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Blues Tribute Group
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Everything posted by ToneMonkey

  1. Here's the thread about the tele built from one fo those cable drums (which is good to know because I get through about 30 if them a week): http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=26921 There are a few people that have built some out of scrap wood. I remeber one that was built from about pieces of scrap. Looked well cool.
  2. Me. Have you seen the new Bristol. The first car with over 1000(UK)bhp. Looks like a beast. Did have 650bhp until they bolted 2 turbos the size of my house to it. Hope they put more big end bearings in too.
  3. Is that a Garrett? I had one here that is off a straight 16 diesel (about 25,000cc capacity). Heard enough to pick up let alone bolt on
  4. Not too sure about stencils, but tatooists would be a good place to have a look for designs. Besides, Wes has just left the 80's so this is the next step for him
  5. Yeah, I'm doing a material finsh. A good bit of fake Burberry material can't be too hard to find. I'm then going to do the back the same and burst the sides in using a matching colour to the background of the check. Going to do the headstock too.
  6. Ha ha, yeah man. Now you're getting into the spirit of things You should have seen your face when I first said it was going to be Burberry, it was kind of like ---->
  7. I forgot to say that if I end up doing it in Burberry, the scratchplate (and maybe contriol cavity cover) will be made from perspex with a flattened Stella can underneath. Tasteful, oh yes.
  8. Alright guys, I'm after opinions because to be frank, I haven't a clue. I recently got a really cheep SG to which I've taken the finish off the neck so that I can reprofile it nicely and reshape the headstock. I've got to take the finsh of the body soon and have a play with the neck joint. However, I only have gold hardware to go on it so I'm after opinions on what to do with it. At the minute, it's going to be Burberry because everyone has been very firm that I can't do it. In fact the girlfriend has tried to ban me from doing it, so all the more reson to go for it I feel. As it's fairly well curved at the edges, if I vaneer it, then it'll have to be a burst of some description. Any ideas or do I have to chav it up?
  9. Crap. LK was a real good man. Thoughts go to the family at this time. Jennifer, if your still reading this thread then you can be proud that he left a long list of friends and was very much respected. Kaj
  10. Ha ha. I reserve the right to be pompous and arrogant, but I am English, always right and better looking than all of you. Yes Wes, even you As for the guitar, yeah it looks alright but I think that's about as far as it goes up my flagpole.
  11. If the tape around the side of the pup is damaged, then it may have taken some of the coil with it. The wire is really thin and it doesn't take much to break it. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  12. Don't forget the amp/cabinet. I thought it was you when I saw a post earlier. Glad that you're Ok and not a mystery stain on the road Kaj (the P*ss artist formally known as Hotrock)
  13. You can laugh, but she blames you and "That bloody book"
  14. Last night my girlfriend worked out (after I bought home another guitar) that I have more guitars than songs I can play She did include 2 that are half built and 1 that still needs hardware though
  15. If I had a $6k guitar, I'd tell everyone it sounds better
  16. Cool, I've got loads of them. May have to take the cable off and sell it to the scrappy first though
  17. Myka - Is that a little arm rest on that axe? I would be interest to hear how that works out for you. I had the idea to do that a while back, but like most of my ideas, it had been done before That looks like a stunning axe. One day, I'll be knocking on your door with a handful of cash (although for one of your hollow bodies).
  18. I like that. It looks like it was made out of, and still being used as, a garden table. Certainly different.
  19. Start checking your inbox. And have a whiskey for me. It's the work Christmas party tonight, so I'll have a couple for you too
  20. Is it the email from morpheus@dimension etc etc. It's the only mail I've had for a while. If it's not then go to my profile and send me an email through that. T -1 hour to pub.
  21. My PM's have been dead for a few months now and they can't be fixed Drop an email to kajadams___at----hotmail___dot----com I'm off to the pub soon so better be quick if you want them before the weekend.
  22. I've just saved that file down in AutoCAD 2000 dwg and dxf formats for someone. I could also save them in pdf at 1:1 scale if you both want a copy. Drop me your email respective emails and I'll send them over to you. Welcome to the boards Johny
  23. Didn't Gibson do a granite guitar that needed a stand to be played. I seem to remember something about that (it may well have been in the front of Mr Hiscox's book, but I may be wrong on that). Anyway, how about a solid nut blank with no slots and some very careful drilling of the right size holes in the right places to accept the strings. Not saying this would be easy or even possible, but it would get rid of the weak points at the bottom of the slots. Very occassionally I bump into the guy who runs Diamond Bottle Necks (he's a friend of a friend). If I remember to ask him during getting very drunk (which always seems to happen when we meet), I'll ask him.
  24. Or on the other hand, if it's the SG that you're trying to get them out of, you could leave them in and I'll bring down a fresh new pair for you.
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