm posting this for a buddy from another forum. Could be a cool piece for an up-coming project. All of his contact info is below. I have 3 double whammy trem units in chrome for sale. These retailed for $250US a unit. -1 4 string bass -1 6 string guitar -1 6 string guitar (floyd rose retro-fit) Have a huge amount of spare parts that I will throw in. Asking $300US for all 3 and the parts. Shipping included. E-mail: nbcustom@sympatico.ca Tele: 418-887-3269 Paypal accepted.
  7. idch- You should see the first electric that Les Paul (the guy) built. It's got more double-drill holes and off-center stuff than you can imagine....but it worked, and he dug the sound of it. If you get a chance sometime, try to dig up some pictures of "The Pan". It was enough to inspire Mr. Fender to improve on it....just like the rest of the members here are doing....turning the basics into something *we* like. Don't worry about mistakes. They happen to the best of 'em. I've seen botches from some of the top custom shops in the world; hell, PRS showed a botch on their DVD a couple of years ago (kinda cool to see a gorgeous PRS being bandsawed in half...heh heh). Mistakes are there for you to learn from. It's the first part of a lesson. And our lives are one big lesson. (Damn...I sound like my dad...) If your first project looks/sounds like poo, don't worry about it. So did mine. So did a lot of other people's. They kept going, as did I, and with lots of practice, on friends guitars (not our own! LOL), we're better than we were last time. I could get all deep an philosophical, but you guys know what you want to do....now go do it!
  8. While tooling around online (I do that sometimes), I stumbled across this great article by Rich Lasner, himself a great guitar builder. It's got some interesting insight from some heavy-hitters in the luthier world. I think you folks might dig on it, or at least file some of the info away for later projects. http://archive.guitarplayer.com/archive/gear/solidbdy.shtml Enjoy!
  9. PSW- glad to see you got my email. :-) Sorry it took so long. Good luck!
  10. With a real name like "fiona", I hope you're female. EDIT- Oops. Sorry Paul. I got you mixed up with "fehgalloway". My mistake.
  11. That's pretty darn cool. Good job, Bri! Now I know why you wanted me to come in here and get the place cleaned up. :-) Congrats to all the PG members as well. This place is nothing but a DNS entry without you guys.
  12. I saw a nice Redmond series FR guitar (like what Richie plays) on FleaBay. It's BIN price was about $1400. About $1K over-priced in my book. LOL If you absolutely have to change your strings in 30 seconds, then the SpeedLoader is a cool system. Otherwise, regular trems work just fine. Other than quick string changes (and the inability to locate strings in the middle of Austin), it doesn't pose any advantages over the original FR systems.
  13. Lovekraft- thanks for the insight. One of these days I hope to try one out. They sound like a lot of fun. Too bad there's no trem. Eddie- I sent pics of the hieroglyphics to a professor at the Univ. Of Illinois-Chicago, but haven't heard back from him. I think he forgot about me. :-) No worries though, I got the main ones (the large characters). Someday, when I have a pantload more time, I'll figure out the other ones. Here's a quick link for you guys: http://www.ibanezregister.com/Gallery/grou...van%20geier.htm Enjoy!
  14. Actually, the EGYPT was an obesssion. :-) It took me almost 5 years to find it. HERE'S a thread about it when I was a contribuiting member on that 'other forum'. Have any members here played a Gittler? I'd kinda like to know what they sound/feel like, if there is a comparable guitar.
  15. Man....I *wish* the EGYPT was that cheap!
  16. Gittler's are pretty interesting indeed. I've not played one, but apparently they're pretty cool to jam on. But not $4000 cool.
  17. So, let's see....1987....that would put Mike Mushok in about 7th grade. :-) Look- some people dig KWS, and some don't. That's how it is, and that's how it's going to be. If you like him, then post here. If you don't, then keep it simple with a basic critique. Or just close the window and check out the rest of the site. You don't see me posting in the "Praise The Lord For Ed Roman" thread, do you? People need to stop trying to convert others to their 'side'. You're not Kirk Cameron with a guitar, so don't pretend to be him. It's called music THEORY for a reason- because it's not a LAW. And now back to the regularly scheduled thread about KWS: his albums, his gear, his influences, his tone, his playing style, etc...
