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Everything posted by neocon58

  1. well, with any mass produced guitar, theres bound to be some horrendous ones go through. just like with mass produced cars, there's always going to be some lemons go through the line, unless it's like a ferrari or mercedes.
  2. lol, I thought you were having a crack at me (i think you kinda are) but you have a good point. They should be ringing me to say my new unchipped baby is in from Sydney tomorrow. I can't believe it got through the Quality checks at the factory. I know it's Korean, but jeez, It's still Ibanez! And I probably didn't explain enough about the chip. It's about the size of 4-5 small pinheads, chipped barely through the finish, but it's on the back of the guitar.
  3. Rather than type everything again, I'll just link my Ultimate-Guitar Thread. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/showt...threadid=203067
  4. whoa! looked ok to me! You've done us RX owners proud . Youv'e given me some ideas on what to do to my own RX 170D (once I get my RG!). Hey, what is the exact model of that one, I noticed it has a pickguard (unlike my own RX170D)??? My RX is in better condition that that one, but from all the "before" pics it looks like you've done well. Just clean that fretboard! Eww! heres my green piece of poo:
  5. welcome! I'm also new here. I'm the guy that posts and gets no replies.
  6. Indeed. Fandastic effort by both! My fave was JFCs though
  7. hey rhoads! yo, a tad off topic here, but is that a monaro? post a pic whatever it is!
  8. congrats dude. i got a new amp a few weeks ago, a 60 wat hughes and kettner. its currently being repaired because of a fault from the factory, so ive only played it for about an hour.
  9. hmm, good idea. ill travel to perth for guitar parts.
  10. Hi. I'm interested in building a guitar from a kit, and I've heard fretco in Adelaide, Australia have some good kits. They sell necks, hardware and electronics. Anybody from Adelaide, Australia had any experience with Fretco (bought any guitars from them, bought kits from them?)? If so, were they good/bad? Or, If your from Adelaide and know any good shops for custom guitars and parts (necks, bodies etc) please post! Thankz!
  11. um, in the post above you a said i got an amp already.
  12. that paper logo, while it looks ok, kinda makes the guitar look shitter than it should, coz its not stuck on very well, and now its got some bubbles under it, which makes it look worse. well, i'm still happy with it, especially for a first go. soon, ill be buying a cheap 2nd hand from cash convertors (pawn shop) and be refinishing it, and posibble customizing it. I was thinking an olympic white strat with chrome knobs, similar to the white strat of blink 182's tom delonge (dont laugh). another possibility is multi-coloured metallic, you know, that method of painting they do on some show cars so you see different angles from different colours? that would be cool!!! anyway, will post here if anything happens soon, or if i make any changes to the acoustic.
  13. i bought a hughes and kettner edition blue 60-r http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/scripts/...e=edition&id=17 good amp!
  14. I'm looking for a new amp. It's a toss up between the hughes & kettner edition blue 60-r (and an ashton 80 watt (ga80?). I've played the H&K, and loved it, but i can get the ashton for about a hundered cheaper. I haven't tried the ashton yet, I just wanted your thoughts on the two brands, and if possible, any experience you have had with their products, or that particular model (the edition blue 60-r or ga80). thanks
  15. well thanks for the help guys im going amp shopping this week, ill let you know what happens.
  16. http://www.nymphusa.com/kisekae/kisekaee1.asp the guitar maker /\
  17. i had the same problem and accidentaly double-psoted my thread "Metallic Blue Acoustic"
  18. Hey guys, I'm in the process of my first 'mod', refinishing a beat up old acoustic. I've gone with metallic blue polycarbonate paint. The paint is designed for plastic, specifically lexan (remote control car bodies etc). I wasn't sure if it would work. I sanded down the body with a mouse, sprayed a few coats of metallic blue (looks sweet in my opinion!), and let it dry overnight. This morning I cut out and stuck on the 'flaming skull' logo. Anyone familiar with The Offspring will recognize it. I am now in the process of clearcoating it. It's gonna need a few coats. I'm gonna lightly mouse it down soon and then a few more glossy clear coats. Hopefully the skull logo stays on. If this works, the next task will be to fill some cracks on other parts of the guitar, sand down sides/back and paint jet black and gloss. Also the same to the neck (very carefully!) and headstock. Note this is my first ever 'mod' of a guitar. My hope is to assemble an electric guitar through ebay and spare parts in the near future. Will update soon! Heres the pics: go to http://www.geocities.com/neocon58/acousticblue/ Heres some descriptions of the filenames: Gear: mouse.jpg - black & decker mouse sander. bluepaint.jpg - the metallic blue paint i used. afterblue1,2,3,4 - after the blue was applied. skullpc, skullcut1,2, skulldone - the proccess of preparing the skull. clearspray.jpg - the clear coat spary i used. after1clear1,2,3 - after the first clear coat.
  19. see my other thread, i accidentally double-posted. when i hit submit it said 'email error'. i presumed it didnt work and tried again, and now we have too identical topics. yeah, heres my right one: http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=13689 mods, feel free to delete this thread (not my other one!)
  20. it's not parma paint, but another brand of R/C car/slot car paint. Tamiya, and its on my acoustic now! http://www.geocities.com/neocon58/acousticblue/
  21. Hey guys. Apologies if in wrong section. I need an amp under 500 australian dollars, that can be comfortably heard over a drummer. It dosen't have to be anything special, but a clean/dist footswitch would be nice. I'm not fussed about effects, since I doubt I would get any decent ones with an amp under 500 Australian anyawy. Few ppl have suggested Spider 2, and a few people have said "stay the hell away from the spider 2". Damn confusing. I play rock, pop-punk, punk. So I only really need clean and distortion. Any1 out there with suggestions would be great. Thanx.
  22. i race slot cars, and the guy stocks parma paints in both bottle and can. ive painted some nice paintkobs with parma stuff and you just gave me a new guitar finishing idea! parma have some wicked pearescent and metallic colours.
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