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Devon Headen

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Everything posted by Devon Headen

  1. "the guy"? That'd be SRV . I think it's okay, I'd take it for a few hundred, but 6500...that's ridiculous
  2. Never used them, but I hear really good things about the reranch rattlecan sunburst stuff...www.reranch.com
  3. I want to know about the finish, because if it does stay the same, then I'm not gonna finish the guitar for awhile after I assemble it. Picked up the bocote today...this is gonna be one sick heavy guitar.
  4. That's gonna take a pretty decent sized piece of pearl. I'll be willing to sell you a piece, but I doubt if anyone's giving away shell like that.
  5. I'm using purpleheart for my guitar, and what I'm hearing here is what I've experienced so far. My question is: when I finish the wood, will it stay at that stage of uhh..."purpleness"?
  6. Here's a lnk with a closeup for ya Drak.
  7. Thanks man . Does it matter how I wire them? Like I said, I don't know much about electronics, but I really don't understand having two leads unless one is ground. Is the one on the brass ground or something?
  8. Let me get this straight...you're looking for info on something, but you don't know what this something is? Give us some kind of information to go on.
  9. the main reason I tune down is to get a chunkier, looser sound on the strings. I don't think I'd like electroncally altering the pitch. Plus, unless you had tons of stage noise, you'd hear your guitar still playing at the normal pitch. That'd drive me insane.
  10. I have it, but he leaves out a few things in the book. He doesn't give any detail about engraving, and that's what I'm interested in...I'm doing other work, but I've never tried engraving for fear of screwing up a lot of work.
  11. I've been mostly concentrating on the woodwork/inlay side of things, but I guess it's time for some electronics. I've read a lot about them, but they still confuse the living crap out of me most of the time. I'm wanting to try this whole piezo thing with the buzzers, but I need some help with what to do. I got the element out of the case, but uhh...that didn't help..here are some pics of it side 1 side2 Where do I solder the leads? It had three single strand wires coming off the circuit board and onto this. I read that the elements have a brass side, and a ceramic side, but as you see, this one's brass on both sides. I'd like to get crankin ASAP on this, so would be appreciated
  12. you're right...from the fb side of the nut to the middle of the 12th fret's fretwire times two.
  13. Right...we're talking about the moisture content of the cells themselves I think. When you steam the wood the individual cells don't reconstitute (bad word) I wouldn't imagine.
  14. The abalone is all flat, and there're only two peices of MOP that are curved...I guess I'll just toss em or somethin
  15. well...I have a couple, but I'm gonna be awhile before I start finishing it...the pics really don't show the burn very well....the burns don't contrast as much as they look like they do in the pics. The aqau stuff on the side was my experimenting with food dye staining . I contoured the neck joint and bottom cutaway a bit too.
  16. I got some shell off eBay: some of the pieces (of pink and gold MOP) are different thicknesses in different places, and slightly cupped too. Is this normal, and how do I work around it? $30 US after shipping
  17. I'm gonna do a blue tint lacquer with black burst on my squier. It's gonna be really dark though, and it has really cool burn marks from the heat gun paint removal. I'm hoping the tinted coat(s) will disguise the wood and just barely let the burn through...I think it's gonna look good.
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