  18. AMD- Good to hear. Jer7440- Mastercam is one of Jim's FAVORITE formats. :-)
  19. I got your email the other day. I'll be replying regarding this later on this afternoon. Keep an eye out for it.
  20. Guitarman- with 17 total posts, and more than 90% of them in this thread alone (and one about to be deleted in another thread), you need to do a lot MORE reading, and a lot LESS posting. Your initial post in this thread was absolute flame-bait. Pure and simple. Yes- there are pleny of other forums were this is NOT welcome. This is one of them. Most arsonists come back to check out the fire they started. This is your first warning. There is no second warning; you will simply have your account suspended for 2 weeks. Are we clear? Good. Scott- Do you have that same pic of EVH that I do- the one from approx. 1987 where his guitar strap is attached to the '1984 guitar' with duct tape? Yeah...I thought you might. :-)
  21. Just a quick website update for you folks. I added some cool javascript to the front page: www.tremol-no.com Reload it a few times. I think you'll dig on that. :-)
  22. When working with design programs, use "curves"; NOT SPLINES! This will make the DXF *so much* easier for Jim to work with. Also, if your software allows you to export to IGES format, that's a good one too. If the file is in a format that Jim has problems with, he'll tell you right away. But the info above should help minimize difficulty between your idea and his CNC. Frank- great analogy! :-) Drak- you're welcome. :-)
  23. A couple more updates, and a bonus: Endorsees added to the Players page on the site: -Paul Allender from Cradle Of Filth. -Milan Polak from Falco and now a solo artist. Pictures and quotes from those guys ASAFP. The bonus: A great interview with Milan, and a site I think you guys might enjoy checking out: http://www.essentialguitarist.com/intervie..._interview.html The main site: http://www.essentialguitarist.com/ Enjoy!
  24. So, updates....here we go: I went down to the Cincinnati show for Cradle Of Filth. Interesting bunch, to say the least. Once James' guitar was all setup with his new Tremol-No Classic, the other guitarist Paul Allender finally saw how easy it is to install, and realized the Tremol-No would benefit his playing, esp. live. Paul asked if he could try one out, and turn his *gorgeous* PRS into a full-time hardtail. (url=-http://www.cradleoffilth.com/cof/paul_prs.htm]CLICK HERE for a pic of Paul's PRS) I said, "Pfft...no problem", and built a Tremol-No Classic from parts right there in their dressing room. :-) His tech put it in the following day, and Paul's been diggin' it ever since. Well, the Cinci show didn't really go as planned- during one of the opening acts, Bleeding Through, some clown in the audience stabbed a guy 3 times, and deeply cut two other people. Not funny. I guess everyone is ok, except for the stabber; he's going to make some *new* friends. :-) Cradle Of Filth didn't get to play that night; the cops shut down the show, calling the venue a crime scene. As soon as I heard that, I got in my truck and headed home. James called me about 20 minutes later saying that they were trapped on the bus with 1500 fans surrounding them. Heh heh...the life of a rock star. (Refunds or rainchecks were issued by the venue). I got a call from James a couple of days ago, asking if I could send him out another unit for his backup guitar. Actually, his tech likes it more than anyone (makes re-stringing a breeze...heh heh). He also said that Paul would like one as well for his backup PRS. I was going to FedEx them a couple of units, but checked the tour schedule....Pittsburgh, 11.15.04. Hmmm...about a 3 hr. drive. Ok. I'll go to the show and drop them off in person, maybe get some photos/video. I arrived at the venue at about 4PM. Got hooked up with James and the guitar tech. Paul was there as well, and was very excited to soon have both guitars setup as true hardtails. The busses arrived a little late, so everyone was busting buns trying to get the show ready. The guitar tech was also up to his neck in necks. He asked if I could do the installs and save him a bunch of time. "No problem", I say and get crackin' on James' #2. This guitar has one of the new Ibanez Edge Pro trems on it. The shape of the block is a little funky, but the Classic mounted with a 3mm spacer. I'd like to change this one out to a Standard, but we'll see how it takes touring. Paul's install was easier, but I had to add a 1.5" extension to the ground wire (PRS didn't leave much to work with. LOL). After that little adjustment, it went right in. Note to PRS owners: If you can, I'd suggest finding longer trem claw screws, and maybe even a bit beefier. The ones that come with your guitars don't put me at ease regarding holding ability. The guitars were set, and about 20 min. later at soundcheck, they both sounded GREAT. These guys use LOTS of gain, so....the improvments in sustain and tone get a little lost, but when you physically hold it in your hands and strum the strings (with the Tremol-No locked), you can feel it. It's pretty cool. The band had just finished soundcheck, and they were up against doors, so things got even more hectic. I decided that with the 3 hr. drive back, I would head home early and catch the show in Cleveland for photos and some video. Plus, I'm still not over this damn cold. The guys thanked me as did the guitar tech (who I think wanted a hug, but...), and packed up my stuff and went back to my truck. As I left out the front door of the venue (The World) at 7:30P, there must have been 2000 people waiting in a line that went all the way down and around the block. Wow. These guys are a little more popular than I thought. :-) Birds vs. Bats I figure that Paul causes quite a quandry with PRS fans. While his music isn't everyone's cup of tea, his guitar is fantastic. It's one of two PRS's to ever leave the cutom shop with "bat" inlays (he had a red one that he didn't like and got rid of). If you get a chance to see the purple bat guitar in person, it really is gorgeous. Well, the guys now have 4 Tremol-No units covering their main and backup guitars while out on tour. If the units can survive this, I think they'll be ok on pretty much everyone else's rides (except maybe LGM....he's tough on trems...LOL). Certainly mine, and certainly Joe Bedroom Guitar Hero. I've made plans to meet up with the guys again on Dec. 11th at the Cleveland show. If anyone cares to hook up pre- or post-show, feel free to contact me. I wish I had more news about licensees, but....it's at the same place it was 2 weeks ago. Sorry. I'm movin' as fast as I can. Thanks for your support guys.
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