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Everything posted by krazyderek

  1. but it also scares me at the same time... i'd be scared to use something that powerfull, plus i'd have to sell my car to play border taxes and shipping, but still
  2. mahogany and basswood are the most common 2 heaviest sounding woods aren't they? rosewood fingerboards suit mahogany necks fairly well i think
  3. i have the same problem... the file opens in jasc paint shop pro but then it won't display the file...
  4. YES! ok If you have some of the stew mac neck pocket templates that are 1/16 to big on either side. Use a 3/8" flush trim bit with a bigger 1/2" bearing on he top to copy the template to another peice of plexi glass or plywood. Similarly, If you have full size templates you want to copy to make templates for use with a bushing attachment on your router, use a 1/2" flush trim bit with a smaller 3/8" bearing on the top. This is assuming for a 1/2" cutter bit that the outside diameter of your bushing is 5/8" So basicly go buy a 1/2" and a 3/8" flush trim bits as long as possible and you can just interchange the bearings as you need. now just don't get your templates mixed up hope that helps everyone here
  5. this is kinda the first time i'll stray away from the DIY rout, shouldn't that be covered by the guitar manufacturer? sounds like they're at fault there.
  6. yup, i just spent a good 2 hours searching the web... eagle looks like it has a nice "102-0802B 1/2” 1/4” 1-3/4” 1/4” $23.39 " bit.. BUT for for 1/2" depth i found this!! #6509 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" $14.50 at MLCS and they have free shipping but not to canada anyways i bugged the guy at the hardware store for 45 minutes and now i got the whole bushing thing worked out
  7. yes, i think i'm also going to invest in 2 shallow bits.... a bowl carving and straight cutter both 1/2 cutting depth i can order from home depot, but i think they'll both be about 50$ canadian after taxes and all.. have you looked online for bits, that's what i'm about to do but you wouldn't have to pay border taxes cause your in US right?
  8. psssst, i think "someone" needs anger management
  9. gaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! doesn't anyone speak derek???? no one ever understands me
  10. i'm assuming pattern and template bit are the same thing? (straight cutter with the bearing on the shank) I baught the bushings cause i couldn't find a small 1/2" x 1/2" cutter bit that i could put a bearing on the shank, and my only other cutter bit is over 1" long so that's way to long to trace the templates for my rear access cover inlay template (1/4" deep rout), and for the humbuckers, they'll also come in handy cause putting a bearing on my 1/4" bit for routing the truss rod channel was getting annoying. lol i just wanted u guys to tell me weather or not my idea to copy my templates to a different size would work or not
  11. if i had my tele apart right now i'd make a set of templates for ya if u paid postage and 5$ for the wood. sorry dude
  12. dimarzio steve's special, tone zone, or set of PAF pro's, or a fred in the bridge,
  13. cool, u going to have all the other specs too?
  14. no no no... for humbukers, rear routing, and neck pockets, i WANT the templates to be to big, for the body templates i want them to be to small.... (ya i know that sounds odd cause i need to do the same thing to both) but i AM using the bushings and i don't have any templates that were made for them, so i just need an easy way to convert/copy my correct size ones to the 1/16 adjusted size templates
  15. well the tittle says it.... the universal bushing kit at the hardware store is on sale for 12.99$, couldn't pass that up! so now i need a way to copy all my templates 1/16 smaller on all tracing surfaces... yes, i could copy them with a flush trim bit then spend a couple days sanding, but there's got to be a quicker way, i have a ½"dia flush trim bit, could i just get a 3/8 replacement bearring and put it on the top then trace away? hmm.. that just sounds to simple..
  16. since ur using a locking nut generic tuners will do cause all the fine tunning is done on the bridge...
  17. that's 100$ more then the original and pro models, i think i'll wait a bit for the prices to come down....
  18. well i might glue or bolt.... i'd like to stay with bolt for right now so i could make another neck for the guitar down the road.... but.... 1"x3" that's good enough for the pocket u guys think?
  19. quoting myself here from a post that's 3 or 4 under this one, u don't have to get an sg, they have manymore...
  20. I'm thinking about trying out short set neck tennon's or "bolt in" necks, but i can't decide weather to use the traditional 3" length pocket that most bolt on's are, or play it safe and go with a 3½" length cause the neck thins down to 17/32's under the neck pickup. Obviously the long screw would move towards the neck if the pocket were made longer. But i really want to go with 3" cause it gives me just that much more room for playing the upper frets, what do u guys think? Also does 1" seem like a good depth for the neck pocket for this type of heel? NOTE this picture isn't perfectly to scale!
  21. hmmm the plans for the fret bending machine on that page look mighty tempting... i wounder if they'd be a bit more precise then brian's bender block idea?
  22. i only rout enough wood out for the truss rod, in other words, a controlled length rout.. but i always thought a semi hollow neck would sound kinda cool... but i guess not according to hyunsu and his teacher...
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