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Everything posted by scottyd

  1. Thats a cool idea! Ive got the body cut out and leveled for the top. I also got the back concave done. Im really diggin Paduak as a body wood very easy to work and looks nice. Paduak back
  2. Thanks Ive decided to go with a headstock i dont have the slightest idea on what shape to use. I want it to be as compact as possible so the bass will have good balance. Feel free to throw me any ideas
  3. I worked on it a little today, here is the final body shape, I got the wings jointed and cut out the inside horns, Im getting it ready to glue to the neck Im thinking of going with a headstock instead of headless to save dough. What do you guys think? If i do ill scaf joint some of the flamed maple i got left over and make a flamed redwood top plate for it.
  4. Thats funny is that some kind of assumption that mahogany is expensive? Besides poplar its like the cheapest tone wood you can buy even here in the usa. You can get the wood for that neck for $4.75! not including fretboard and frets. What all the hubub about!
  5. the neck wood and all the veneers came from Rockler.com the top is from LMI and the curly maple i got off ebay.
  6. The rest came in right after my first post!! Anywho heres the neck wood purple heart and african paduak with maple veneers I glued the neck up and squared it off on the table saw last week, it just needs minor planing mostly to clean off the blade burns and its good to go. Neck Heres the body core, some curly maple. Body Core Heres all the wood for the Body african paduak for the bottom, maple core, and walnut and maple venneers Body wood Heres the Curly red wood top Redwood Top
  7. Well Im waiting on one more wood package and then the build officially begins. I have the neck blank made and trued, Here the specs: Four string Fretted Headless (Status tuners and neck cap) Active Soapbars, Active EQ (brand undetermined yet but wood Covers 9 Laminate neck purpleheart, paduak maple venneers 7 Laminate body, flamed maple, paduak, Flamed Redwood (Top), maple and walnut venneers Lmi 2 way Truss Cocobolo Fret board, and the biggest jumbo frets i can find! Fiber Optic side markers possibly some inlay work? Being my first build with figured woods so im pretty stoked, the top is amazing im still waiting on the maple. Once i get all the packages ill post more pics Here is a rough, very rough drawing for the design of this bass, not sure how its going to come out, but it will be similar to the pic, give or take, ive changed my wood choices since that was drawn.
  8. i've wondered this too, ive seen where some builders dont even use a block David King for one uses a big belt sander free hand. I use a block but theres been times where i would add relief freehand too...
  9. Hey once you get your prototype worked out and good to go, let me know and ill hook you up with all the string balls you need. Yeah its sad really.....i never throw anything away...
  10. Thanks for the votes guys, no matter who wins, you cant lose coming in second or third or even fourth or fifth to these great guitars. Great work from all! My favor goes to the Tang Top (so unique and i watched the build up closelly!) and then WezV (love the woods and craftmanship!)and then the Impaler, (what an awesome finish!) If anything just competing against such wonderful projects gives me more fuel for my next personal project! Thanks again!
  11. Asides from the hex head thing i dont see alot of difference from most headless tuning systems, it will most definatly be a cleaner version even if it is a little more hassle to tune. I say that lightly because its no more hassle than say that of a floyd rose just have to have a tool handy . That aside once the strings are stretched, you shouldnt have to tune too often because most of the need for tuning on a standard bass comes from the slack in the tuners themselves which this totally eliminates. GREAT JOB I WANT ONE!! HOW MUCH YOU ASKING?
  12. So how do we know who wins? will there be another poll with the top 3 or whoever has the most votes over all, either way im just glad some people like my work!
  13. Killer work! i really like the headstock, great woods too!
  14. Whatever happend to grunge? Cause thats where all these new genres will be in about 5 years! i like to keep it simple rock, metal, punk, as for everything else who cares?!
  15. genres are pure crap anyways, just ask any succesful band.......
  16. very nice work, looks alot better!
  17. Thats great, finally someone actually has a REAL answer to all the folks that have asked about making a guitar out of pine!!!
  18. They are talented and they love Jesus!
  19. i havn't seen that one, theres another video floating around where Jean plays the whole thing flawless. What gets me is ive been playing roughly 15yrs and i cant get a 2 hand tap sound like that to save my life!You cant deny the talent and he's a fairly young cat too.....
  20. I love the contours, but the horns look fragile, will you be putting the strap pins on the back? also what kind of pups you puttin in? they look like jazz bass routes...
  21. Nice board! stuffs pretty oily too, polishes out great....
  22. some more detailed pics would be nice, but all and all it looks like its gonna be a sharp axe!
  23. Wardd all the way, just something about the detail on that guitar, you gotta love the burl as accents! Then my second vote would be for the JellyMan!
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