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Everything posted by pauliemc

  1. koelker12 - The headstock is throwing this for me, just does not work. & the fact that the vol & tone knobs are no there aswell. apart from that its a prety cool guitar. I would have used a darker background in the piks aswell. white against a light background doesent show the geet off too well. feral smurf - Nice simple guitar, cool swirl job. Cant realy say much more apart from - Nice realy dig this one osario - This is cool. But i have to agree with wes. That dark stripe should have been centralised down the body. I just can get past it. centre that strip & loose the fret board inlay & this would have been my No. 1 brutal iv - Just does not work for me. the artwork is not the best. Her thighs appear to be bent & the feet are mashed up. Kills off an otherise realy nice guitar. from the back it looks great, but the art work just ruins the front. geekmorris - Sorry. For a refinish to warrent entry into GOTM it needs to be spectacular, serious inlay work of something. Not just a colour change. But then thats just my opinion. avenger - seriously cool. But I think the neck is just too much glam for this guitar. realy cool neck & fret board, but just a bit much here. If it had a figured top then OK. But this is still excellent. (cant believe im not voting for something because the neck is too good for the rest ) strandberg - realy cool, as usual. the back looks killer, & I wish my fret jobs looked that flawless. But that bridge is so vivid it take my eye away from everything on the front. & thats the only reason its my No. 2. scott french - This is my number 01. Simple but somehow a little bit flash & the same time. I love the neck & the simplicity of the finish on the front. ragas - Im Not sure here. The headstock is wrong, But the body lines are a little off aswell, Cant tell if its just the shines along the top horn or not. Doesent flow well. But I kinda like it for some reason. Could be interesting to see more.
  2. HA HA HA COOL ! & into the bookmarks that goes. There is a lydian music school over here in dublin Glad you like the geets, Have a very cool pair of Jems in the works just now that I will be putting up soon, Kinda like your evil twin explorers.
  3. I would not mess about with it, Just put some realy thin CA into the cracks to sort them out & thats it. Plug it in & go apeshit !!
  4. I shape a lot of my necks like this. Not quite as square - but with the shaprer radius @ the bass side & shallower radius on the treble side. Fits more naturaly in your hand. usually plays & feels excellent. But depending on the wood used & how thick it is, you can get something so strong it wont allow any bend in the neck. So you get a bolt straight neck with no releif when strung up. I have a 22mm - 25mm thick neck on a strat made from quater sawn rock maple that is like steel, wont bend at all, even with pressure from the double action rod
  5. Yea, guest books suck. They just get put away & never seen again. waste of money. At least she can jam out on her guest strat @ anaversery parties & crap. Looks cool mounted aswell I use reverse CBS styled heads on all my strats, except my SRV. I just think the standard headstock doesent look right, Has a bad vibe, looks kinda depressed. You know, kinda like its lookin down. But flip it over & its an instant mood change, Maby im showing my inner weirdo here but screw it Yea, gold tuners for the green JS. so green quilted top, Sapele black burst back, Black walnut neck, Rosewood board, Gold hardware & TV Jones powertron pickups. works for me.
  6. Couldent find any black pickups, Only zebras. And they didnt look anywhere near good. But I rekon the gold is gona work fine. These are just a stand in for visual aid. But I think gold pups with black rings is the way to go here And just in case anyones interested. This is the chiks strat by the end of the wedding.
  7. Hey Scott, check it out. This is the one piece guitar I was talkin about. Sapele. Body, neck & headstock all cut as one piece & then carved by hand to the final shape. Rosewood fretboard. Only glue in the whole thing is holding the board onto the rest of the neck & the side dots into the board Its called a Black Lotus, I dont get to do very many (only the second one) as most people want it with a figured top.
  8. No problems man. I will put up some piks of the one piece later, Almost ready for a buff & hardware install. Probly should have taken piks & done a thread but what the hell As for black pups, i duno. I keep thinking they will be to much of a big black mass in the middle of the guitar. Maby I should do a quick test fit & slap up a comparison pik of the 2. Driving me nuts trying to decide.
