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GOTM Winner
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Everything posted by Norris

  1. For those not familiar with UK tv shows from the 70s, this is a reference to an innuendo-based comedy show "Are You Being Served?" However looking at the wikipedia entry, it seems that it was broadcast to the commonwealth & some former colonies
  2. You've done it now! Never mention the sunshine! There's bound to be a hurricane next week now you've said that Lovely work Andy btw
  3. I keep showing Mrs Norris my shiny knobs, but she's not impressed
  4. Knobs grain filled... Then dyed & starting on the sanding sealer... I also started polishing the body last night using the first 1500 grit ("rust") Micro Mesh pad. The join line has pretty much gone now. There is a tiny bit of burn through to the sanding sealer around a few of the screw holes where the lacquer seemed to cling to the edges - that won't be a problem as it'll be under the bridge. If I get any more burn through I'll have to slap another couple of coats of lacquer on, but we are ok so far. I'll see if I've got time to start on the back tonight. In other news the neck had its final coat of lacquer a day or two ago. Slowly, but still moving forwards
  5. Great post @JayGunn The length of time it's taken to make this, I would have thought the joint would have had plenty of time to fully dry out. I'll certainly consider epoxy in future though
  6. Dyeing the whole knob to match the body. Boy that grain filler takes some sanding back on something as small & fiddly! One is about there, the other barely started
  7. We have a pair of asymmetric knobs That's ash capped with flamed maple - made from offcuts of the body wood. I've since given the ash a coat of the black grain filler - I'll try to get that sanded back tonight and see if it needs another coat or two
  8. Yes, nice & tight. Also it was glued together in Sep/Oct 2015 (!) so has been together a long time. I'll start polishing and see how it goes
  9. The body has been hanging for 4 weeks now, so I thought I'd take a look prior to starting the polishing. I was rather surprised to see a very slight ridge on the top join. I have flatted the top more times than I care to recall during the preparation, dyeing & lacquering! (That took quite a few attempts to photograph btw!) I took it to class last night to consult my instructor. He reckons it should polish out - it's certainly < 0.1mm. The worst affected bits will be under the bridge anyway. I can only guess that the body has dried out a little further - even though it's been kept in the house throughout the build (apart from a few hours after each lacquering session, but then brought in over night) I'll start on the micro mesh soon and see how it goes.
  10. Another couple of hours at class and I've got the headstock planed off and made a start on flattening the ebony cap
  11. Thanks Absolutely not! Edit: And while I'm posting, I'm still slapping lacquer on the neck - it's probably more awkward than the body was. The body has been hanging for some time - it's nearly time to start the final polish up on that
  12. If you have some plum that could be nice. I had some that was logged up for my wood burner and it split all over the place as it dried out. Lovely looking wood though
  13. Colour me envious if they have such beautiful wood!
  14. Personally I think the top one - a bit more BC Rich than Telecaster
  15. Unclamped Edit: Oh - and we've had a slight change of plan. It's going to be a little more conventional with just a single pickup now, and probably a scratch plate. The knobs will be repositioned still
  16. Having previously squared up the neck blank, we went for the scarf joint last night. I haven't got a huge amount spare on the neck blank, so had to measure and cut carefully Having marked out, I cut the angle on the bandsaw, then used a block plane to get the surface flat Then having done so, glued and clamped it, using a panel pin to stop it sliding apart The single-acting truss rod is on order, but I won't get it for a couple of weeks due to the public holiday next Monday. Still, that's plenty of time to get the body flat sanded and maybe even routed to shape if I have time. I'm trying to keep this build to the Monday night sessions for now to appease the good lady wife - who wants things doing to the camper, painting & decorating the house, sorting out the garden, etc.
  17. Welcome to the forum The balance is affected to a certain extent by where you locate the strap buttons. From your design I assume you'll put the button on the back of the neck? Nice design by the way. I don't know if a headless guitar is the simplest build you could start with, but you have some excellent examples on here to follow
  18. That's the sort of information I was asking about a couple of weeks ago. A nice little gem of a tip to file in the memory bank
  19. OK, I'll rephrase that a bit then. PG has provided some fabulous inspiration & encouragement and my instructor(s) has imparted the skills & advice to achieve what I have done so far. It's certainly bitten me enough to start a second build, and I still haven't finished designing my own bass yet, or indeed the arch-top bass I have in my head for build 4, or the one after that...
  20. Nice stuff. It looks like some crazy moiré pattern
  21. Stop it - you'll embarrass me! Thanks for the compliments though I think that's the key - persistence . The ability comes from having some great guidance, not least of all from the inspiring PG community!
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