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Everything posted by Diffidentia

  1. English version: From all of us to all of you, have a very - ba-da-dadah-da - merry - bom-tom-domilom - Christmas!

  2. Benytter anledningen til å gratulere EU med fredsprisen, i håp om at de kan finne tilbake til og fortsette sitt viktige og fredsbevarende arbeide i fremtiden!

  3. Skal du stemme på Anders Jektvik? Send 3 til 26700

  4. Jadda! Grattis Anders Jektvik!!!!

  5. Jeg bare gjentar: I kveld må vi alle stemme på Anders Jektvik! Ikke én gang, ikke to, men mange ganger!

  6. Morgenens star watching gir følgende resultat: Venus like over horisonten i øst med Saturn litt opp til høyre (og Merkur, dessverre, like under horisonten under Venus). I (nord) vest ser vi igjen Jupiter til høyre for månen. Klart fint vintervær gir fine opplevelser på himmelen :)

  7. Sånn te generell informasjon. Vess dåkk sjer på nattehimmelen og sjer det lyssterke objektet te høyre for månen i kveld så e det solsystemets største planet, Jupiter :)

  8. Da er det klart: Flertallet i Hitra kommune (AP,SV, KrF, PP og uavhengig) tar ikke skole, og da spesielt tidlig innsats, på alvor. Forslag om å bevilge ekstra ressurser til økt lærertetthet og styrking av lese- og skriveopplæring op 1.- og 2. trinn på Hitras skoler ble nedstemt (mot Venstre, Høyre, Senterpartiet og FrPs stemmer).

  9. Alt for mye spenning, men det viser at vi virkelig må mobilisere neste gang! Vinneren hadde med seg ordføreren....

  10. Klar tale fra politimesteren på Midtnytt.

  11. A sneak peak at your neighbor's house? The cover is looking good, though. If the rest is up to the same standard it's going to be a shiiiiby guitar.
  12. Thanks again for the advice. That did the trick! Thus far I've filled the holes with epoxy and done 5 or 6 wipes of Danish oil. I'll try to get a few pics up the coming days. Right now I've got to wait a week or so to get things moving again as we're doing some work at the shop. It sucks to stop when you're in the groove but these were things that had to be done to have the shop ready for the start of the school year.
  13. Nice idea! I think I'll copy that next time I make a neck
  14. Looks awesome already! If it comes even close to that bass it'll be marvelous!
  15. Thanks for the advice. I was thinking that the epoxy would keep the danish oil from penetrating the wood. That's why I planned to use oil first
  16. Here's a look at the chambering. I could have taken out a bit more, but quite frankly I didn't dare. Planning the inlay Neck work... Headstock. I wanted something simple and just went for the first thing that came to me As I mentioned, the neck was somewhat of a "scrap build" which means I have to find solutions things like this. I'm planning to fill this with clear epoxy after I've finished the neck in Danish oil.
  17. More progress... Th rear after the initial roundover. You also see where the access to the jack and electronics cavities will be. I'll have to come back to the jack hole though. I've got a plan to do something a bit different there. You'll see Another shot with the same manly background And here's how I made the cavity covers. I was darn proud of myself then Trying to match the covers with the grain of the body Routing for the cavity covers. I realized after routing both covers, trying to center them around the existing holes, that I would have had a much easier time doing it the other way around; Routing first the drilling the holes. Next time... The results
  18. I'm hollowing out as much as I dare. I'll post photos as soon as I have a minute by the PC. As for the intention behind the design; I didn't have much in mind other than to find an interresting tale on the single cut that also seemed playable. For this particular guitar I also wanted to add an acoustic "feel" to the mix, thouh the P90s will spoil that somewhat. Maybe if I really like the design I'll make a piezo-only version sometime. I also have an archtop-ish and carved top (a la Les Paul) planned. Again, if I like the outcome of this one.... Thanks! "My shop" is in fact the woodshop at the school I work at. Since I have part of the day to day responsibility for the shop I also have access to it the rest of the year. Sadly the financial state of the Norwegian schools have meant tha the shop has been left a bit to itself, having to make do without the necessary upgrades and maintenance. So right now a few to many of the tool are blunt and pretty useless. However the bandsaw, planer and the drill presses are fit for fight
  19. By now I had routed the body down to size and started rounding off the back using a Shinto rasp. And then it was time to rout the cavities. The bottom cavity will be for the jack only, while the rest of the electronics will be fitted at the top. The two knobs and switch will be on the topside slightly "countersunk" (if that makes sense).
  20. Sanding the neck to size - or so I thought... Routing the neck pocket... the first time After Neck fitted. It looks a bit on the skinny side, doesn't it? Lying in this position on the kitchen bench I found out just how much the neck lacked in width. I was awoken at 5AM by the little one in the house, and after getting her to sleep I wasn't able to find any rest. I just kept going over and over how I could make such a stupid mistake (twice) and how best to fix it. Since I didn't have any decent wood lying around to make a new neck I decided to try to salvage this one and rather make a new one at a later stage. So at 6AM I drove down to the shop and found the offcuts from when i sawed off most of the excess and sanded those and glued on the neck. Not perfect by ant standard, but it'll do for now.
  21. Since I've been busy enjoying my vacation/building, I've been working on this build for a few weeks, but I haven't had the time to post anything. So prepare for some photo spamming. I apologize on beforehand... The wood More wood and a body template Preparing to rout the truss rod channel Gluing the fretboard on
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