  9. Diggin the tele. That rocks. But something about the pups on the gibson styled model is not right. Just my opinion But still cool as fook man.
  10. Hey Scott. Yea its mine again. hence the absolutly no freakin progress problem The guy who bought it came in for a look at the finish & neck, while he was there he tried out another one I had made, JS with an ash body, ash neck, rosewood board, loaded with TV jones pups. wouldent give it back ha ha ha . So we came to an arrangement & this is mine again. all worked out in the end. Have a funky 01 piece in the works for him just now. All cut from a single lump of sapele. only glue joint is for the fret board. I might throw some piks up later. Im tryin to decide on black or gold pickups for this green JS. cant decide, Any opinions ????? Will a gold trem & machines be too much with Gold power trons ?
  11. Man, this looks cooler than my green JS, & I taught that looked cool realy nice guitar, What pickups are you loading this with ?
  12. No. the greain is far too eratic. Flamed maple is fine, or birds eye. But quilt tends to have way to much funk goin on in the tensions in the timber to be a reliable neck. Unless you laminate it with some other realy strong woods like ebony. But even then Id still be worried about it.
  13. Nice to see somebody else doin a JS. I have a nice piece of Limba set aside for one for myself, all one piece hopefully. Neck, body & headstock all cut & shaped from a single block. only glue joint is the fret board. But as usual I never seem to have the time to do any work on it This one should come out sweet. the grain should look realy good with the carve.
  14. You would be surprised. Actually turns out fairly good. I have done a few like this. Only glue joint is the fretboard to the rest of the neck. Not always walnut, 2 so far, both came out excellent.
  15. Looks to me like the tension in the wood is just being released. That piece will most likly split again if you do any work to it. I use a lot of walnut, & sometimes I get a piece like this. Best to slice it up for binding or drop tops or something. But its not going to be any use as a body blank. Id cut my losses & just get a more suitable piece. The headaches it will cause in the build are just not worth it
  16. That is how us old guys do things... How else would you do it? Well actually I dont do it exactly like this any more. I tend to use graphite refills from a clutch pencil now. Kinda the same thing except there is no pencil to wear away in the first place. but I still find my self sanding down pencils sometimes, till I remember I have a little box full of those refills.
  17. HA HA HA COOL Never heard of anybody else doin the half a pencil thing, begining to think I was the only one.
  18. Oddly enough, the criticism is why I enter. It amazing the things you dont spot when your building the guitar, & will never spot after its done. It takes others to point out the fook ups sometimes. It also good to get opinions on your work, even if only half of it comes from builders who can see what you have done, & the rest from people just making a snap judgement. Same with the build threads. How many times has somebody saved yer ass by spotting a problem way ahead of you, or you done the same for others. Not that iv ever made a mistake on a build mind you Hey Dave !!m Dig the funky table. Looks like a whole bunch of flyin V's stuck together
  19. Always the way dave. Never seems to be any time for personal builds. this one could take ages Im doin a green JS just now, was for me, so progress was only OK. but then a customer twisted my arm & suddenly it Was gettin along at a good pace. Then the Customer picked up something else in the workshop when he dropped by the week after my wedding for a look at the finish & neck profile. An all ash JS experiment with a rosewood board & TV Jones jumbo trons. he fookin loved it, Wouldent give it back. Cancelled his order on the green one. took the experiment job on the spot. So now the green JS is mine again & I cant get any time to finish it. Typical But still. Yer builds are always cool to see so keep it comin.
  20. Cool. Love the green quilt. Have it on a current build aswell. Always looks realy cool.
  21. You know dave, was just thinkin, I wonder what that big round ass would do tonally in an acoustic. I might steal your general body shape & modify it a bit for an acoustic build. If thats OK with you. Wont be an exact match but anybody with an eye will spot the original inspiration for the shape. Dont want to be a dik & just steal it you know.
  22. Light weights the lot of you. Come talk to me when you can build using only a few of these
  23. Now thats some funky quilt. Lookin good there dave
  24. no problems. Just use ferrules instead of a plate. something like these http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Hardware,_part...g_Ferrules.html except from evilbay or somewhere. Stewies are a bit pricey.
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