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Everything posted by bowser

  1. http://questmuzic.safeshopper.com/377/cat377.htm?849 this place has a bunch of the bands you were looking for... some i didnt find though, but i just googled band stickers and this came up
  2. yes i love the SNL with her on it - the harry potter skit was amazing
  3. it is drop d and im pretty sure ed is always down like a half step. some of his songs are different though because of when he used the steinberger, like Summer Nights
  4. i say put up the second place from last month's pro division
  5. another vote for http://www.lgmguitars.com
  6. can you show us a pic or drawing of the guitar? because that would play a big part in how good any certain headstock design is
  7. looks nice! how did you make that model? the blue one?
  8. nice looking axe, man! if you do get the emg's, let me know if your selling the tone zone - i might be interested
  9. he put it on because of that crack in the headstock, you can see it on the backside picture
  10. actually you are just making yourself seem stupid. making fun of boy scouts? ***? what does that have to do with a guitar headstock design, except for the fact that you clearly don't have many morals and aren't bothered by laws, not to mention what other people think. I am a boy scout, and the truth is, how cool would it be to have someone steal your stuff? maybe not your ideas, but your car, or guitar? wouldn't you care about things that you value? If you don't, then stop posting because I don't really care what you have to say.
  11. that sounds awesome, definitely in the style of becker! do you think you could tab it out, maybe in powertab? and congrats on 3000 posts too
  12. see if we can get rhoads in here, he sells them...
  13. ^^ if you think that you'll never find a guitar worth playing for under a thousand dollars, i believe that you're not only missing out on a lot, but pretty closed-minded also.
  14. that is amazing...my favorite part is right near the controls and on the matching part across from it
  15. http://www.frets.com/FRETSPages/Musician/G...rapbutton1.html pic on the second page
  16. usually on an acoustic, its not like an SG style or something where that logo is. its usually on the actual neck piece, and pointing towards the headstock and pointing towards the floor.
  17. maybe its not your room eating away at the strings, either - it might be just sweat or something, and that could be helped by wiping the strings down when you're done playing
  18. i like those too. the ones that are truly my favorite, though they aren't vance and hines, are the paul yaffe crack pipes. overall, i prefer the sorter pipes to the long, drag style pipes http://www.paulyaffeoriginals.com/pyo-cata...crackpipes2.htm
  19. nice!! vance and hines? i remember in my 8th grade tech class, me and another kid would go to their website and listen to the sound clips instead of making our CAD drawings...and they sounded great.
  20. bowser

    EMG 85

    does that preamp do the same thing that an EMG PA-2 would do? I'm asking because i put an EMG 85 in the neck of my ibanez, and when both pickups are selected i cant hear the bridge SD Custom Custom at all, its as if i was still on the neck pickup. I haven't put in the emg pots because i didn't want the bridge pickup to be way quieter all the time. I think I will buy the PA-2 and the install the pots at the same time. But, with that preamp LK posted, can you change the level coming out of it like with the EMG PA-2? If you can, would it be less money? (the EMG lists for $35)
  21. hey, what kind of computer would you need to run solidworks anyways? would it work on a 866 P3, 196 ram?
  22. Brian, that is so nice looking! It's very classy like the original FP. I also really like that clear trem cavity cover on the back, with the hole in it for the tremol-no. How are you liking that?
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