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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. Why don't you just switch between the pickups, and see which one doesn't make noise...
  2. They have 24 3/4" scale conversion necks for strats/teles. I assume they shorten the fret distances or something to that extent, so it works without messing the bridge up.
  3. If I had to have the LOOK of a single pickup, I'd have two singlecoils together wired like the mid+neck of a Strat, but they'd be together, like a humbucker. That's my FAVORITE sound that I've heard out of my Strat, but I guess it depends on the amp and playing style and other things too.
  4. Stewmac has an LP Jr. style bridge for $20! I'm not sure how good quality it is, but it is cheap! http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Bridges,_tailp...ior_Bridge.html
  5. *Shakes head* Do you know if I can get Pearlescent stuff in a rattlecan?
  6. Alright, Solid color it is. Anyone have some suggestions on what color? I wanted to do a Pearlescent finish, but I don't have a spray booth set up,nor do I have the money to set one up. Sooo.... I was wondering if they had that stuff in rattlecans.
  7. Okay. I think I'll do this one a solid color finish, and save my next project for a Lite Ash Strat or Tele or something. Thanks for the input. EDIT: Couldn't I just tint the clearcoat to make it look a bit colored again?
  8. Yeah, alright. I was hoping I would be able to bleach it, but, this works too. I want to mimic the look of a Lite Ash Strat, but I want the tone of Alder.
  9. Is there a way to remove dye from a body? I have begun to dye an Alder body blue, but decided that I want it natural, and not blue. Could I bleach the body to get the dye off of it, or do I have to sand it all off?
  10. Made of Agathis. >_> That just turns me off. I dunno why ESP uses Agathis so much, I think that it sucks. It looks nice though, would be good to hang on the walls.
  11. Thinline, but ONLY if you put a Thinline pickguard on it. If you're gonna put a normal tele pickguard, do the strat contour.
  12. Buying from Universal Jem should count as donating. ;_;
  13. Yeah, maybe they could. Abalone with Birdseye is the Shiznat!
  14. Hey, I was thinking about buying a StewMac neck for my project. I was wondering if it is possible to take the black inlays out, and change them to Abalone dots (Which I prefer, of course). Can anyone tell me if this is possible, and if so, give me some tips on doing it?
  15. I believe Gibsons are 1 3/4" thick, but I'm NOT quite sure. >_>
  16. Post a picture of it so we can see how beautiful it is!! Good luck with the project also.
  17. It may or may not be a good idea, depending on what kind of sealer you use, some sealers may not adhese (is that the right word? Why don't I just say "STICK"?!) to the sealant. Of course, I may be wrong, so don't listen to me. >_>
  18. How did they not even bother to help? Does that look like NOT helping to you? Anyway, about the veneer, I'd probably just remove it and start again like Drak suggested.
  19. I believe he meant to use Ebony dust instead of Rosewood dust so it will match the fretboard better. I want a picture when you're done!
  20. From what I've heard about the Jazz, it doesn't handle distortion too well. You might wanna try a JB/'59 Combo, instead of '59/Jazz. You could also do a '59/'59 combo. About the D string, did you sand down the saddle, along with the spot where the string enters the body?
  21. Hunter

    I Love Ebay

    Hahah, great find. I can't wait to see the finished product.
  22. Depending on what gague of string you use, you may need to file out the string slots a bit on the nut also. Other than that, I'm assuming that's all you need to do. There may some tutorials on the net, but, I really don't feel like searching.
  23. Yes, I'm using a 5-way Strat Style switch, probably gonna put a switch to have bridge/neck selection too.
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