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Everything posted by marksound

  1. You mean the 80s Roland GR707 guitar/synth controller? I think someone at Roland was just snorting Drano.
  2. Metal band....can't hear the drums....does not compute. Tell your drummer he's supposed to HIT THEM !!!!! The first thing that came to my mind was "feather Duster" then had images of a metal drummer playing with a pair of feather dusters XD We had a drummer for a while that was so loud (how loud was he?) ... he was so loud that we literally couldn't hear the monitors on stage. He was so loud that I could not hear the other guitar player who was 6-8 feet away from me. So loud that the only thing that kept me from shoving an ice pick in my ears was the fact that even if I couldn't hear his drums, the vibrations would still rattle my teeth loose. He was such a nice guy, though, that none of us could bring ourselves to fire him. Lucky for us, after a couple months he decided he couldn't get into the stuff we were playing and quit.
  3. If it's the same neck that came off the guitar, it should go right back on with no problems--unless something has changed. I've taken my guitars apart who knows how many times to fix or adjust things, and the only time I ever had a problem putting the neck back on was when I did something wrong.
  4. That's a cool inlay Cliff, great work as always. I always wonder though if the words "over the top" exist at Minarik.
  5. Get a book. I took lessons over 35 years ago and my teacher used this method, but any book will do. I'd basically just use it as a guide, and tailor the lessons to what's interesting to him. Teach him to read music too. It's in the book.
  6. Tell me about it. EDIT: Actually they're not hard to find, they're just hard to steal away from the other band(s) they're already playing with .
  7. Decide which bridge you want to use and specify the option from this page. A Toronado is a Fender, right? AFAIK, all Fender bridges are F spaced. F stands for Fender.
  8. If he thinks it's taking too long, I'd let him have everything and be done with it. I'd be done with him too. Chalk it up to experience.
  9. So the "untraditional method" is like, rubber bands?
  10. This is my opinion. No facts or research to back it up, just what's spilling out of my head (or other body part if you like). Gibson has used the TOM for decades. PRS uses a compensated wraparound. The "tone" and "sustain" of a Les Paul vs a Custom 24 is (arguably) similar, if nothing else. As long as the bridge you use is installed correctly and intonates properly (and the guitar is set up well), there will be no discernable difference in sustain and tone. I say use what works with the design of the guitar, complete the build, then let your own ear be the judge. Of course, there will be other opinions.
  11. It seems like we're doing this an awful lot lately and the words come harder every time. Condolences to the family and RIP UncleJ. See ya on the other side.
  12. Not trying to start trouble, but in the interest of full disclosure could you explain what happened to change your mind about Krylon? Click here
  13. Those square corners on the neck heel are keeping it from seating in the bottom of the pocket, throwing off your scale. You can use a rounded heel neck in a square pocket, but not (easily) vice versa. It's time to consider your skill level before you start modifying parts. If you're confident you can do it, go for it. If not, you're probably better off finding a neck that fits your body (or vice versa). There's a lot to choose from out there and what you have can always be resold.
  14. Take the deal when you can get it. You can always sell them later if you don't like them. A while back I stumbled onto a sale on Tele Texas Specials at MF for $90. A week later they were $170. They sound great to me but I never would have bought them at regular price.
  15. Question: Is the heel on your neck rounded or squared? You said the neck might fit your Tele. If the heel is squared and the pocket is rounded, that might be your problem. Pics would help.
  16. Ok, I'm in for a five--but I want it hand delivered to my door by a uniformed government agent.
  17. Hell, I don't like Vs either...ultimate poser guitar...the only guys I ever see playing those are 40 year old guys in spandex...but still, if it was a knockoff, okay. But it's a Gibson. Just sell it and buy something you like better. Albert King, Lonnie Mack. Zero Spandex.
  18. Here, try the Stew-Mac Fret Position Calculator. It will show you the position of each fret for your scale length as well as bridge placement. By the way, please don't yell at people who are trying to help you.
  19. Here's a quote from someone who makes custom pickups: See the website here. I've never tried his pickups, but a lot of people whose opinions I respect have and say they're great. YMMV.
  20. There was a discussion on another forum a few days ago:
  21. Here's some pretty cool engraving/etching on a John Catto Zemaitis tribute. I think he said he does the art himself and sends it and the metal parts out to a local guy who does the etching.
  22. I put a partso together with one of those bodies a few years back. It was solid basswood, but like the man says you either have to use the stock pickguard or make one yourself. By the way, those guitars aren't bad stock. Nothing fancy--just basic low end stuff, but they work. EDIT: If you want something a little easier to modify/upgrade, you might look for one of these. I got one for $60 when Overstock.com was blowing them out before Christmas. They're made in Indonesia by either Cort or Samick (mine's Cort), so the quality is comparable to others from the same factory (not too bad). For a beater, they're hard to beat. Ahem.
  23. Congrats! Our older son has a boy (new baby due in March) and younger son has a girl. Grandkids rock!
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