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Everything posted by goat

  1. You ain`t old.If we`re talkin` the Robert Johnson or Eric Clapton version,then we`re talkin` old. I remember dudes figuring out those!
  2. I have shot the front and the back once with several coats.They do not recommend sanding metallic paint. Can I flip the guitar back over after three hours for another coat on the front?
  3. Easy??? It`s not easy if it`s a neck thru body(which it is)
  4. Yeah butnut,I hope mine come out half as nice as those.
  5. Litch,I was only kidding. I guess I won`t joke around anymore I paid 40$ for my mahogany.about 8 feet long,10" wide,1"high.
  6. It depends on how high your fretboard is in relation to the top of the body,and the height of your bridge.Otherwise your action will be unobtainable(too high or too low to get it playable). I`m sure you would want it to be able to be adjusted right where you want it.
  7. Thanks hyunsu, I`m not from Korea,but that`s a great post. I believe half of us could not pump out the amount of product for time vs. dollar and come close to the quality in volume.
  8. It seemed lighter than I thought,but I wouldn`t know. Can you tell from the earlier pictures in my other photo albums?
  9. Isn`t it the greatest cowbell player of all time on "Don`t fear the Reaper"/B.O.C.?
  10. What`s korina? i think he wanted to know whether the wood was korina... It`s all mahogany
  11. I have some wood that I don`t remember what I paid. Is there a definite body shape?
  12. ....and I forgot, WELCOME to the forum Helliumbrz
  13. Yeah,Draw a line representing sideview of your guitar.Scale out where the end of the fingerboard comes and where your bridge goes.Measure the height of the bridge and mark it above the surface line.Then,deduct the height of your fingerboard.From the end of the fingerboard to the mark scribe your line. That is your neck angle.
  15. ...with no headstock, a bolt neck and threaded brass inserts for the neck bolts so you could take it apart and pack it when you travel. I need one! -Sven It`s only 31" long and fits in the Fernandez Gig bag by Coffin.The Bag has shoulder straps and a waist belt like a backpack.I took it on my motorcycle to work.
  16. What is the best way to paint a guitar in the flat position for metallic colors? Should I lay it flat on cardboard or a little in the air on top of something or should I try to hang it horizontal? Any recommendations? ... on technique? ... for the sides?
  17. Thanks Derek, Yeah,it took me about three hours to tape off.It`s going to be hit or miss. I don`t know how it`s going to come out. I don`t even know if it was wise to do.I havn`t seen inlays in a painted surface yet.
  18. This is not a travel guitar.It will be my main axe.25 1/2" scale. It just looks small with no headstock and small body. I have two coats of grain filler 1 can of sand and sealer,sanding between coats 2 coats of B.I.N.S. primer. I taped over the abalone logo before spraying. guitar progress
  19. I`m sorry . I did get a Fernandez gig bag for $14.99 at Musicians Friend.It fits my headless guitar project perfectly.It is a Coffin gig bag with the coffin liner interior.
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