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Everything posted by javacody

  1. It is pretty common on "maple topped" import guitars to have a veneer. I have an Agile Les Paul copy with a flame maple veneer. It looks great. I suspect having a maple neck might help getting back towards the classic Les Paul tone?
  2. Jotinha, it probably depends on the labels. If you spray the labels with a thin coat of lacquer to seal the ink, that might help (many folks do this when printing their own decals).
  3. Doc, thanks for the help! I'm going to use a red aniline dye (lockwood). Since this is a real thin veneer, I'm going to use Alcohol instead of water. First, I have to fill in the mistakes in my original 1/4" maple top.
  4. I just bought a beautiful birdseye veneer and I had originally planned to dye my guitar's face red. Will the red obscure the eyes too much? Will a stain black and sand back work on a birdseye veneer (by the way, I've already searched and not found much on this).
  5. You can just use a piece of aluminum foil and spray adhesive for quick and cheap shielding.
  6. "some geek" - pretty harsh words from someone who likes rectangular shaped guitars, doncha think? LOL The biggest problem with quantifying any of this stuff is you cannot test it nor can you prove it. Every piece of wood is different. I personally like chambers, I think they do add resonance and lighten the body. What more do you really need?
  7. Can anyone say Fried Chicken Head knobs? Pretty cool lookin guitar, hows it sound?
  8. How do those MightyMite singlecoils sound? Also, hows the fretwork on MightyMite neck? I've been curious about MightyMite stuff, I know its made by Cor-Tek (Cort) in Korea and its really inexpensive.
  9. I know you are just being funny, but it would take hours to wind a pickup using the speed of the microwave's turntable. If you wanted to get real creative, you could mount your bobbin on a hamster wheel and play a Richard Gere movie, get that hamster running, scared out of its wits. Maybe a little Pretty Woman or Sommersby? Ha ha ha Hamsters and old Fords...
  10. Ouch duff-bear man, maybe you should get some anti-biotics for that? LOL The fruit of my Lions...
  11. You might try building a mock up out of plywood.
  12. I've decided to start winding my own. I've just won a counter off of ebay and am going to use a hand drill and homemade tensioner for my first set. I'm going to re-wind Fender MIM Standard single coils as my first project and I'm going to convert them into S90's. Hopefully they turn out well. Here are some great links I've found: http://www.skguitar.com/ http://www.guitarattack.com/winder/winder1.htm http://designed2wind.alphalink.com.au/ http://cigarboxguitars.com/workshops/Pickup_Workshop.php http://europa.spaceports.com/%7Efishbake/index.html Here is the winder I'm going to try and copy: http://designed2wind.alphalink.com.au/WWinder.jpg One thing that may surprise you is that the wire (42 AWG) starts at about $16 a pound available as a 5lb spool. Of course, you can buy half a pound from Stew-Mac for $25.
  13. Check out the AX84.com site, you can make a low output (1 Watt) tube amp and you can get a kit for it from several sites.
  14. Jon Tirone uses a hand drill with a homemade digital counter. Others have used sewing machines and drill presses. If you are into making pickups (or want to be), Jason Lollar has a book out with instructions and plans on making your own pickup winder.
  15. tirapop and unclej, I smell tutorial here with pics. That would be awesome, as I'm willing to bet this question comes up very frequently.
  16. Dugz, I still think you should patch it up. If it looks to ugly, you could go with a recessed neck plate and the overhang from the neck will cover up the patch from the neck pocket. Heck, a nice recessed chunk of walnut might look cool here, especially if it was surrounded by a ring of paua shell or black perl. Think of it this way, that body is really fine. What if the next neck you get, for some reason warps after it has been on the guitar for a year? What if it breaks? You are going to have to get another custom neck made. If you fit a standard neck to it, you have no such worries. What did you finish the body with?
  17. Just wanted to point out that thickness is up to you. The American Strat plate is probably as thin as you wan to go. conversely, on my Callaham supplied plate, I suspect it is between 3/8 and 1/4. I'll measure tonight when I get home.
  18. You probably could, however, you may have to re-drill the holes where the string ball ends sit and also the holes where the springs attach. How much would you be taking off?
  19. Yes, however, you may want to place a piece of masking tape over where you are going to drill so as not to hurt the finish.
  20. How long is the piece that extends from the bottom of the neck. Also, have you guys seen Tom Anderson's new A-lock neck joint? A-Lock neck joint From what I understand, it is a bolt on, but only uses two bolts. Here is the text: Attaching the neck to the body has, in some ways, become Atom’s most talked about and guarded feature. Although we could write an entire Guitar of the Week on this subject alone, let us begin by saying that it is a bolt-on design like you have never seen before—one that cannot ever move from its original placement and is super comfy to play, thanks to the new A-lock neck-joint design. This is Anderson's new Atom guitar (see his guitar of the week page, and look at the weeks for Jan 16, 24, and 30).
  21. Many people develop severe reactions to Cocobolo, so be careful. If you live with other people, please don't subject them to the Cocobolo dust.
  22. The overhang on a Fender type neck is supposed to be on top of a pickguard, so that gap on a Fender type guitar would normally be minimal. If you want it even, you could go ahead and lower the neck in the pocket, but make sure your bridge can be lowered far enough to give you the action you want. You could also recess your bridge if needed. Personally, I prefer fairly high action (better tone) and always have my saddle height maxxed out.
  23. Have you tried contacting the person you bought the neck from on ebay? Perhaps they'll exchange it for a good neck. If they won't exchange it, please post the auction/sellers name so we can all avoid this person.
  24. If you get them wholesale, then you could probably sell them at a profit. I think you'd have to buy quite a few. I'd start with one kit and see how it goes.
  25. Good idea, while I'm here, can you tell me about oil finishes on a pine bodied guitar? Also, where can I get plans for an XYZ96 guitar? Last but not least, what is a fret?
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